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The Conceptual Foundations of the Concept of "National Worldview"
Annotation: This system analyzes the worldview guidelines and values that are formed in the sociogeographical environment of a well-known community. The anthropocentric basis of the concept of «national worldview» is the activity of people, lifestyle, way of thinking, the spiritual world of people, behavior, customs, customs, geographical environment surrounding this person, theП are also related to socio-political conditions, the real business of people. The specificity of the mentality of each nation is the specificity inherent in the same ethnic group, in the close connection of a person with the environment, with the affairs and behavior of people, with the system of thinking. The difference in such factors is related to the specifics of each environment, the systems of thinking and behavior characteristic of ethnic groups, for example, the mentality of the Kazakhs cannot be compared with the mentality of European peoples formed according to the Western model. The methods of scientific and methodological description and comparative analysis were used. The «national worldview» of the Kazakh people is formed in a special way, therefore it cannot be studied using Western-style principles and platforms.
Year of release: 2024
Number of the journal: 3(95)
Heading: Humanities

Features of the Translation of Medical Text from English into Russian
Annotation: In the issue of translating medical texts, there are a number of issues that require detailed study. First of all, the translation of these texts requires the translator to have the knowledge and skills to carry out a competent and adequate translation, characterized by accuracy, clarity, concreteness without any ambiguity and inconsistency. Moreover, the creation of a qualified translation requires not only linguistic, but also substantive, actually medical knowledge from the specialist performing it, who knows terminological vocabulary and knows the peculiarities of translating this kind of vocabulary. The authors are aiming at identifying and define the features of the translation of terminological vocabulary. There are a few methods used in the paper such as analysis, synthesis, generalization, comparative analysis. Translation of medical texts is the translation from one language into another of specialized medical publications and private texts, the content of which is directly related to human health. Medical texts are characterized by such features as synonymy of terms, specialized medical terminology (including international), medical abbreviations and abbreviations. There are several ways to translate medical terms, such as searching for dictionary matches, transcribing, transliteration, calculus, descriptive translation, contextual substitution, concretization, generalization, and the reception of lexical additions.
Year of release: 2024
Number of the journal: 3(95)
Heading: Humanities

Scientific Heritage of Berikbay Sagyndykuly: Contribution to the Development of Turkology
Annotation: Main problem: The main problem of the paper is the need to analyze the richness of linguistic sources in the scientific works by Berikbay Sagyndykuly and their relevance for modern communication. Purpose: The purpose of writing the paper is to study and demonstrate the role of language sources in the scientific works by Berikbay Sagyndykuly, as well as their importance for effective communication in modern society. Methods: The following methods were used in the paper: text analysis – to identify and systematize linguistic sources in the works by Berikbay Sagyndykuly. Content analysis is used to study the topic and frequency of use of language sources in the context of modern communication. Results and significance: show that the text of ancient writing studied in the works by Berikbay Sagyndykuly not only enrich the linguistic heritage, but also have a significant impact on the understanding of modern social problems. The significance of the study lies in its ability to demonstrate how linguistic and cultural heritage can contribute to the development of civic patriotism and the maintenance of social values among young people, which in turn contributes to strengthening social unity and well-being in the country.
Year of release: 2024
Number of the journal: 3(95)
Heading: Humanities

The Relevance of Information and Communication Technologies in Modern Educational Practice
Annotation: Modern education faces the need for constant updating and adaptation to new realities. One of the key problems is to improve the efficiency of the educational process Тo assess the impact of information and communication technologies on the quality of education in a comprehensive school. Research methods to achieve this goal, a comprehensive analysis of scientific literature was conducted, as well as practical research within the educational process: a survey of teachers and students, action research to compare the results of lessons conducted using digital technologies and with traditional teaching methods. Вестник Инновационного Евразийского университета. 2024. № 3 ISSN 2709-3077 29 Results and their significance the study showed that the use of information and communication technologies in the educational process allows: to increase student motivation, individualize learning - information and communication technologies allow you to create personalized learning trajectories for each student, taking into account their pace and characteristics of information perception. Another important result is the ability to develop digital competencies necessary for a successful life in modern society. Finally, the use of information and communication technologies allows for a more in-depth and comprehensive study of educational material, and also provides feedback between teacher and student, which leads to an improvement in the quality of education.
Year of release: 2024
Number of the journal: 3(95)

