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Number of results: 65

Рerfection of the design procedure of the design of the drum of the bridge crane with application of program module t-flex the analysis

In clause questions of perfection of a design procedure of a design of a drum of the bridge crane with application of program module T-FLEX the Analysis are considered

Author: P.A. Logvinenko
Year of release: 2012
Number of the journal: 4(48)


Scientific bases of normalization and the organization of work are determined, the basic conditions of development of the technically substantiated norms of expenses of work with application of the basic kinds of normative supervision are considered.

Year of release: 2011
Number of the journal: 4(44)

Pedagogical conditions of personality-oriented technology training use in proffesional education

Pedagogical conditions to use a learner-centered learning technology in the vocational education of students based on the work experience of the Agrotechnical University in training future specialists of different educational systems are considered in the article. The organization of students’ learning activity based on learner-centered learning technology application has a significant influence on students’ personality development in the vocational education of students. The analysis of famous scientists’ concepts in this field as well as the analysis of traditional and modern paradigms in education is presented in the article. These directions make a contribution to determination of positive pedagogical conditions for a learner-centered learning technology.

Year of release: 2015
Number of the journal: 2(58)

Waste-heat recovery of turbine condenser water Method

One of the directions of energy saving is the application of heat pumps by means of which it is possible to use low-potential, usually waste heat. The question of the possibility of using heat pumps in thermal power plants is considered in the present article. Also a diagram of possible use in thermal power stations of low-grade waste heat with heat pump installation is presented in the article.

Author: А.P. Plevako
Year of release: 2015
Number of the journal: 2(58)

Antimicrobial effects of natural honey

This article is written in line with the important questions on antimicrobial effects of natural honey against gram-positive bacteria to reveal the therapeutic properties. These circumstances demonstrate the medical and social significance of solving the science-oriented task of developing high-quality pharmaceutical product on the basis of honey as well as its application not only as a preventive and medicinal agent to treat many illnesses but also as in beauty treatment.

Year of release: 2015
Number of the journal: 2(58)
Heading: Natural sciences

Theoretical aspects of the social and psychological health

The paper presents a description of the nature and content of the social psychological health of the family and its main indicators, the basic laws of the development of social psychological health of the family. On the basis of the psychological analysis of the conditions of life and well-being in the basic functions of life are revealed properties, levels of social psychological health of the family. In the above method of diagnosing mental health of the family sets out the scope, procedure diagnostic approaches to the study of her condition, are considered diagnostic problems obtaining psychological information about the family, the practical application of methods of diagnosis of mental health of the family, as well as data processing and interpretation, the formation of the diagnosis and recommendations.

Year of release: 2015
Number of the journal: 3(59)

Development of agricultural biotechnology in Kazakhstan

In the article the main issues and trends of agricultural biotechnology development in Kazakhstan, prospects of biotechnology application in the production of agro-industrial complex of the country have been considered. Data has been presented on: what researches are being carried out by scientific organizations in the field of agricultural biotechnology with attraction of leading foreign scientists and scientific organizations; what recommendations for technologies have been developed and what new biotechnological products have been created in all branches. Promising technologies in the field of biotechnologies in AIC for Kazakhstan as well as keys to the success in the development of science and technologies in AIC have been indicated.

Year of release: 2015
Number of the journal: 3(59)

Social advertising as a fragment of social and cultural life of the community

The scientific article gives definitions of such terms as “public service advertising”, “discourse of public service advertising”. It also includes their descriptions, peculiarities and the sphere of their application. The article defines the goals and objectives of public service advertising, analyzes the classification of social advertising. The scientific article analyzes some scientific works of scholars who studied social advertising as communicative phenomenon, as well as the characteristics of social advertising that reflects society’s culture and its life.

Year of release: 2015
Number of the journal: 3(59)
Heading: Humanities

The efficiency of the cavitation technology for autonomous heating systems

This article discusses some of the practical application of cavitation technologies in autonomous heating systems, attached elementary economic calculation. The modern achievements and cavitation vortex heat generators, principle of operation and types of such equipment. Marked positive and negative aspects of installation and operation of heat generators. A comparative analysis of the economic calculation of seasonal operating costs of the vortex heater as auxiliary heating systems and district heating tariffs for Pavlodar.

Author: V.M. Afanasev
Year of release: 2016
Number of the journal: 1(61)

Application of the "Step by Step" technology in the teaching of younger schoolchildren as a means of improving the quality of education

The renewal of the paradigm of 12-year education is associated with the formation of key competencies in students that help to learn, understand and develop the world around. The developed set of tasks is designed to develop the need to transform educational material with the aim of improving the quality of education. This material is compiled in accordance with the age characteristics of primary school students, is aimed at organizing the processes of mastering new ways of acting, which will contribute to the formation of educational and cognitive activities. The issues discussed in the article will allow us to implement a competence approach in the education of students. The tasks presented in the article are intended to activate the educational motivation, the organization of independent cognitive activity, contribute to the systematization and objectification of the processes of monitoring and evaluation of educational activities.

Year of release: 2016
Number of the journal: 3(63)

Activation of educational activity of schoolchildren of 6–7 classes by means of application of informatively-communicative technologies (evidence from history lessons)

In this article the question connected with the activation of cognitive activity of students. It one of issues of the day on the modern stage of development of pedagogical theory and practice. An author exposes development of activity, independence, initiativeness, creative approach to the thing, these are the requirements of life, qualificatory that direction in that it is necessary to perfect an educational process in a great deal. Searches of ways of development of schoolchildren’s activation of cognitive activity, developing their cognitive flairs and independence is a task that teachers are called to decide. The use of ICТ, that allows to activate thinking, ability to offer the variants of vision of problem, question, themes in the narrow and wide understanding and participating in the discussion are examined in the article. It helps to improve quality education, forms a culture, aesthetic skills of students, develop attention, memory. All this has a practical orientation in different areas and spheres of activity of student. Information technologies, examined in this scientific article as a process of the use of totality of facilities, methods of collection, treatment and communication of data - assists working off at the methods of students of actions, helps forming of processes of self-government of personality, will transform an effectively-practical sphere and carries out the emotionally-semantic going near the study of questions, that discussions, professional orientation.

Year of release: 2016
Number of the journal: 3(63)

Graphic activity as a means of increasing the efficiency of the formation activity in the primary school age

The article is devoted to improve the efficiency of the formation activity in the early school years. In particular, it discloses approaches graphic activity as a means of increasing the activity. The article describes the manifestation of activity in various areas, the problem of its formation. We describe the types of activity in the early school years, which have different levels of development. The authors have examined the application of the system of graphic activity in the educational process, as a means to improve the efficiency of the formation activity.

Year of release: 2016
Number of the journal: 3(63)

Demographic processes in the Republic of Kazakhstan and their peculiarities

The presented article examines the demographic processes taking place in the Republic of Kazakhstan, which characterize the demographic situation in Kazakhstan. And also the objectives and tasks of the state, the main of which is the management of demographic processes and development of the effective type of population reproduction are considered. The population policy covers a wide range of problems of reproductivity, the creation of the composition and structure of labor resources and their effective application. In a narrow sense, the demographic policy should be understood as the impact on the reproductivity by means of socio-economic activities that affect the demographic processes. The dramatically limited resources make it impossible to solve the government control problems of socio-demographic processes, employment, and unemployment in the required degree.

Year of release: 2016
Number of the journal: 2(62)
Heading: Social sciences

The models of dual education and the experience of their application in the Republic of Kazakhstan

In the article existed in foreign practice models of dual education and the experience of their application in the education system of the Republic of Kazakhstan and Pavlodar region are considered.

Year of release: 2017
Number of the journal: 1(65)

Research and methodical basis of information and communication technologies in the teaching of mathematics

The article deals with the application of information and communication technologies in the teaching of mathematics. These technologies contribute to the development of independent thinking, help to rationally use time, form interdisciplinary communication.

Author: K.E. Tasybaeva
Year of release: 2017
Number of the journal: 1(65)
Heading: Natural sciences

The application of combinatorics to the solution of certain tasks

This article reveals the possibility of solving life situations with combinatorial coefficients and shows the practicality of applying formulas on the theory of probability and mathematical statistics. The solution of tasks with combinatorial coefficients consists mainly in the decomposition of these coefficients by the basic formulas and their manipulations.

Year of release: 2017
Number of the journal: 1(65)
Heading: Natural sciences

Internet marketing as an instrument to improve business performance

The article deals with the essence and content of Internet marketing as one of the modern tools to improve business performance. The sphere of application of Internet marketing tools and technologies and the statistics of their effectiveness evaluation in foreign practice of business structures are considered. The main methods used in the preparation of the article are methods of statistical and analytical analysis and graphical interpretation of results, an analytical review of foreign experience in using Internet marketing as a modern business tool. The information component of the article, conclusions and recommendations are aimed at determining an effective business model within the digital market based on Internet marketing.

