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Search results: business processes

Number of results: 125

Main trends of change in digital business in Kazakhstan and Abroad

The article is devoted to: problems of adaptation of tools of strategic management of the company to fast changing external conditions; analysis of the main tendencies of changes in digital busines s caused by intensive development of digital economy. The article deals with the main trends of changes in digital business environment at macro and micro levels, issues of increasing the efficiency of internal potential of the company, the features of competitive struggle based on the active use of information and communication technologies.

Year of release: 2020
Number of the journal: 1(77)

Analysis of the status and development trends of the sphere of small and medium-sized enterprises in rural areas on the materials of Ekibastuz city

The research of the development of the business sphere of Ekibastuz city showed that despite the existing positive tendencies, it is developing against the background of multidimensional problems that require complex decisions at the regional and institutional levels.

Author: L.I. Kashuk
Year of release: 2020
Number of the journal: 1(77)

Carrying out the repair work at petroleum refineries

The development of the oil refinery is directly related to the peculiarities of the socioeconomic environment, which is determined largely by the favorable conditions of activity of all branches of economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, a stable regulatory processes of all normative -legal framework of implementation of market reforms and efficiency of making management and innovative solutions in the oil refining industry of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Currently, a lot of efforts are being made to scale modernization of all production processes, as well as modernization of equipment of the oil refining complex of the country

Year of release: 2020
Number of the journal: 1(77)

Foreign experience of development of agrarian and industrial complex

The article consideres foreign experience of the state support of agricultural production. The authors analysed innovative processes (use of bioresources), occurring in the agrarian and industrial complex and defined the main directions of financial support in agriculture area.

Year of release: 2014
Number of the journal: 1(53)

Сreating innovative technologies in agricultural production in the contemporary economy

The paper analyzes innovation processes in Agro-Industrial Complex of Kazakhstan and gives the main directions of further development of agribusiness. The widespread use of innovation is the most efficient and effective means of solving the socio-economic tasks of Agro-Industrial Complex to provide food, increase the efficiency of agricultural production and protect the environment.

Year of release: 2012
Number of the journal: 4(48)

Рreconditions of the region’s innovative development

The article views the problems of innovative sphere development and the causes of their esistence, because innovative sphere’s dynamic development is one of the main components of innovative economy. Thus, high-technological economy supposes effective innovative system and creation of institutions supporting innovative processes.

Author: A.E. Zhamiyeva
Year of release: 2012
Number of the journal: 4(48)

Тhe method of the assessment of stability and prospectives of restoration of solvency of the enterprises of kazakhstan (on the example of LLP “Munaiservice”)

The author expresses fair doubts regarding effectiveness of existing procedures of rehabilitation of the companies on their way to overcome temporal financial difficulties. At the same time he recommends budgeting and well thought-out ways of building new rehabilitation system considering international experience. Building such system should be directed to transparency and effectiveness of procedures and assure business entities in solving temporary financial difficulties.

Year of release: 2012
Number of the journal: 4(48)

Regional policy of providing the steady development of the rural areas

The article proves that transition to a sustainable development of the rural regions assumes introduction of the mechanism of management by a sustainable development of the region, improvement of business processes and institutes of the civil society, particularly, the models of local self-government.

Year of release: 2012
Number of the journal: 4(48)

To the question of the concept’s content of «crisis at the enterprise»

In article the origin of the concept «crisis» which it isn’t always presented as danger but also and as opportunity is considered. More modern definitions of crisis – «the moment demanding decision-making», a turning point in sequence of processes of events and actions. For a crisis situation two options of an exit from it are typical, or it is liquidation of the enterprise as an extreme form, or successful overcoming of crisis.

Author: E.Titova
Year of release: 2012
Number of the journal: 4(48)

Мethodological aspects of economy’s stabilization

In the article the analysis of processes and phenomena that reveal the nature of stabilization of the economy, and given to the author's opinion. Also a complex of macroeconomic indicators and indicators for the stabilization of the economic systems.