Theoretical study of the problem of adaptation to crisis situations in primary school students
Annotation: Main problem: In the latest Addresses of President Kassym-Jomart Tokayev to the people of Kazakhstan it is indicated that “systemic problems in education. Crises of mental development, age and life crises are widely represented in a variety of psychological studies. The gap, the contradiction between the actual and potential forms of coexistence create, according to various scientists, the phenomenon of a crisis, when a child, a youth, an adult strive for something, not knowing what their heart desires. Age crises accompany a person throughout life. For some they pass smoothly, for others they are very difficult. The form, duration and severity of crisis situations can vary depending on the individual characteristics of a person, social conditions, and the peculiarities of upbringing in the family. Age crisis situations are natural and necessary for development. A more realistic life position that arises as a result of such crises helps a person to find a new, relatively stable form of relationships with the outside world. Life crisis situations are the subject of close attention of psychologists. Dividing human life into periods, stages, they draw attention to the difficulties of transition from one stage to another. Purpose: to consider the problems of adaptation to crisis situations in primary school students. Methods: the method of ascending from the abstract to the concrete, the method of transforming concrete images of objects based on their abstract essence, the speculative language of schematic images of thought. Results, their significance: in relation to life and the world of activity, a person's personal potential is manifested in actions in the positions of «individual», «student» and «subject». Certainty in thinking is given by the use of vectors of movement in the logic of descending from the concrete to the abstract, ascending from the abstract to the concrete, as well as in their combination
Year of release: 2024
Number of the journal: 3(95)

Peculiarities of Parent-child Relationships in Complete and Incomplete Families
Annotation: Main problem: at the current stage of social development, the role of the family is significantly increasing. Family well-being affects both the level of social welfare and the psychological environment in which children are brought up. In psychological studies of family life, special attention is paid to issues of interpersonal relationships, especially between parents and children at preschool age. It is during this period that the development of relations between the child and parents, their connection becomes more important and significant, when there is a restructuring and strengthening of intra-family relations. This is caused not only by age characteristics, but also by modern social processes. The complication of relations between parents and children at preschool age requires special attention to the search for appropriate psychological and pedagogical methods of managing this process. Purpose: substantiation of identification of features of parent-child relationships in complete and incomplete families. Methods: method of ascent from the abstract to the concrete, method of transformation of concrete images of objects based on their abstract essence, speculative language of schematic images of thought. Results and their significance: in relation to life and the world of activity, a person's personal potential is manifested in actions in the positions of «individual», «student» and «subject», and the formation of personality begins with the family. Certainty of thinking is given by the use of vectors of movement in the logic of descent from the concrete to the abstract, ascent from the abstract to the concrete, as well as in their combination.
Year of release: 2024
Number of the journal: 3(95)

Legal Education Aspects Among the youth in the Republic of Kazakhstan
Annotation: The main problem: The development of theoretical aspects of legal education, legal awareness. Organizational forms of legal education. Forms and methods of education of legal awareness, legal culture. Features of the formation of legal culture in the modern period. Problems of improving legal culture and legal education. Legal education forms a sense of confidence and independence in the legal sphere among the population of the state, thereby stimulating the legal activity of an individual, which presupposes voluntary, conscious, proactive, socially and morally responsible human behavior. Purpose: The article deals with the legal education of modern youth. The means of forming a legal culture are the promotion of law, the development of legal knowledge among citizens, the practical strengthening of the rule of law, the presence of a strong legal science, the improvement of the system of legal acts, which is achieved due to the presence in the state of a democratic, effective constitution and high legal and technical-legal quality of laws and by-laws. Methods: Methodology of the study. The methodological basis of the study was made up of: generally recognized methods of scientific research of the phenomena of reality in their interrelation and interdependence both at the theoretical level (systemic, comparative legal, formal legal, historical methods of analysis, etc.) and at the empirical level (statistical analysis, questionnaires, research of documents, printed publications); the main provisions of the theory of criminal law, ethics, philosophy, psychology; rules of formal logic. The results and their significance: In this regard, there is a need to create a Republican Center for Legal Education at the Institute of State and Law, which will provide scientific research on the problems of legal education and upbringing, the development of the content and methodology of legal education at all levels of continuing education of students.
Author: A.S. Satkenov
Year of release: 2024
Number of the journal: 1(93)
Heading: Law