Year of release: 2017
Number of the journal: 2(66)

Development of measures to increase the efficiency of flue gas cleaning on electrofilters of “EEC” JSC

This article considers the theoretical application of measures to increase the efficiency of electrofilters installed at the electric power plant of "EEC" JSC. The author has identified the reason for the inability to achieve the efficiency of electrofilters close to 100%. Methods for increasing the efficiency of electrofilters for equipment installed at the electric power plant of "EEC" JSC are considered.

Author: V.Е. Sidorenko
Year of release: 2017
Number of the journal: 2(66)

Determination of the effectiveness of the use of a biological preparation «Bacticide» in combating gnat

The proposed article presents the results of a study of the effectiveness of the application of the biological preparation «Bacticide» to combat blood-sucking insects. The relevance of the topic is due to the enzooticity of a significant part of the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan for various natural-focal diseases. The carriers of many diseases are blood-sucking arthropods, which provide circulation of pathogens in nature and serve as their reservoirs and long-term custodians. The study of ecologo-epizootological features of vectors of medical significance in various infectious diseases is an important part of the work in the complex of antiepidemic measures.

Year of release: 2017
Number of the journal: 4(68)

Development of mobile application "Bayan" for Android operating system

The article describes the advantages of mobile applications, which are actual means of providing information. The statistics of common mobile operating systems are given. The developed mobile application "Bayan"is described. The advantages of the developed application for the user are shown.

Year of release: 2017
Number of the journal: 4(68)

The algorithm of work on a project at a lesson of foreign language in secondary education stage

In conditions of updating the content of education, the application of the project methodology becomes relevant, as new educational goals aimed at putting theoretical knowledge into practice are gaining importance. Using the project method will allow to update educational and cognitive activities and to activate the student as a subject of this activity. The article discusses the stages of work on the project method and the role of the teacher in the process of organizing the project

Year of release: 2018
Number of the journal: 3(71)

Particularities of dental stem cells types

The article is devoted to the actual problem of tooth loss and solving the problem through the development of tissue engineering. Tissue engineering is a set of methods and procedures aimed at the regeneration of biological tissues. It includes a triad of basic elements: stem cells, extracellular matrix or scaffold, growth factors and signaling pathways. An important role in solving the existing problems is associated with stem cells. Dental stem cells are capable of self-renewal and differentiation. Based on the analysis, it was found that each type of dental stem cells has its own characteristics and applications not only in dentistry, but also in other areas of medicine.

Year of release: 2018
Number of the journal: 4(72)
Heading: Natural sciences

Application of graph theory in the classical theory of the structure of substances

The study of the structure of matter is one of the main tasks of chemistry. The problem can be solved with the help of graph theory, which allowed us to find an unexpected way to solve our logical problem. Thus, the aim of our article was to master the theory of graphs for constructing the structural formulas of organic compounds. Prediction of chemical reactions, the possibility of systematization and study of the essence of basic chemical concepts, such as structure, configuration of atoms and molecules, confirmation, isomerism, and, undoubtedly, the quantum-mechanical basis of the interaction of molecules, all this is possible using chemical graphs. Graph theory allows a non-standard way to approach the problem of constructing the structural formulas of molecules of organic compounds.

Year of release: 2018
Number of the journal: 4(72)
Heading: Natural sciences

Current state and development trends of nanotechnology in the Republic of Kazakhstan

Nanotechnology is a field of fundamental and applied science and technology dealing with a combination of theoretical substantiation, practical methods of research, analysis and synthesis, as well as methods for the production and application of products with a given atomic structure through controlled manipulation of individual atoms and molecules. In the Address of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan to the people of Kazakhstan Strategy "Kazakhstan-2050" New political course of the state, the leader of the nation, N.A. Nazarbayev, defines 10 tasks that Kazakhstan faces, one of which is the transition of Kazakhstan to the third industrial revolution. Nanotechnology is one of the branches of the industrial revolution. In the modern world, over the past few years, there has been a rapid development of nanotechnology. The peculiarity of nanotechnology lies in the possibility of their application in an unlimited sphere; therefore they are the basis for a completely new technological order of the economy. Сonsequently, its development in the country is regarded as a particularly important sphere of science. Usage of nanotechnology products will save on raw materials and energy consumption, reduce emissions to the atmosphere and, as a result, will contribute to sustainable economic development.

Year of release: 2018
Number of the journal: 4(72)

Determination of the effectiveness of the use of a biological preparation «Bacticide» in the fight against the pestilence

According to our research, the effectiveness of the biological preparation «Bacticide» to combat blood-sucking insects is 80-95 %. The effectiveness of the application depends on the location of insects and weather conditions. According to the instructions, «Bacticide» is an environmentally friendly development, as the preparation does not contain chemical preservatives. «Bacticide» means has all the permits documentation, it is registered and allowed for use in the countries of the customs union.In the Pavlodar region and in the future it was decided to use the biological preparation «Bacticide» in the fight against the gnus

Year of release: 2018
Number of the journal: 4(72)

Electronic textbooks on Informatics in the current state of education

Currently, the system of secondary education is moving to the updated content of education, accompanied by a change of the state educational standards, standard curricula, educational and methodical complex. The article notes the special importance of the course of Informatics in the system of secondary education in modern conditions, an attempt is made to analyze the developed electronic applications in Informatics for students of 3, 6, 8 classes

Year of release: 2019
Number of the journal: 1(73)
Heading: Social sciences

Research in the development of an adaptive and multifunctional online store

The article is available the problem of developing an online store. National statistics of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2018. The advantage of the developed online store "EComKZ" and client-server application "EComQazaqstan". Services from Google companies are described, NoSQL databases are reviewed, and tools for creating an online store are provided.

Year of release: 2019
Number of the journal: 1(73)

The issue of practical application of case technology in foreign language classes

The article deals with problem-situational learning using cases as a form of foreign language classes. The features of the case-method implementation in the educational process at English lessons are considered. The analysis of requirements to development and application of a method of cases in educational process is carried out. Examples of the use of situational tasks in the educational process are given.

Year of release: 2019
Number of the journal: 4(76)

Development of web-site interface on WordPress platform

The article discusses the advantage of WordPress CMS platform for web site development. The development of the interface of the website of the online store and the software code related to the functional part of the site is described. It also shows the activation, installation and configuration of the plugin. The article analyzes the latest technologies for creating an online store based on the site and mobile application.

Year of release: 2019
Number of the journal: 4(76)

Application of civil law

The article discusses the concept of civil law, its application in the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The application of civil legislation throughout the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the application of civil legislation by analogy, unless otherwise provided by law. Attention is paid to the main sources of civil law and the application of existing civil law in the space

Author: Zh.Zh. Talipova
Year of release:
Number of the journal:
Heading: Social sciences

Current Issues of Probation Application in the Kyrgyz Republic

In this article, the author explores the current problems of using the probation Institute in the Kyrgyz Republic. The author of the article emphasizes that the activity of the probation service involves close interdepartmental interaction of state bodies, local self-government bodies and local state administrations with penal institutions and probation clients. In addition, the article notes that at the present stage in Kyrgyzstan, the probation Institute is not developed enough in comparison with foreign countries, despite its effectiveness and social demand.

Author: A.K. Ermatova
Year of release:
Number of the journal:
Heading: Social sciences

On some aspects of the project-based approach in the context of increasing the efficiency of economic development

The article discusses various aspects of project management, which is one of the most effective tools and allows you to skillfully take into account various factors, as a result of which the reliability of implementing successful changes and achieving goals in all types of professional activities increases. In Kazakhstan, project management dates back to the 1990s, but the real practical application of this management tool is observed at the beginning of this century. According to the authors, one of the key problems of widespread implementation and use of the project approach in the private and public sectors is the lack of information and methodological support for the development of this area. The purpose of this study is to systematize the theoretical and methodological aspects of project management in the context of improving the quality and efficiency of economic decisions. Any project is a change that is caused by the creation of innovations and the corresponding investment and other resources, on the one hand, and on the other hand, is implemented in conditions of high uncertainty and risks. The research uses the following methods: comparative analysis, a systematic approach based on which General and specific features of project management are identified, as well as abstract-logical. In the context of globalization, modern management principles require a team approach to solve problems aimed at achieving the strategic goals of companies, organizations and States, as well as ensuring continuous improvement of business processes, implementing any changes of a socio-economic, organizational or other nature. The processes that ensure an effective transition to project technologies, as well as important components of the project approach from the point of view of achieving project goals are identified. It is shown that project management is especially widely used in private companies. Currently, this tool is being actively implemented in the management system of state structures in different countries. The significance of the research results lies in the fact that knowledge about the project approach is generally recognized scientific direction, which is characterized as an independent sphere of professional activity and a system of lean management aimed at improving the economic efficiency of implemented projects. In General, despite the noticeable activation of project management promotion processes in Kazakhstan, it should be noted that an important task is to transfer modern technologies of the project approach as a tool for innovative development to all spheres of life of the Kazakh society.