Year of release: 2012
Number of the journal: 4(48)

Theoretical bases of formation and functioning of the integrated economic structures

The purpose of this work is disclosure of theoretical bases of formation and functioning of the integrated economic structures. Various approaches for the description of forms of manifestation of integration processes between subjects of managing are considered. The tendency of the strengthened diversification vertically - the integrated economic structures by strengthening of a technological chain from raw materials production before release of end products is described.

Author: L.М. Davidenko
Year of release:
Number of the journal:

Priority directions and prospects of social sphere and infrastructure complex development in Pavlodar city

The results of social and Pavlodar economic capacity analytical assessment are considered in the article. The social sphere and its development is a main direction of economy state regulation. Its state is mainly determined by processes of labor resources, their quantity and quality, level of productive power scientific and technical development, cultural and spiritual life of society.

Year of release:
Number of the journal:

Significancy of diaspores and their influence on socio-economic and political processes in the modern world

In the presented article, diaspores formation, their significancy and influence on socio-economic, political processes as well as growing role and significancy of diaspores in the modern world are examined; their influence on national-territorial and state formation is considered.

Year of release:
Number of the journal:
Heading: Social sciences

Social issues of migrants in Tyumen region: sociological measuring

In the article it is presented the results of the secondary analysis of public opinion research results on social issues of migrants from Central Asia countries based on a questionnaire survey of 1200 respondents living in Tyumen region as well as answers of experts. The statistical data are analysed characterizing the processes of arrival and departure of foreign citizens as well as crime level of immigrants from abroad. The results of public opinion allowed to make a conclusion that the situation in the sphere of labour migration is more favourable than statistics surveys of public opinion againstconcerning migrants in Russia as a whole.

Author: N.G. Hayrulina
Year of release:
Number of the journal:
Heading: Social sciences


In the paper it is presented methodical approaches of working out the mechanism of national innovative system’s formation and development: regional aspects. World economic processes of integration and globalization are oriented to modern competitive knowledge, science, technologies and production. The regions are being involving not only on the level of one country, they also are being influencing of global economic events.

Year of release: 2011
Number of the journal: 4(44)

Reforming the tax policy on social inclusion

The article is devoted to existing issues in the field of taxation, which contribute to the trends of social exclusion in the society. The indicators that characterize social inclusion have been summarized. It is proved that using a particular tax policy social and economic processes can be adjusted, such as production level, employment, investment, science and technology, structural changes, prices, foreign economic relations, social standard of living, the level of certain products consumption. Under the conditions of various forms of ownership establishment in the formation of human capital, an important role is played by employers that provide aspects of social inclusion or prevent social exclusion.

Year of release: 2015
Number of the journal: 2(58)

Urbanization impact on ethnical and cultural processes

In the article the traditional social and cultural values under urbanization are discussed, the trends in the development of ethno-cultural processes are characterized. On the basis of the sociological study the conservation of traditional rituals is especially analyzed, ethno cultural orientation and knowledge level of certain elements of national culture is identified. In our view, it is interesting to consider the transition of anthroponomy and other proper names in the category of urbanoniums. It is the process of the reflecting the historical, social, political and cultural transformation. It describes a certain historical period and helps to follow up the history of the city. Also urbanonims base the main source of linguistic and regional geographic research. So, some examples of urbanonims in Kazakh, Russian and English languages are given.

Author: N. Seitova
Year of release: 2015
Number of the journal: 2(58)
Heading: Humanities

Interaction between the government and local authorities in addressing socio-economic issues (foreign experience)

This article describes the experience of interaction between government and local authorities in foreign countries, factors and conditions necessary for the effective social and economic development, as well as a discusses the impact of local government on social and economic development. A comparative analysis of the Pavlodar region.