Criminal Legal Characteristics of Subjects of Crimes Against Morality
Annotation: The main problem is the relevance of the research topic. The history of the development of civilization shows that law and morality as components of the spiritual culture of society are organically linked to each other. The legal system of any state enshrines the moral requirements and moral principles that are vital for the whole society. When creating norms or improving them, the legislator must take into account the state of the public moral culture of the population so that the laws being developed are fair and perceived by members of society. Purpose: The purpose of the study is the further theoretical development of a set of criminal law issues related to determining the place of morality in the system of objects of criminal law protection, their role in the system of measures to combat crime, as well as the development on this basis of proposals and recommendations for improving criminal legislation regulating liability for attacks on public morality. Methods: Methodology and methodology of the study. The methodological basis of the study was made up of: generally recognized methods of scientific research of the phenomena of reality in their interrelation and interdependence both at the theoretical level (systemic, comparative legal, formal legal, historical methods of analysis, etc.) and at the empirical level (statistical analysis, questionnaires, research of documents, printed publications); the main provisions of the theory of criminal law, ethics, philosophy, psychology; rules of formal logic. The results and their significance: The stated circumstances, as well as the lack of elaboration and discussion of most of the provisions related to the modern legal regulation of crimes against public morality and their qualifications, determined the choice of the research topic. Crimes against morality are mostly committed intentionally. For example, involvement in prostitution, the organization of brothels for prostitution or maintenance, as well as other types of criminal acts directed against humanity (morality), are committed with direct intent. A person who organizes and maintains brothels for prostitution is aware that he is doing this for profit. Among the crimes committed against humanity (morality), animal abuse is committed mainly out of hooligan motives.
Author: S.T. Iksatova
Year of release: 2024
Number of the journal: 1(93)
Heading: Law

Constitutional Status of the Presidents of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the USA
Annotation: The article provides a comparative legal analysis of the constitutional statuses of the Presidents of the Republic of Kazakhstan (ROK) and the United States. The study was conducted according to the relevant provisions of the Constitution of the studied countries and according to the criteria: form of placement; form of government; presidential elections and powers; censorship established for presidential candidates, etc. The peculiarities of the legal status of the institution of the presidency of these countries were noted, including the following issues: participation in the formation of the upper house of the Parliament, ministries and other government bodies; interaction with the Parliament and judicial branches of the Government; powers in the field of defense and security; international relations; lawmaking, etc. Purpose: to reveal the content of the legal status of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, to reveal the doctrinal, specific, normative legal status of the head of state, to analyze the features of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, his normative and actual status. The article evaluates the constitutional and legal status of the President of Kazakhstan in relation to the administrative and legal status, analyzes the status positions of the ‘President’ as the head of the state and the highest official performing the functions of public administration in the context of constitutional foundations. Methodology: the methodological basis of the research as well as the work is based on a set of scientific methods of phenomena cognition: comparative Jurisprudence, the method of dogmatic analysis of legal acts, etc., which made it possible to identify the problems of the constitutional and legal status of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, to establish the fact of combining elements of the super-presidential form of the government. The results and their significance: therefore, based on the results of a comparison between the presidential institutions of the United States and Kazakhstan, the right to address the Parliament, the participation of the Senate in the appointment, approval, election of officials proposed by the President, the right of veto, the General Command of the Armed Forces, one person cannot be a president for more than two consecutive terms.
Year of release: 2024
Number of the journal: 1(93)
Heading: Law

Electronic Financial Services Market in RK: Problems and Prospects of Development
Annotation: Main problem: At the present stage of life, Innovations in the financial sector contribute to the optimization of financial intermediation and, in turn, stimulate economic growth. Financial innovations increase the efficiency of the allocation of savings capital to investment capital, as well as increase liquidity in the markets. As the digital economy has developed, the functionality of traditional large financial institutions has been partially replaced by financial technologies (FinTech). FinTech involves the convergence of traditional financial services with mobile services, social media services, big data aggregation and processing, and cloud technologies. Purpose of this article is to identify the main directions of the electronic financial services market in the Republic of Kazakhstan, identify the main problems and prospects for the development of the financial sector of the economy. Methods: The work used general scientific methods of comparative system, vertical and horizontal analysis, structural and functional method, analytical techniques, economic and statistical research methods. The results and their significance: the authors identified the main directions of digitalization of the financial sector of the modern economy, noted the role of FinTech companies and services in both theoretical and practical terms, and provided relevant approaches to the definition of this concept in the economic literature. The main reasons and factors for the development of this direction of digitalization of the financial sector are substantiated, including the concept of financial accessibility, the advantages and disadvantages of FinTech, various approaches to their classification, country and regional characteristics, and an analysis of development trends. The crowdfunding direction of FinTech is noted, approaches to its definition and classification are given, the advantages of the crowdfunding mechanism are revealed, and its role in the modern economy is analyzed. The trend of algorithmic trading development as the most important direction of digitalization of the financial sector is investigated. A detailed analysis of mobile financial services as one of the fastest-growing areas of FinTech is carried out, approaches to their classification are given, factors stimulating the growth of mobile payments, country and regional characteristics are substantiated. The main directions of digitalization of the insurance sector are analyzed, reasonable conclusions about the advantages of InsurTech are made.
Year of release: 2024
Number of the journal: 1(93)