Year of release: 2020
Number of the journal: 3(79)

Study of the effectiveness of applied standards in railway transport

The article describes the results of a study of the effectiveness of the standards being implemented in railway transport. A general view of efficiency and standardization was analyzed. It was studied which document regulates the application of standardization in the Republic of Kazakhstan. Further, the international railway standard IRIS «International Railway Industry Standard» was taken as a basis, which, in turn, is based on the international standard ISO 9001. A study of the methods and types of effectiveness of standards was carried out, as well as an analysis of the applied international standard in the field of railway transport IRIS. The purpose of this standard is to create a business management system that allows for continual improvement, with an emphasis on preventing and reducing delivery defects. It is important to note that the effectiveness of standardization is evidenced by examples showing that ignoring standards turns out to be huge losses for a company for a number of reasons, for example, because its products have not been certified for compliance with a specific standard; due to the additional costs of the company for reworking products that are not manufactured in accordance with the requirements of the standards in the country of export. An analysis of the effectiveness of standardization work in the railway industry can be expressed in relative terms of the effects obtained as a result of the application of the standard: for example, in an increase in the level of safety or in economic growth. The basis for determining the actual effect is the actual level of production that existed at the given enterprise before the introduction of the standard. The measures that can be applied in order to increase the efficiency of solving the problems of developing standardization in the field of railway transport have been studied. Such standardization as one of the elements of technical regulation can provide a contribution to economic growth in excess of the corresponding indicators from the introduction of patents and licenses.

Year of release: 2020
Number of the journal: 3(79)

The state of the penitentiary system in Kazakhstan: history and modernity

This scientific article examines the history of the emergence and development of this type of penitentiary institution such as a prison on the territory of Kazakhstan, an analysis of the punishment system, its content, goals, main directions of development, without which it is impossible to trace the process of formation of the system of execution of criminal punishments. The article notes that punishment, as a form of coercion, is widely used in solving social-class contradictions. Since the traditional Kazakh society was patriarchal-feudal, it was immanent in the coexistence of the institutions of the clan system (pre-class relations) and the feudal formation (class society), these phenomena did not acquire an antagonistic character. Herefore, in the pre-Russian period, there were no prisons on the territory of Kazakhstan. The article traces the origin, formation and development of the system of prison institutions in Kazakhstan in a historical and legal aspect. Based on a substantive study of this issue, the authors come to the conclusion that penitentiary institutions, like any other social institutions, have evolved in close connection with the needs of social development. The article clearly traces the application of the principle of universality of the general civilization approach in the implementation of the organizational and legal foundations of prison activities. Throughout the history of the development of the penitentiary system in Kazakhstan, the experience of advanced countries was taken into account. The authors believe that the practice of Soviet prisons of rigidly isolating the criminal from society has an insufficient corrective effect. After all, the very meaning of the term “poenitentiarius” (penitentiary) in Latin means “corrective”. In this regard, they propose amending the rules of the Criminal Procedure Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan in relation to prisons and include in its activities some fragments of the progressive system of imprisonment, taking into account the best practices of the developed democracies of the world.

Year of release: 2020
Number of the journal: 3(79)
Heading: Law

Initiation of pre-trial investigation in cases of kidnapping: essence and characteristics

In this article, the author examines the features of the pre-trial stage of the investigation in the investigation of kidnapping. The initial stage of the investigation consists of: starting a pre-trial investigation, conducting urgent investigative and procedural actions and attracting a person as a suspect. The initial stage of the investigation of a crime, including kidnapping, is crucial for the implementation of further qualitative and offensive investigation of criminal acts. The purpose of this article is to study the natureand features of the beginning of the pre-trial investigation of kidnapping. In the course of the study, the author used such methods of scientific research as: dialectical, system, method of qualitative and quantitative analysis, generalization and study of literary sources, comparative legal, historical-legal, system-structural and formal-logical methods, as well as the method of system analysis. Activities to identify signs of a crime must be considered through the prism of the beginning of a pretrial investigation. Currently, the beginning of a pre-trial investigation, from the point of view of criminology, refers to very specific types of organizational activities at the initial stage of the investigation of a kidnapping. The detection and investigation of kidnappings is highly complex, requiring law enforcement officials to maintain strict secrecy. If there is a reason provided for by the criminal procedure law to start a pre-trial investigation, the investigator or an employee of the body of inquiry is obliged to establish the presence of sufficient data indicating signs of kidnapping. To do this, it is necessary to carefully study the content of the application, compare the available factual data. The beginning of a pre-trial investigation should not be an end in itself of the activities of the pre-trial investigation bodies. At the same time, their offensive and proactive work on all received facts, information and operational materials is extremely important, because it is the embodiment of the active position of the law enforcement system inthe direction of preventing and suppressing possible illegal encroachments on personal freedom, including the suppression of those criminal actions that are in the stages of their preparation or beginning.

Year of release:
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Heading: Law

Residual chemical analysis of amines used as corrosion inhibitors

Main problem: Presence of acidic chemicals such as carbon dioxide and hydrogen sulphide, composition of production fluids triggers corrosion. Corrosion in oil and gas industry leads to deterioration of equipment since most of equipment is made of metal alloys. Application of inhibitors is one of the corrosion mitigation methods that needs to be controlled because it is important to identify optimal concentration of the chemicals in production fluids.Residual chemical analysis plays an important rolein identifying the appropriate dosage of corrosion inhibitors and its correction. It is imperative to find the most optimal concentration of amines due to the fact that both overdose and underdose could lead to equipment deterioration. The chemical analysis is hindered by complexity of mixtures that are applied in petroleum industry. Purpose: The main purpose of this article is to find out the most effective method of residual chemical analysis for inhibitors used against sweet and sour corrosion by studying and analyzing corresponding literature review. The analysis should be carried out with robust, sensitive, and accurate instrumentation. Methods :Theoretical study of composition and mechanism of amines used in oil and gas industry as corrosion inhibitors and selection of appropriate instrumental analytical techniques for the residual analysis. Results and their importance: After careful studying and consideration of modern instrumental analytical techniques the most optimal and efficient method in terms of robustness, time saving and cost was selected. Ion chromatography is an adequate method to carry out residual chemical analysis for amines that are used as inhibitors in oil and gas industry to prevent sweet and sour corrosion.

Author: Zh.S. Kassenova
Year of release:
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Methodological aspects of the technology of developing electronic textbooks

The widespread introduction of information technologies makes significant changes in various spheres of human activity. The education sector is no exception. In this regard, in this article, the author considers the actual problem of developing electronic textbooks and is one of the most relevant and promising areas of informatization of the educational process. The analysis of the works of scientists A.A. Andreev, A.I. Bashmakov, T.I. Koval, V.M. Kukharenko, E.S. Polat, P.I. Serdyukov, S.S. Sysoeva, A.Yu. Uvarova was conducted. These works contain requirements for the development of electronic textbooks. Based on the results of the analysis, the author described the stages of developing electronic textbooks, the principles that they should correspond to, and also provided a list of modules that should make up an electronic textbook. From the existing variety of software packages, the author distinguishes CourseLab, Smart Builder, MOS Solo, Google Sites, iSpring Suite, TurboSite, Adobe Animate, HTML5. The development of electronic textbooks based on the technology presented by the author of the article and their subsequent application in the educational process will help to organize the educational and cognitive activities of students at a more effective level. Purpose is the description of the technology for the development of electronic textbooks, taking into account existing requirements. The article uses methods of analysis, synthesis and deduction. The analysis of requirements and principles of development of electronic textbooks is carried out on the basis of the descriptive-analytical method. The practical result of the proposed technology is the developed electronic textbook "Development of mobile applications". The results of the study, in addition to their theoretical significance, also have practical significance, which consists in the positive dynamics in resolving the contradiction between the continuously increasing flow of information and the limited opportunities of students to assimilate it. The conscious use of electronic textbooks in the educational process is one of the fundamental ways to improve the quality of education by changing the methods of teaching used in the direction of individualization and focus on the student.