Author: A. Denden
Year of release: 2015
Number of the journal: 3(59)

Urbanization impact on the ethno-cultural processes

In the article the traditional socio-cultural values in terms of urbanization are discussed, the trends in the development of ethno-cultural processes are characterized. On the basis of the sociological study the conservation of traditionalrituals is especially analyzed, ethno cultural orientation and level of knowledge of certain elements of national culture is identified.In our view, it’s interesting to consider the transition of anthroponomy and other proper names in the category of urbanoniums. It is the process of the reflecting the historical, social, political and cultural transformation. It describes a certain historical period and helps with it to follow up the history of the city. Alsourbanonims base the main source of linguistic and regional geographic research. So, there are some examples of rise of urbanonims in Kazakh, Russian and English languages are given.

Author: N.S. Seitova
Year of release: 2015
Number of the journal: 3(59)
Heading: Humanities

Application of the "Step by Step" technology in the teaching of younger schoolchildren as a means of improving the quality of education

The renewal of the paradigm of 12-year education is associated with the formation of key competencies in students that help to learn, understand and develop the world around. The developed set of tasks is designed to develop the need to transform educational material with the aim of improving the quality of education. This material is compiled in accordance with the age characteristics of primary school students, is aimed at organizing the processes of mastering new ways of acting, which will contribute to the formation of educational and cognitive activities. The issues discussed in the article will allow us to implement a competence approach in the education of students. The tasks presented in the article are intended to activate the educational motivation, the organization of independent cognitive activity, contribute to the systematization and objectification of the processes of monitoring and evaluation of educational activities.

Year of release: 2016
Number of the journal: 3(63)

Activation of educational activity of schoolchildren of 6–7 classes by means of application of informatively-communicative technologies (evidence from history lessons)

In this article the question connected with the activation of cognitive activity of students. It one of issues of the day on the modern stage of development of pedagogical theory and practice. An author exposes development of activity, independence, initiativeness, creative approach to the thing, these are the requirements of life, qualificatory that direction in that it is necessary to perfect an educational process in a great deal. Searches of ways of development of schoolchildren’s activation of cognitive activity, developing their cognitive flairs and independence is a task that teachers are called to decide. The use of ICТ, that allows to activate thinking, ability to offer the variants of vision of problem, question, themes in the narrow and wide understanding and participating in the discussion are examined in the article. It helps to improve quality education, forms a culture, aesthetic skills of students, develop attention, memory. All this has a practical orientation in different areas and spheres of activity of student. Information technologies, examined in this scientific article as a process of the use of totality of facilities, methods of collection, treatment and communication of data - assists working off at the methods of students of actions, helps forming of processes of self-government of personality, will transform an effectively-practical sphere and carries out the emotionally-semantic going near the study of questions, that discussions, professional orientation.

Year of release: 2016
Number of the journal: 3(63)

Some processes of irrational rationalization and two-sided evaluation of a single number series

In this article we consider some fractional-irrational expressions and prove the assertion that reduce them to fractional-rational expressions and also consider one general lower-and-upper bound (two-sided estimate) for one numerical series.

Year of release: 2016
Number of the journal: 3(63)
Heading: Natural sciences

Staffing provision of the activity of the Communal state enterprise on the right of business «Aktogay central district hospital»

In the article, on the materials of the Communal state enterprise on the right of business «Aktogay central district hospital, the problems of staffing provision of healthcare sphere institutions of Pavlodar region are considered. The article gives the analysis of the current state of the problem and the ways of its solution, including mechanisms of state support and regulation.

Year of release: 2016
Number of the journal: 4(64)

Socio-economic development of Bayanaul region: analysis of the state and development trends

The article focuses on the key issues of the socio-economic development and formulates the problems hindering its development on the base of materials of Bayanaul region.

Year of release: 2016
Number of the journal: 4(64)

Economic aspects of development of small and medium business in the Republic of Kazakhstan

In this article, the issues of development of small and medium business in the Republic of Kazakhstan are considered. The main programs of support of small and medium business and direction strengthening of enterpreneurial potential are highlighted. Statistical data on the Pavlodar area over are represented. The results of public opinion polls of the Pavlodar region on implementation of the program of "Business Road Map2020" are presented.

