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Bulletin of the Innovative University of Eurasia

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Urbanization impact on ethnical and cultural processes
Annotation: In the article the traditional social and cultural values under urbanization are discussed, the trends in the development of ethno-cultural processes are characterized. On the basis of the sociological study the conservation of traditional rituals is especially analyzed, ethno cultural orientation and knowledge level of certain elements of national culture is identified. In our view, it is interesting to consider the transition of anthroponomy and other proper names in the category of urbanoniums. It is the process of the reflecting the historical, social, political and cultural transformation. It describes a certain historical period and helps to follow up the history of the city. Also urbanonims base the main source of linguistic and regional geographic research. So, some examples of urbanonims in Kazakh, Russian and English languages are given.
Author: N. Seitova
Year of release: 2015
Number of the journal: 2(58)
Heading: Humanities

Imagotype of a Jew: from Walter Scott to Nikolay Gogol
Annotation: Using the latest methods of one of comparative literature branches, i.e. imagology, the author investigates historical, cultural, sociological and psychological aspects of imagotype of a Jew in W. Scott’s novel “Ivanhoe” and N.Gogol’s novel “Taras Bulba”.
Author: T. Levytska
Year of release: 2015
Number of the journal: 2(58)
Heading: Humanities

Role of a proverb and saying in the Kazakh literature
Annotation: Proverbs and sayings are the expressions taken from literary works used by people as well as well-aimed sayings which express deep and wise meaning. The authors present the analysis of proverbs and sayings and their role in the literature. Knowledge of people on the world around and household life is expressed in them as well as the short and emphatic result of long-term andsometimes centuries-old supervisions is given
Year of release: 2015
Number of the journal: 2(58)
Heading: Humanities

Psycholinguistic experiment as a mean to define communicative adaptation of foreigners in Kazakhstan
Annotation: Detection of communicative adaptation of foreigners in Kazakhstan using associative experiment of psycholinguistic experiment is disclosed in this article. The run of experiment is descripted in details. It includes preparatory stage, making the experiment and post-experiment data processing. Conclusion about the degree of every respondent’s adaptability in Kazakhstan is given in the end of the article.
Year of release: 2015
Number of the journal: 2(58)
Heading: Humanities

Folklore is a the of art
Annotation: This article examines folklore patterns and current issues of folklore studies. Folklore has arisen in connection with public life, work and struggle of people for their independence. Lifestyle of a nation imposed an indelible mark on the ideological and artistic content of folklore of the Kazakh people. It is necessary to cultivate in children folklore patterns since infanthood.
Year of release: 2015
Number of the journal: 2(58)
Heading: Humanities

Antimicrobial effects of natural honey
Annotation: This article is written in line with the important questions on antimicrobial effects of natural honey against gram-positive bacteria to reveal the therapeutic properties. These circumstances demonstrate the medical and social significance of solving the science-oriented task of developing high-quality pharmaceutical product on the basis of honey as well as its application not only as a preventive and medicinal agent to treat many illnesses but also as in beauty treatment.
Year of release: 2015
Number of the journal: 2(58)
Heading: Natural sciences

Integral transformations method in soil freezing problems
Annotation: The method of integral transformations is used to study the process of bodies heating and cooling. As a result of theoretical calculations the regime of soil freezing depending on the ambient temperature was established. Laplace transformation is practically used to determing patterns temperature of constructed concrete dams, building grounds
Year of release: 2015
Number of the journal: 2(58)

Development of traing web portal for web-sites creation
Annotation: In the article the analysis of the author’s educational information system for web-sites creation is presented. This system contains the electronic course acquainting the user with bases of web programming and popular Content management systems (CMS) such as WordPress, OpenCart. Use of turnkey system for development of web-sites reduces financial and time expenditure for its crestion because the most part of necessary functions is already done by CMS.
Author: D.E. Tsapenko
Year of release: 2015
Number of the journal: 2(58)

Influence of temperature on the catalytic properties of Pd-PEG / ZnO catalyst
Annotation: This article contains the most optimum temperature requirements for hydrogenation reaction by Pd- PEG/ZnO catalyst. Works of some foreign authors have been investigated due to to create catalysts for the preparation of which energy consumption will be negligible and the catalyst activity will remain the same.
Year of release: 2015
Number of the journal: 2(58)

Using new generation e-books in high school educational process, including faculty of teachers’ development
Annotation: The article describes that the effective management of the learning process new textbooks using need to create a model of teacher action. The created model explicitly takes into account the objectives, methods, learning outcomes. With its help solve the problem of the knowledge of the student. And the problem of managing the cognitive activity is settled.
Year of release: 2015
Number of the journal: 2(58)