Author: E.V. Prokopets
Year of release:
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Modern pedagogical technologies in teaching a foreign language in primary school

The article describes modern pedagogical technologies of teaching a foreign language in primary school and examines their impact on the development of various competencies of primary school students. The authors emphasize that information and communication pedagogical technologies help to implement a student-centered approach to learning, provide individualization and differentiation of learning, taking into account the abilities of younger students, their level of education. And also modern pedagogical technologies as a systemic holistic means of restructuring activities make it possible to improve the quality of the educational process, to solve the problems of personality development. Purpose – analysis of modern educational technologies used in English lessons. The current system of training primary school teachers requires a revision of its structure, organization, relationship with school practice and innovative processes in the education system. Therefore, the article proves that an important part of the educational process should be the use of new pedagogical technologies in improving the quality of training of specialists at the university, providing the possibility of self-development of the teacher's personality, increasing his creative abilities and improving the educational process. The study used a descriptive method, analysis and synthesis methods. The authors of the article call the development of the student's personality (moral and cognitive) and the complex of abilities for successful interaction with the polycultural and multilingual world around him as the goal of foreign language education in primary grades. Therefore, it is important that the future primary school teacher, in accordance with the requirements of the state educational standard, has formed the knowledge, skills and abilities necessary for the application of modern pedagogical technologies. At the present time, when a new education system was created, focused on the world educational space, changes in the educational process changed the paradigm of education, updated the content of education, formed a new approach, new relationships. Keywords: technologies, competencies, multicultural, multilingual, English, modern education.

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Economic interests of the Republic of Kazakhstan as a state-legal institution: the concept and problems of implementation

Main problem: in the history of mankind there are many examples when the question of national interests remains unresolved. The category of "national interest" has firmly entered the modern political and scientific spheres of all countries of the world. Regardless of the level and nature of development, any country has certain national interests on which it should focus. Undoubtedly, these are economic interests. Future populations, whose state and national goals are not clearly defined, may be unplanned and fragmented. Consequently, it may be violently imposed on a foreign socio-political structure. Historical experience shows that the staging of specific problems can have a negative impact on the application and implementation of the necessary measures to prevent possible mistakes, to strengthen the security of the country. In order to make this article complete and exhaustive, it is necessary to pay attention to the concept of "concept", which reflects the active attitude of people to the surrounding world as the most important category. Purpose: The purpose of the study is to analyze the concept of economic security as a state-legal institution in the Republic of Kazakhstan. Methods: The following methods are used in the article: comparative-legal, system-structural, as well as the method of systematic analysis of needs. Results and their significance: Necessity, personal interests are one of the key links in the study of the essence of the social state. After all, the rule of law in its norms must express the social interests of man in life. These categories are intended to identify the indirect causes of social actions that lead to changes and additions in various spheres of public life. Every country has its own attractions. Interests are different. And the social group, and the team, and the individual combine their actions with their interests. Man interacts with it through its goal, which determines the interests of the environment. Therefore, at the level of common consciousness, a great value of interest is determined by individual actions and actions of people, as well as by mass historical events and phenomena. By looking at this issue in detail and analyzing its basic principles, we define the concept of economic interest. In order to ensure the economic security of Kazakhstan, it is necessary to rely on its own scientific and technological development, human and natural resources, that is, to decide on management in favor of domestic producers and ensure capital investment in priority sectors of the economy.

Author: Zh.B. Amanbai
Year of release:
Number of the journal:
Heading: Law

On the issue of the scope of application of labor legislation in the Republic of Kazakhstan

In this article, the authors consider the features of the scope of application of labor legislation. The authors note that the extent to which the norms of labor legislation apply to different types of labor relations varies. In this connection, the question of the scope of labor legislation, as well as the limits of its use in the settlement of labor relations of various categories of citizens, becomes relevant. The purpose of this article is to address issues related to the scope of application of labor legislation. In this study, the methods generally accepted in the legal science and the science of labor law is used. Thus, such general scientific methods as dialectical, system-structural, historical methods, as well as the method of comparative analysis were used. Among the special legal methods used, it is necessary to distinguish the formal legal method of scientific knowledge. The scope of the labor legislation is, first of all, the circle of public relations, a certain territory, as well as the circle of subjects to which its norms apply. The Labor Code cannot regulate all relations concerning the exercise of the right to work. This is the sphere of regulation of the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Labor legislation can regulate only those relations concerning the exercise of the right to work that arise on the basis of an employment contract. The authors come to the conclusion that labor legislation regulates not only labor relations, which are the subject of labor law. It also regulates certain other types of employment relations in cases where this is expressly provided for by law. At the same time, it should be noted that the labor legislation applies to other types of labor relations only within the limits defined by a special law. Labor legislation does not apply in cases where the work is performed by an individual – a business entity independently or the work is performed by members of a personal peasant farm in this farm, as well as in cases where an individual performs the duties of a member of the supervisory board of a joint-stock company, the executive body of a business company, or other relevant management bodies of legal entities; if these duties are performed on other grounds than an employment contract, and if an individual performs the duties under a civil contract providing for the performance of certain work in favor of the other party to the contract.

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Heading: Law

Application of intelligent transport systems on the roads of Кazakhstan

The progress of work on the creation of an "intelligent transport system" in Kazakhstan, the development and modernization of the road industry will be reported. The economic and social effectiveness of several transport corridors and new projects were analyzed. Transport corridors of foreign countries, methods of providing logistics services were presented. In his address, the head of state paid special attention to the issues of digitalization of all spheres of life of the population, including the transport sector of Kazakhstan. Currently, the Ministry of investment and development of the Republic of Kazakhstan is working on the creation of an "intelligent transport system" within the framework of the state program «Digital Kazakhstan» (ITS). ITS goal is to systematically integrate transport infrastructure, transport devices and users with modern information and communication technologies aimed at improving the safety and efficiency of the transport process. The concept will include 11 components in ITS. One of them is a special automated measuring instruments (UAVs), which are installed in the main automobile corridors. This device is designed to measure moving vehicles without contact and eliminate unjustified stops. This year, it is planned to put into operation 10 units of RSPP, and by 2020 it is planned to increase their number to 46 units. It is also planned to introduce a traffic management system that will inform drivers about the situation on the roads, a system for forecasting and analyzing climatic conditions, which is carried out through a network of weather stations along the roads, a network of video monitoring and special video cameras for detecting traffic violations, toll road systems that cover the cost of maintenance of the national road network, etc. They will be introduced in stages until 2021. The implementation of this project will reduce road deaths, increase the volume of transit traffic and the speed of logistics services, fully cover the main highways with measuring instruments and create favorable conditions for drivers on the roads. Such systems are already operating in South Korea, Japan, Australia, Europe and the United States.

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Prospects for the use of natural food additives in the production of sausage products

Today, there is a full development of the food industry. It is characterized by the widest mechanization and automation of production and transport processes, the use of artificial cold and vacuum technology, the latest physical methods, chemical and biological preparations to accelerate technological processes. There are a huge variety of new products. New ways of long-term preservation of products in hermetic airtight packaging are promising. Now it is possible to deliver products from almost any industry to anywhere in the world. But the main problem for the modern consumer is that today's food industry is moving by leaps and bounds in the application and addition of chemical food additives: preservatives, flavors, dyes, stabilizers, antioxidants and substitutes for raw materials. To correctly answer the question of how to treat the use of food with food additives, it is necessary to understand and weigh the main disadvantages and advantages of using them. Advantages are that the product is better preserved, has an attractive appearance. Disadvantages are that the human body wears out, processing various chemicals, it is harmful to health. And with certain doses of use it becomes dangerous. Everyone has their own attitude to their health and their own priorities in life. Many people have come to terms with the daily use of products with additives, but others consciously refuse almost everything in the store. But the fact that no one wants to be poisoned from an overdose of various chemicals or starve to death. Therefore, the main advice is to carefully study the composition indicated on the label of food products and know the measure of their consumption. It is also impossible to believe blindly that the label was written with the truth. Manufacturers often use additives literally visually, which can lead to the production of a product with a dangerously higher concentration. It also happens that the manufacturer intentionally exceeds the norm in order to hide the shortcomings of the product (stale, poor quality of raw materials) and increase the yield of the finished product. The food additives added to many foods (usually designated by the code E) are predominantly harmful to the body. With moderate consumption, the use of products with E-supplements is not too harmful to the body (for example, several times a month). The situation is dangerous when a person consumes products with a large number of food additives daily or even several times a day when using various products. Nowadays, there are several hundred food additives with the code E (from E100 to E1521).