Author: A. Abdygaliyeva
Year of release: 2016
Number of the journal: 2(62)

Migration processes and their impact on social and economic development of region

In this article, the migration processes and their influence on socio-economic development of the Pavlodar region are considered. The concept of migrations, factors and types of migration are highlighted.. The demographic cases in the region are studied for research of migration processes and their influence on socialand- economic development of the Pavlodar region. Impact of migration on social-and-economic development of the country can be both positive and negative. The account of these factors is important for adjusting of migration processes and optimal policymaking in this sphere.

Author: Zh. Akhmetov
Year of release: 2016
Number of the journal: 2(62)

Issues of forming of development politics of rural areas (a case of study of Sherbakty district of the Pavlodar region)

In this article, social-and-economic position of Sherbakty district of the Pavlodar region is considered. Dominant industry of economy of district is agriculture. Data are presented on the amount of operating private business entities. Complex description of socio-economic results of development of region is reflected in SWOTanalysis, strengths and weaknesses of development of district, threat and possibility are considered. The assessment of tourist cluster is highlighted for development of district and a necessity is certain for development of the strategic program of development rural territories.

Author: B.Zh. Ibraev
Year of release: 2016
Number of the journal: 2(62)

Quality of life of rural population as factor of achievement of ultimate goal of economic transformations

In this article, quality of life as priority and one of directions of social-and-economic development of the state are considered. The quality of life of rural population and his social security, state of economy of agroindustrial complex and development of rural territories are distinguished in article. The issues of rural territories are considered, as exemplified by rural district. In the Republic of Kazakhstan there are all terms that is needed for development of agriculture. For the height of quality of life of rural population are needed substantial adjustments of public agrarian policy and also increase of social responsibility of the state and business.

Year of release: 2016
Number of the journal: 2(62)

Management Trends in reforming the higher education system

This article discusses global trends in the development of the higher education system, including higher education of the Republic of Kazakhstan. It is also considered and the processes. Analyzed determines the transition to the post-industrial stage of development, which is based on an innovative direction. As part of the innovation activities of the state is considered the intellectual capital as a strategic factor determining the prospects of its development and competitiveness. All this implies the development of effective resource management measures.

Year of release: 2016
Number of the journal: 2(62)

Demographic processes in the Republic of Kazakhstan and their peculiarities

The presented article examines the demographic processes taking place in the Republic of Kazakhstan, which characterize the demographic situation in Kazakhstan. And also the objectives and tasks of the state, the main of which is the management of demographic processes and development of the effective type of population reproduction are considered. The population policy covers a wide range of problems of reproductivity, the creation of the composition and structure of labor resources and their effective application. In a narrow sense, the demographic policy should be understood as the impact on the reproductivity by means of socio-economic activities that affect the demographic processes. The dramatically limited resources make it impossible to solve the government control problems of socio-demographic processes, employment, and unemployment in the required degree.

Year of release: 2016
Number of the journal: 2(62)
Heading: Social sciences

Foreign experience of forming branding models

The cities folded in foreign countries distinguish three organizational models of branding. First model – administrative – here, forming of brand of territory the public and local organs of power take the lead. Second organizational model – branding is initiated by business and divided into two types. First type – "export", according to this variant the basic task of municipal brand consists in stimulation of sales of commodities and services of local producers. Second type – "import", this variant of business model is branding on purpose to attract (to import) new business and investments in a city. The third model of organization of branding – civil is implies that realization of branding is initiated by different public associations or separate interested citizens. All three variants of branding befit the Kazakhstan cities and territorial educations, but priority direction will become is the European model with participation administration.

Year of release: 2017
Number of the journal: 1(65)

Social stratification processes of the modern society of Kazakhstan on the issues of youth employment at the labor market

The article deals with topical issues of youth employment as an important economic aspect of the state. The analysis of youth employment in modern working conditions in connection with the development of market relations in the Republic of Kazakhstan was carried out.

Year of release: 2017
Number of the journal: 2(66)

Internet marketing as an instrument to improve business performance

The article deals with the essence and content of Internet marketing as one of the modern tools to improve business performance. The sphere of application of Internet marketing tools and technologies and the statistics of their effectiveness evaluation in foreign practice of business structures are considered. The main methods used in the preparation of the article are methods of statistical and analytical analysis and graphical interpretation of results, an analytical review of foreign experience in using Internet marketing as a modern business tool. The information component of the article, conclusions and recommendations are aimed at determining an effective business model within the digital market based on Internet marketing.

Year of release: 2017
Number of the journal: 2(66)

Ways of global interpersonal communication in the XXI century

The present article deals with the multivariate methods of interpersonal communication in the context of the global informatization of society through the means of Internet communication. Also, the article notes the associated processes of social and cultural changes in society, the trend towards the diffusion of values, the commercialization of all links of mass information transmitted via the Internet.

Year of release: 2017
Number of the journal: 3(67)
Heading: Humanities

The importance of diasporas and their influence on socio-economic and political processes in the modern world

In the present article forming of diasporas, their importance and influence on socioeconomic, political processes, and also growing role and importance of diasporas in the modern world, influence of them on national-territorial and state entities is considered.

Year of release: 2017
Number of the journal: 3(67)

Visual modeling of processes for service center automation

In this article on the materials of "Gamma" LLP and with the help of Rational Rose visual modeling of processes for automation of the service center is conducted.

Year of release: 2017
Number of the journal: 4(68)

The role and problems of implementing a quality management system

Introduction of the quality management system is an important step for any production. Not only has the competitiveness of enterprise but also further successful development depends on the result of introduction of the quality management system and its proper functioning. Due to a quality management it is possible to obtain not only the improvement of structure of organization but also processes and their results quality. The aim of the article is to study the role of the quality management system in steady development of enterprise and problem of introduction of the quality management system in our country.

Year of release: 2018
Number of the journal: 1(69)

Organization of psychological and pedagogical support of children in the rehabilitation center

This article deals with the problems of organizing psychological and pedagogical support of children with disabilities in a rehabilitation center. Currently, an extensive system of institutions of the Ministry of Вестник Инновационного Евразийского университета. 2018. № 2 ISSN 1729-536X 91 Education, Health, Labor and Social Protection has been established in our country, in which medical, social, psychological and pedagogical support is provided for the development of children with disorders of the musculoskeletal system. The main task of maintenance is the creation of psychological and pedagogical conditions for the full development and development of a socially successful person, the protection of the rights of the child to receive education and development in accordance with their potential in the real conditions of their existence. The leading principles of support for the development of the child in an educational institution are: the advisory nature of the accompaniment; priority of the interests of the child; an individual approach accompanied by the development of the child; maintenance continuity; integrated (multidisciplinary) approach, accompanied by development.

Year of release: 2018
Number of the journal: 2(70)

The detective as a special literary genre

The article deals with topical issues of literary studies related to the definition of the genre specificity of detective literature, which is unique and has an extraordinary prevalence of «mass literature»; the processes of transformation of the genre of detective novel is taken into account. It acquires in the second decade of the XXI century «hybrid forms», which emphasizes the novelty of the material presented in the article. The author raises questions of the history of the genre, analyzes its morphology, conducts research of contact and typological convergence, gives a detailed definition of «genre», which is the subject of study not only literary studies, but also linguistics and «detective». The article describes the ways of development of the modern detective, its main genre-forming features, structural, compositional and plot features.