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Problems and prospects of using the Industrial certificate in the Republic of Kazakhstan

The Kazakhstani manufacturer has repeatedly faced situations when pseudo-enterprises, disguising themselves as domestic producers of goods, works and services, received preferences and used government support measures, won government and other purchases, while not having enough equipment for production. The article is devoted to current problems and prospects for the application of the Industrial Certificate in the Republic of Kazakhstan. The dynamics of the development of the sphere of public procurement of the Republic of Kazakhstan is considered, depending on the specific requirements for certain areas of production of goods, works and services. The material in this article is important from the point of view of ensuring fair competition between competing enterprises in the same industry. The complex of transformations in the system of standardization, certification and quality management has been carried out since the first years of independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan. These transformations have been observed over the years, vivid examples of which are: the application of the European model of technical regulation to the modern realities of the economic situation in the Republic of Kazakhstan, accession to the Customs Union, the adoption of unified technical regulations of the Customs Union, the introduction of new regulations and legal acts defining the share of local content in products and services, as well as the potential of domestic industries. The results of these transformations have proved that the system of technical regulation of the Republic of Kazakhstan is an effective tool for the development of the economy. The development of new Kazakhstani normative legal acts and normative documents introduced to support the domestic producer of goods and services will contribute to the transformation of the old system and the creation of a new one that is fundamentally different from the previous one. The article discusses problematic issues in the field of industrial certification, namely: a lack of qualified personnel; unregulated pricing system for work carried out in this area; the complexity of the industrial certification procedure; a lack of automation of processes of the industrial certification mechanism. Analyzing the practice of industrial certification, this article offers recommendations for solving the above problematic issues. New edition of amendments and additions to the «Rules for the formation and maintenance of the register of domestic manufacturers of goods, works and services, as well as the issuance of an Industrial certificate» approved by the decision of the Presidium of the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of the Republic of Kazakhstan «Atameken» dated 28.12.2018. No. 28 is designed to reconstruct the process of obtaining the Industrial Certificate. The process should become more transparent, understandable and highly efficient. Also, with the introduction of changes, the problems that hindered the receipt of the Industrial certificate by individual enterprises should be resolved.

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Socialization of children with special educational needs in inclusive educational system

Main problem: Today, the opinion about inclusion as the most progressive (in comparison with integration) approach is being strengthened among the society, which allows any child, regardless of the type and severity of the disorder, to learn with their normatively developing peers. The introduction of inclusive approaches into school practice can be called one of the top priorities of the state educational policy of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Inclusive education will help to resolve the contradiction between the legally guaranteed rights of children with disabilities to equal access to quality education and the de facto inequality in its implementation. Inclusion must be systematic and focused, not spontaneous. Therefore, it is optimal to teach a child with disabilities within the framework of the system of continuous general education. The creation and effective functioning of this system is impossible without a trained teacher, who is a key figure in the implementation of inclusive education. Purpose: Substantiation and disclosure of the contradiction between the guaranteed right of children with IAD and equal access to quality education for the socialization of children with special educational needs in inclusive education. Methods: in the course of the research, descriptive, systematization and analytical methods were used in the application of theoretical concepts, government programs, and legislative acts in inclusive education. Results and their importance: The implementation of the research goal is facilitated by the use of an alternative to the classroom-based organization of the educational process for the progressive development of children with IAD, which allows them to study harmoniously, regardless of the type and severity of the violation, together with their normatively developing peers. The given pedagogical observation is the obtained practical result of this study. The development of the system of class-based organization of the educational process for children with IAD in educational institutions is aimed at forming an effective system for ensuring the comprehensive development of inclusive education.

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Development of a technology for producing organic fertilizers based on catalytic processes

The article is devoted to the development of a technology for obtaining organic fertilizers from poultry waste based on biocatalytic processes. Currently, many poultry farms have become sources of environmental pollution, thereby causing serious environmental problems and economic and social damage. The problem of reliable protection of the natural environment from pollution by bird droppings is currently relevant. In the area of operation of large poultry farms, air pollution by microorganisms, dust, foul-smelling organic compounds, which are decomposition products of organic waste, as well as nitrogen, sulfur, and carbon oxides, is possible. Bird droppings contain acids, nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, heavy metals. The content of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium changes dramatically depending on the quantity and quality of the feed. Humic substances isolated from brown coal have a sufficiently high sorption activity and are used as cheap sorbents for solving a number of environmental problems in industry. These studies are aimed at minimizing the main disadvantage of the anaerobic digestion process, the low reaction rate, which leads to the need to create large-volume bioreactors. On the basis of the research carried out, a technology has been developed for obtaining organic fertilizers from poultry waste by the method of anaerobic fermentation of chicken manure with humidity at a temperature of 27 °C - 50 °C with the addition of sodium humate. The resulting fertilizer is intended for use in agricultural production, horticulture, floriculture, forestry, municipalities, in household plots in order to increase the yield and quality of crop production. For the developed technology, an application has been submitted for obtaining a Patent for the invention of the Republic of Kazakhstan «Method for producing organic fertilizers» (priority No. 2021-22818, dated July 13, 2021). The invention allows to significantly reduce the time of fermentation, to enrich the product with organic and mineral products contained in sodium humate, to convert the salts of heavy metals into an insoluble state, to improve the environmental friendliness of the method.

Year of release: 2021
Number of the journal: 4(84)

Comparative evaluation of different extraction methods of medical plants

The development of extraction techniques of medical plants aims to maximize the bioactive compounds production. Тechnologies in this area of industry have not high enough еfficiency factor. In some cases, it reaches only 40-50 %. Therefore, development of new methods to effectively extract different compounds from plant material and their input into large-scale industry is of great importance. The goal is to determine an effective and suitable technology for extracting bioactive compounds from medical plant. This is a narrative review paper which focuses on different extraction methods of medical plant. To find relevant articles for this narrative review, 73 articles were reviewed. Of these, 14 irrelevant documents were discarded. This review analyses various extraction processes to guide the selection of suitable methods for various types of medical plants and applications. This is done by outlining traditional and modern methods of extraction techniques, exploring the importance of solvents for extraction, and comparing novel and alternative methods of extraction. In conclusion, based on the current knowledge, solvent extraction is the most common method for medical plants extraction. Enzymatic hydrolysis and supercritical extraction are advanced techniques with high yield of compounds. However, more research is needed for some modern extraction methods.

Year of release: 2021
Number of the journal: 4(84)

The place of concept «mafhum al-muhalafa» in the methodology of islamic law

The article examines in detail the role of the concept of al-muhalafa in making judgments from religious texts and other legal grounds. In addition, a comparative analysis of the legal and linguistic principles and features of the Hanafi and Mutakallim schools of Islamic law, as well as issues of disagreement between the two movements, will be considered. There is much debate among scholars as to whether Mafhum al-Muqhalafa is accepted as evidence. Even Abdul Aziz Bukhari said: "This issue occupies a large place in the science of jurisprudence," he said. That is, below we answer the question of how much influence the evidence from this principle has on the verdict and whether these sentences are legitimate. The principle of Mafhum al-Mukhalafa is not accepted as evidence in the Hanafi Madhhab, and the ruling resulting from it is invalid. This is because the concept of al-muhalaf is to render a verdict that contradicts the verdict in the text (Amidi), confirming a verdict that is not in the text, that is, according to Abu Hanifa, the verdict in the text and the verdict that does not appear in the text are not equal. However, in schools other than Hanafi schools, this principle fully applies. The authors used the method of comparative analysis of the Quran and the Sunnah of the Prophet, which are the basis of Islam, to prove your point Some scholars of the Hanafi Madhhab do not completely refute this principle. It is unacceptable to judge by this principle only by Sharia texts, but in everyday life, in communication with people, the concept of al-muhalaf is accepted as proof. Ibn al-Humam reports that the Hanafis do not recognize the concept of al-muhalyaf as proof only in Sharia texts. Therefore, scientists are divided into two main groups regarding the application of this principle as evidence, and each group has its own strong arguments, which are discussed in detail in the second part of the article.

Year of release: 2022
Number of the journal: 1(85)

Ways to improve the skills and abilities of oral speech of primary schoolchildren using interactive cognitive strategies

The article discusses ways to improve the oral and speech skills of primary school students, where the primary role is given to interactive strategies aimed at organizing the optimal interaction of students with other subjects of the educational process in a communicative educational environment. Currently, the main criteria and indicators of the methodology for the development of foreign language communicative competence of schoolchildren have changed, the basic basis of the system of techniques and methods of teaching English to primary schoolchildren based on the use of interactive cognitive strategies. The authors call a complex of exercises of a receptive, productive and productive-creative nature, which is consistently implemented at all stages of the corresponding technology: motivational-stimulating, informational, analytical, actualization, productive, creative, analytical and evaluative. The article describes their influence on the development of language competencies and creative abilities of primary schoolchildren. The authors note that the motivational-stimulating, informational, analytical stages, the stage of actualization, as well as the productive, creative, analytical-evaluative stages, provide for the involvement of students in joint activities to master the content of cognitive problems in English, it presupposes the interiorization of communicative skills by younger students in accordance with with the accepted norms of interaction, the organization of the development of oral speech in English lessons in the lower grades based on the use of interactive cognitive strategies in accordance with the level of their linguistic and sociocultural knowledge, skills and abilities. To study various approaches in the development of oral and speech skills in lower grades based on interactive cognitive strategies, analysis of a set of tasks and exercises at different stages of the formation of oral and speech competence in lower grades using interactive cognitive strategies, goals and objectives of the practical application of interactive cognitive strategies when teaching foreign language communication, the contradictions between social expectations and the objective need for educational practice in the creation and implementation of a special methodology for the development of oral speech in primary grades based on the use of interactive cognitive strategies. Methods: during the study, a descriptive method, methods of systematization, analysis, interpretation were used. The authors of the article note that the integration of communicative activity in a foreign language with project, research, musical, visual, subject, literary and creative is of great importance for the comprehensive development of the skills and abilities of oral speech of primary school students when using interactive cognitive strategies. The developed training model for the development of oral and speech skills in the lower grades on the basis of interactive cognitive strategies (goal, objectives, approaches, principles, content, technology, means, performance criteria, conditions for implementation) contributes to the development of communication skills and linguistic competencies in the process of mastering foreign language students of elementary grades.

Year of release: 2022
Number of the journal: 1(85)

The analysis of the avermectin group drugs efficiency in the cattle dehelmentization

The variety of species and forms of parasites of agricultural animals and the features of their life cycles are the basic foundation for the production of different types and medical forms of antiparasite medicine. In the treatment of the parasitic diseases of agricultural animals, one of the main factors is that the veterinary doctors have the knowledge on the mechanics, efficiency and the safety for humans and environment of the medicine being used. Taking into account high pathogenicity and resistance of parasitic organisms and their ability to adapt to effect of medicine, it is crucial to permanently monitor the efficiency of the applied anthelmintic drugs, including the new drugs offered by veterinary services. This article will describe the results of the research on pharmacodynamic and pharmacokinetic parameters of «Ivermectinum», «Ivermec», «Aversect-1», «Аvrsect-2», «Аivin» drugs and their methods of application with the consideration of terms of maintenance and immune status of cattle herds in Mayconyr village (Irtysh district, Pavlodar region). A comparative analysis of efficiency of the above mentioned drugs in dehelmintization and treatment of cattle was conducted with the results provided. The recommendations and the restrictions on use of the drugs were determined considering the farm condition. The experimental research of the aforementioned broad-spectrum drugs was conducted strictly following the rules of asepsis and instructions on application. The total number of replacement heifers subjected to the dehelmintization under the method of analogues is 150 units. Anthelmintic treatment was conducted two times a year - in springtime (March-April) before pasturage, and fall time (September-October) before confining the cattle in the stable. Coprological study on intestinal helminthes of the examined cattle was conducted in Irtysh RVL of the Pavlodar regional branch of RVE RVL VCaSC MA RK by ovoscopical, flotation and larvoscopical methods. There is a comparative analysis on the efficiency of avermectin group antiparasitic drugs applied twice a year for cattle dehelmintization. The recommendations on the use of the aforementioned drugs for dehelmentization and prevention of parasitic diseases are provided and the requirements for the use were determined.

Year of release: 2022
Number of the journal: 1(85)

Problematic issues on the formation and use of the budget of the Pavlodar region and ways to solve them

The sustainable socio-economic development of the regions is determined by a number of factors, including the implementation of an effective budget policy, which plays a special role for the performance of social functions, regulating Inter-level organizational relations, strengthening the economic and financial independence of the regions.Effective management of budget policy makes it possible to purposefully use the mechanisms of budget regulation at all levels of management. At the same time, it involves the implementation of a number of functions, of which the control function is the most important. In the system of economic relations, it is assigned to a specialized financial body – the Treasury. Topical tasks are: regulation of budget flows in the region, strengthening control over the receipt and targeted use of budget funds; improving inter-budgetary relations; increase the revenue base of budgets by increasing their collection; etc. In the process of solving these tasks, a number of managerial, organizational and methodological problems arise, the solution of which contributes to improving the effectiveness of the budget policy of the region and, as a result, its economic development. Objective - to study the regional specifics of the implementation of budget policy in terms of the formation and execution of local budgets on the example of the Pavlodar budget, identify the existing problems in the region and determine the directions for improving the budget process. The methodological basis of the study is formed by general scientific and special methods of cognition: analysis and synthesis, deduction and induction, historical, logical, structural-functional and comparative analysis, as well as individual scientific methods: statistical-economic and computational-analytical. The formation of the local budget is carried out through the application of a single methodology, a single budget legislation and orientation to the Strategic Development Plan of the Republic of Kazakhstan until 2025, developed for the implementation of the main document of the state planning system for the medium – term period-the long-term development strategy of Kazakhstan until 2050. The implementation of all the tasks set out in the strategic development plans of the Republic will begin at the level of local budgets. The solution of State tasks is guaranteed, first of all, to meet the needs of the population at the local level. The role of regions in the entire process of reproduction cannot be overestimated, so the independence, flexibility and high degree of efficiency of using budget funds at the local level is the key to the successful development of society, production and business in any territory.

Year of release: 2022
Number of the journal: 2(86)

Results of application of organomineral fertilizer obtained with biocatalytic processes

Main problem: Bird droppings and animal manure contain acids, nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, heavy metals. The content of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium changes dramatically depending on the quantity and quality of the feed. Purpose: To study the effectiveness of the use of organomineral fertilizer from poultry waste, obtained using biocatalytic processes on the growth and development of plants. Methods: An application for a Patent for the invention of the Republic of Kazakhstan "Method of obtaining organic fertilizer" has been submitted for the developed technology for obtaining organic-mineral fertilizer. In the soil intended for growing seedlings of tomatoes of the “Pepper-shaped Orange” variety and peppers of the “Bogatyr” variety, the resulting fertilizer was applied in the amount of 1 kg per 1 m2 of soil, which was dug to a depth of 8-10 cm and used to grow seedlings in closed ground and subsequent for planting it in open ground. Soil without fertilization was used as a control. The process of soil preparation for open ground, intended for planting seedlings, was carried out for the experimental field with the introduction and control without fertilization. Experimental and control studies were carried out under equivalent climatic conditions, the scheme and technology of watering plants. In total, 100 bushes of each plant species were used in the experiment. Results and their significance: The use of the obtained organomineral fertilizer allows to increase the yield of vegetable crops (tomatoes, peppers) by 20-25% compared to the control. In addition, in the experimental samples, an increase in the number of fruits on a bush was noted with an increase in their size, a decrease in the growing season and the number of damaged fruits.

Year of release: 2022
Number of the journal: 2(86)

Methodological foundations of the application of the project method in teaching object-oriented programming.

The article presents a method of teaching object-oriented programming to students of the educational program «Computer Engineering and software» using the project method. The problem of the insufficient level of organization of the educational process in colleges, aimed at studying any kind of object programming, is investigated. In this regard, the important aspects that must be taken into account when constructing a methodology for teaching object-oriented programming, aimed at enhancing the cognitive independence of students, are described in detail. It is shown that the solution to this problem largely depends on the degree of achievement of the learning goals of students specified in GOSTiPO, as well as on the methodological guide to object-oriented programming, developed in accordance with the requirements of modern education. An analysis was made of the State Compulsory Standard for Technical and Vocational Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Model Curriculum and the Working Curriculum in the discipline "Fundamentals of Object-Oriented Programming" for students of the educational program "Computer Engineering and Software" and the teaching methodology developed on their basis. The purpose is to substantiate the methodology for teaching students object-oriented programming, which activates cognitive activity through the use of the project method and its practical application in the educational process. Methods: The methods of analysis, synthesis and deduction were used in the article. Results and their significance: The practical result of the analysis was the method of teaching college students object-oriented programming, using the project method, which is necessary for a more intensive development of cognitive independence. The practical significance of the results is to increase the efficiency of studying the discipline by taking into account the individual characteristics of students.

Author: E.V. Prokopets
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Analysis of the problems of the procedure for issuing an Industrial Certificate in the Republic of Kazakhstan and ways to solve them

Main problem: It is very important for each company to obtain an industrial certificate, which makes it possible to get into the Register of Domestic Manufacturers, as they expect to receive large orders. With the receipt of an industrial certificate, their prospects for participation in various tenders and purchases will significantly increase, where they can show their abilities, compete with domestic producers, and also have an advantage over importers. Since July 1, 2019, the industrial certificate has become mandatory for participation in public procurement. Corresponding changes to the rules for public procurement were made by the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Taking into account the experience of the «Rules for determining the country of origin of goods, issuing a certificate of origin of goods and canceling its validity», approved by Order of the Acting Minister for Investment and Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated February 24, 2015. No. 155», it becomes clear that the document does not take into account a number of «narrow» specifics of individual industries. Purpose: development of amendments and additions to the «Rules for the formation and maintenance of the register of domestic producers of goods, works and services, as well as the issuance of an Industrial Certificate» for the subsequent possibility of obtaining an Industrial Certificate by a chemical industry enterprise for the production of mineral fertilizers. Methods: study and analysis of literary sources, statistics and modeling of the procedure for issuing an Industrial Certificate. Results and their significance: the problems of application were studied, ways to solve these problems were found, and amendments and additions to the “Rules for the formation and maintenance of the register of domestic producers of goods, works and services, as well as the issuance of an industrial certificate” were developed. At the moment, the Rules need to be carefully finalized. It is necessary to consider this issue together with authorized state bodies, associations and business representatives, since obtaining an Industrial Certificate will directly affect participation in public procurement, and, accordingly, the economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

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Application of resource-saving membrane technologies in the production of dairy products in the Republic of Kazakhstan

In Kazakhstan, within the framework of the Program «Development of domestic value and export-oriented industries», new modern dairy enterprises are being actively modernized and new modern dairy enterprises are being created, where membrane processes are being introduced to concentrate the components of milk. This is necessary for the rational and integrated use of raw materials, including through the processing of secondary resources, the main of which is whey. Improving the production processes of traditional food products and developing innovative ones is possible only with the use of the latest technologies and technological equipment. Membrane processes are widely used for the use of fractionation and concentration of liquid dairy products, which allows for a new solution to the processing of raw materials and opens up opportunities in the development of new types of food products. The article is devoted to the issue of production and processing of whey in Kazakhstan. The main types of membrane technologies and the advantages of their use in the dairy industry in the Republic of Kazakhstan are considered. The role of membrane technologies in the processing of whey is substantiated, various methods of introducing membrane processing methods to ensure the demineralization of whey, obtaining products with high biological value and consumer properties, reducing the cost of energy carriers, reducing the volume of raw materials in order to save transport costs, non-waste processing of milk solids, recycling water are described. This article analyzes the problems of using resource-saving membrane technologies in the production of dairy products in the Republic of Kazakhstan, ways to solve existing problems associated with increasing the economic efficiency of enterprises. The favorable impact of the use of membrane technologies on the social and environmental aspects of whey processing in the country is substantiated.

Year of release: 2022
Number of the journal: 4(88)

Games of children of senior preschool age as early career guidance in activities

Early preparation of a child for the choice of a future profession is not a recognition of who the child should be, but an acquaintance of the child with various activities. This may make it easier to choose in the future. Therefore, acquaintance with the activities of adults should begin at preschool age, when children learn about various professions through accessible forms of knowledge. As a result, the child learns the values of labor, gets an idea about various professions, interests in certain types of professional activity begin to form in their mind. In order for a child to make a conscious choice in adult life, professional orientation should begin with a close environment, first of all, with the professions of parents. In this regard, the purpose of the article is to develop mechanisms for early professional orientation of preschoolers through play activities. For the study, methods of ascent from the abstract to the real were applied, the method of transforming real images of objects based on their abstract meaning. As a result of the study, conclusions were drawn that the personal potential of a person in relation to life and the world of activity is manifested in the positions of "individual", "child" and "subject"Confidence in thinking is given by the application of motion vectors to the known abstract, in the logic of ascent from the abstract to the concrete, as well as in their combinations. The cycle of revealing the potential of the individual and its transformation into the subject of educational activity is described. A sufficient prerequisite is the mastery of the subjects of reflexive-thinking abilities in accordance with self-determination, self-organization, self-regulation

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Environmental management systems: international models and experience of Kazakhstan

Significant air and water pollution, which is detrimental to the health of the citizens of Kazakhstan. Courts and regulatory authorities do not properly fulfill their obligations in the framework of environmental protection. Currently, government agencies are pursuing a policy aimed at protecting the environment and the rights of citizens. Purpose of the study is to analyze international models, practices, application of management systems for the legal protection of the environment and the health of citizens with application in Kazakhstan. The article discusses and explores a number of principles and methods of environmental management. Since these principles and practices contribute to the establishment of rational and effective environmental policy and management, it is proposed to take them into account when rethinking the current system in Kazakhstan. The article analyzes models and methods of legal protection of the environment and response to damage to the health of citizens, these tools can be part of an integrated system. Based on the study, it was found that in order for environmental management to reach its full potential, Kazakhstan also needs to undertake political reforms and involve ordinary citizens in the formation of policies and protection mechanisms. The studied strategies for collecting and taking into account the opinions of people when making managerial decisions on environmental protection can be used in Kazakhstani society.

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Automated sprayer for processing agricultural crops

In order to successfully conduct agricultural work and obtain a competitive harvest, it is mandatory to carry out spraying operations of crops that require highly qualified personnel, expensive equipment and suitable weather conditions. The use of tractors for spraying fields is the most common solution available at the moment, has disadvantages: high cost, risk of damage to the crop by "hitting", "hooking" or otherwise; environmental damage; due to exhaust gases, the demolition of the solution increases with increasing speed. Using a device designed specifically for spraying equipment is an ideal solution. The purpose of the article is to develop a working model of an automated sprayer for processing agricultural crops. The methods used are: technical justification of a controlled device for processing agricultural crops. Calculation of functional capabilities, algorithms of operation of the proposed automated device: selection of the type of sprayer, engine, chassis, controller, battery, as well as justification of the possibilities of using alternative energy sources (wind energy, solar energy); development of a 3D model of an automation device for anti-weed processing of agricultural crops, printing of parts, assembly of mechanical and electronic parts. Making a prototype using 3D printing; development of the wiring diagram of electronics, software (firmware of the microcontroller; application that controls the settings), testing of the prototype, assembly of the current model; rationale for the optimal use of Arduino and Raspberry Pi boards in this device in a pair: Raspberry Pi will allow you to control processes on the Arduino and easily interact with the Internet when the Arduino itself will perform simple operations such as interacting with electronics and reading sensor readings. The manufactured operating model showed compliance with the goals, a high degree of controllability, environmental friendliness, reduction of energy consumed, labor resources and can be used to scale this device. The developed model of the automation device for anti-weed treatment of agricultural crops can be used not only in agricultural pollination, but also as a mechanism for studying soil parameters: humidity, mineralogical composition and chemical content in the ground, using electronic sensors, as well as an automated mobile platform for any purpose requiring accurate navigation through the territory.

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Fermented milk and vegetable "Products for live"

In the dairy market of Kazakhstan, the demand for mass-produced dairy products is decreasing and expanding to innovative fermented milk products for functional nutrition. The main feature of the new technology is multicomponent formulations, which include the main raw materials and biocorrectors, ensuring their high biological and nutritional value. New dessert products are prepared on a dairy or protein basis using vegetable ingredients, fermented with strains of dry starter cultures of direct application or immobilized starter culture Bifimm probio. The purpose is to apply immobilized living cells of pure cultures of lacto- and bifidobacteria as a biocatalyst for the fermentation of dairy-vegetable media. During the study, the method of immobilization of microbial cells in biopolymer gels was used. The most effective method is the inclusion of cells in an aqueous solution of biopolymers with a concentration of 25 %. For immobilization, pure cultures of lactic acid and bifidobacteria were selected in the gel as part of the concentrates "BK-Altai-LS Bifi", "Poleznaya Partiya", "Genesis", "Narine", "Bio-yogurt Vivo", and the main prescription ingredients were selected: milk with a mass fraction of fat of 1 %, 2.5 %, 3.2 %, natural grain additives, jams, juices, nuts. Formulations, technological schemes and production methods, prototypes were developed, quality and safety indicators were determined. Studies have shown the effectiveness of immobilized starter cultures in the formation of fermented dessert products. Out of 20 prototypes with the best indicators, 5 samples were selected, in which the optimal ratio of milk, probio Bifimm starter cultures and biocorrectors averaged 70:20:10. The quality and safety analysis showed that new fermented milk products using immobilized starter cultures have a positive effect of more than -70 % compared to direct-use starter cultures, have functional properties and can be used for healthy nutrition in Kazakhstan.

Author: T.A. Nazarenko
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Information communications in organization management: key aspects and effective strategies

In the modern world, information communications play a crucial role in the management of organizations. The rapid development of information technologies and the availability of broadband Internet create new opportunities for effective information exchange and communication both within the organization and with the external environment. This article discusses the key aspects of information communications in the management of an organization and presents effective strategies and tools for their successful implementation. The purpose of this article is to consider and explain the role and importance of information technologies in the management of organizations, to familiarize with various types of information technologies, their advantages and opportunities in the context of organization management. The main objective of the article is to emphasize how information technologies can improve efficiency, communication efficiency and management decision-making, as well as optimize business processes and create competitive advantages for the organization. When writing this article, the following methods and approaches were used. A review of academic and practical sources related to the use of information technology in the management of organizations was conducted. The study of relevant studies, articles and books allowed us to obtain extensive information about the topic and to back up the statements in the article with factual data and authoritative sources. Various aspects of the use of information technologies in the management of organizations were analyzed, including their advantages, key aspects of implementation and methods of optimizing business processes. As a result of the analytical approach, the main points for inclusion in the article were identified and their significance was substantiated. The information and ideas obtained from the literary analysis and analytical approach were synthesized and combined into a single article. Various aspects of information technology in the management of organizations have been organized into a logical structure to ensure clarity and consistency of presentation. The article highlights the key aspects of information technology implementation, including the need for employee training, strategic communications planning, information flow management and the use of data analytics. Examples of successful application of information technologies in various industries and organizations are given.

Year of release: 2023
Number of the journal: 3(91)

Environmental management systems: international models, experience and application in Kazakhstan

Main problem: in Kazakhstan, the Government is reviewing its environmental and health management system to identify opportunities for improvement. Kazakhstan suffers from a high level of emissions into the environment and related health problems of the population. The link between environmental pollution and public health has been established for a long time. In Kazakhstan, air pollution, water pollution and soil and groundwater pollution are the main causes of widespread health problems and diseases, including, but not limited to, lung diseases and certain cancers. Recognizing these problems, the Kazakh Government is trying to strengthen environmental protection and environmental management system. Purpose: the purpose of the study was to analyze international models, practices, application of management systems for the legal protection of the environment and the health of citizens with application in Kazakhstan. Methods: the article discusses and explores a number of principles and methods of environmental management. Since these principles and practices contribute to the establishment of rational and effective environmental policy and management, it is proposed to take them into account when rethinking the current system in Kazakhstan. The article analyzes models and methods of legal protection of the environment and response to damage to the health of citizens, these tools can be part of an integrated system. Results and their significance: based on the study, it was found that in order for environmental management to reach its full potential, Kazakhstan also needs to undertake political reforms and involve ordinary citizens in the formation of policies and protection mechanisms. The studied strategies for collecting and taking into account the opinions of people when making managerial decisions on environmental protection can be used in Kazakhstani society.

Year of release: 2023
Number of the journal: 3(91)

On the application of CASE-methodologies at the stage of analysis and design of software tools

Main problem: the globalization of the information sphere has led to a significant increase in the volume of stored and processed information. To increase the processing speed and provide information to the recipient, it is logical to increase the power of the equipment on which the information is processed. But such a path also leads to an increase in financial costs for continuous modernization or complete updating of computer equipment and application software. Purpose: an alternative solution to increasing the capacity of hardware and software may be to optimize the process of organizing data storage, and already at the stage of information analysis. At the initial stages of the task, a huge amount of information is collected and processed, which needs to be classified, to identify essential and non-essential information flows for the information system being developed, etc. The quality of functioning of the developed information system as a whole and its individual modules in particular will depend on how correctly and fully the structuring and systematization of data will be carried out. Methods: modern methodologies of conceptual design of information systems shift the emphasis from software implementation to analysis and modeling of the production environment. The tools used in the process of conceptual modeling allow you to automate the main part of the processes, including the development of program code in the format of templates (patterns), including the preparation of documentation for the software product being developed. Since modern methodologies and tools are based on the use of powerful graphical tools, this significantly increases the visibility and simplifies the process of making adjustments to the information system project, actually using the "Drag-and-Drop" technology. This allows you to redistribute the time spent on the implementation of the first stages of information system development, allocating more time to the analysis and design of the software environment at an abstract, conceptual level. Results and their significance: the stages of analysis and design do not require large financial costs and are more variable. Information at these stages is easier to adjust and change than, for example, at the stage of writing program code. In addition, it is at these stages that the most active interaction between the developer and the customer is carried out, where maximum visibility and variability of the project of the future information system is required. And the use of modern software design methodologies significantly increases the efficiency of the first stages of information system design.

Author: I.I. Lyashenko
Year of release: 2023
Number of the journal: 3(91)

Productivity of remote pastures depending on the season in conditions of vertical soil regionality

The development, grovth and productivity of livestock depend primarily on providing it with a variety of nutritious feeds. Daily feeds should consist of microbiologically synthesized protein, as well as a variety of seeds, mineral and vitamin supplements of animal and vegetable origin. Indeed, the maximum disclosure of the genetic potential of livestock largely depends on both the quantity and quality of feed. One of the stages of feed quality assessment is the measurement of their chemical composition. The chemical composition is not always constant and depends on many factors, including the species composition of plants, fertilizer application rates, climatic conditions and storage methods. The least accumulation of moisture in the soil was observed in areas where pasture grasses were regularly treated with wormwood. Pacture productivity was also the lowest in the control plots, where the average phyto-chemical composition over three years showed that the dynamics of protein content was the same in all pastures – the protein content reached a maximum at the beginning of the growing sea son and decreased from spring to autumn, while the lowest content of crude protein during harvesting in summer was in control plants of varieties

Author: Zh. Issayeva
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Test as a Method of Psychology. Development History and Basic Requirements

Main problem: The article highlights the problem of tests as methods of psychology, the influence of validity and reliability on the results of psychological research. Purpose: Uncovering the significance of validity and reliability on psychological research results. Results and their significance: Testing is an important method in psychology, allowing measuring various aspects of the psyche and behavior of a person. The history of the development of tests in psychology goes back more than a century and began with the work of Francis Galton and Alfred Binet. Over time, the tests have become widely used in various fields such as education, personnel selection, clinical diagnosis and research. Basic requirements for tests include reliability (repeatability of results), validity (measurement accuracy), standardization (same test conditions) and objectivity (lack of subjectivity in assessment). Tests must be designed using psychometric principles to ensure accuracy and validity of results. Modern tests include a variety of measurement techniques, such as tests of personality, intelligence, aptitude, and professional skills. The use of tests in psychology requires professional training to correctly interpret the results and make valid conclusions. Testing as a method of psychology continues to evolve, and its role remains key in the study of the human psyche and behavior. Testing in psychology has a wide range of applications, including assessing personality traits, identifying psychological disorders, and predicting behavior and success in various areas of life. The development of computer-based tests and online platforms makes testing more efficient and convenient for researchers and participants. Modern tests increasingly take into account cultural differences and the diversity of individual characteristics, which contributes to more accurate and tailored assessments. It is important to remember that the use of tests requires ethics, confidentiality and compliance to ensure the reliability and validity of the data obtained.

Year of release: 2024
Number of the journal: 1(93)

Issues of Interaction Between Operational and Strategic Management of an Enterprise in a Market Environment

Main problem: One of the priority directions for improving the management system at the enterprise is the organization of effective interaction between strategic and operational management through the formation of a mechanism for their interaction, orienting operational management to achieve strategic goals and objectives. In market conditions, issues of interaction between strategic and operational production management are particularly relevant, allowing solving complex economic problems of the enterprise related to the rational use of resources involved in production, reducing production costs, improving the quality of products, optimizing production potential in order to increase the efficiency of the entire enterprise as a whole and its structural divisions. The role of the mechanism of interaction between strategic and operational production management also lies in the possibility of coordinating those final strategic goals that the enterprise strives for with the actual internal production capabilities. The purpose of this article is to study the issues of interaction between operational and strategic management of an enterprise in a market environment. The theory and modern practice of production management in a competitive environment show that the implementation of operational production management is a natural stage in the implementation of strategic management, therefore, there is a close relationship between them, which manifests itself in their interaction. Methods: The methods of analysis and generalization, the method of systematic and comparative analysis, structural and functional method, economic and mathematical methods, graphical and tabular method were used in the work. Results and their significance: the authors consider the theoretical aspects of the relationship between strategic and operational production management at an enterprise in a competitive environment. There is a low level of compliance of operational tasks of production with the strategic goals of development of domestic enterprises and the special role of information systems designed to link operational and strategic management tasks together. Accordingly, the key aspects of information technology implementation are investigated, including the need for employee training, strategic communications planning, information flow management and the use of data analytics. Examples of successful application of information technologies in various industries and organizations are given.

Year of release: 2024
Number of the journal: 1(93)