Year of release: 2018
Number of the journal: 2(70)
Heading: Humanities

The main directions of social and economic development of Pavlodar region

This article describes the main directions of socio-economic development of Pavlodar region, provides characteristics and dynamics of the main areas and sectors of the region, including the state of industrial production, agriculture, development of small and medium-sized businesses, the labor market, trade, electricity, heat and water supply, construction. The region is characterized by a progressive and diversified economic structure. In the structure of industry of Pavlodar region the largest share is occupied by the manufacturing industry. The priority direction of development of the regional economy in the context of ensuring its socio-economic development is the development of small and medium-sized businesses

Year of release: 2019
Number of the journal: 1(73)

Opportunities for innovative approaches to the creation of molecular products in catering

This article discusses the innovative direction of molecular food technology. The processes of gelation and spherification of substances for the formation of hemispheres of gel-like meat product were studied.

Year of release: 2019
Number of the journal: 1(73)

Analysis of state support for the development of SMEs in the Uspensky district

This paper analyzes the state support for the development of small and medium-sized businesses in the Uspensky district at the present stage. The volume of lending to small and medium-sized businesses in the region in the framework of state programs for the development of productive employment and mass entrepreneurship in rural areas is considered

Year of release: 2019
Number of the journal: 3(75)

Problems of forming a national innovation system in the Republic of Kazakhstan

This article discusses the main directions of development of innovative processes in Kazakhstan. The main problems in the implementation of state efforts to create conditions for the development of an innovative economy are shown, the main reasons for the low level of innovative activity of most enterprises in the real sector are identified. The article concludes that the current state polic y contribute to the creation of some organizational and legislative framework of the national innovation system

Author: Z.A. Arynova
Year of release: 2019
Number of the journal: 3(75)

Analysis of small and medium business development in Ekibastuz district

This paper analyzes the development of small and medium-sized businesses in Ekibastuz district at the present stage. The volume of lending to small and medium-sized businesses in the district within the framework of state programs BRM 2020, as well as grant funding for the development of productive employment and mass entrepreneurship in rural areas of the study area. The mechanism of service support for SMEs to provide non financial support is given

Author: A.S. Khakimov
Year of release: 2019
Number of the journal: 3(75)

Human trafficking with the purpose of labour exploitation and illegal labour migration in the Eurasian Economic Union countries: problem statement

Annotation. The research topic is directly connected with the solution of the nationwide issues of the social and labor policy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, based on the globalization and regional processes in the world, the experience of its implementation in the regions and, first of all, in the Eurasian Economic Union member-states. Another important factor is the comparative consideration of social policy and labor potential of Kazakhstan, Russia, Belarus, Armenia, Kyrgyzstan taking into account national and common interests. At the present stage, the issues of illegal labor migration and human trafficking in our country are given special attention. The main aim of the research is developing recommendations and proposals, aimed at further progress of the legal framework for cooperation in the social and labor sphere and the social protection of labor rights as a promising area of legal science and as an important line of social and integration policy. The research also aims at the research and examination of human trafficking and labor migration as a social phenomenon in the EAEU countries, the study of methods and techniques of combating it, and the development of recommendations for improving legislation and strategies to counteract this social phenomenon.

Year of release: 2020
Number of the journal: 2(78)
Heading: Law

Harmonization of the tax system of the Eurasian Economic Union member states in the context of economic integration

This article discusses the main possible directions for coordinating the tax policy of member countries of economic and monetary unions. The regulatory role of tax instruments in regional integration associations is assessed. The relevance of the article is due to the fact that with the accelera tion of integration processes in various regions of the world, fiscal policy becomes particularly important. Therefore, the research of representatives of various scientific schools pays much attention to the analysis of the impact of the fiscal component on the economies of the member countries of the associations. At the same time, approaches to the organization of taxation within economic unions differ significantly. The activation of integration processes in the Eurasian Economic Union (EEU) necessitates the convergence of the legislation of the member States in the field of taxation. At the same time, the harmonization and unification of legislation on indirect taxes is particularly relevant, since these taxes have a significant impact on price formatio n and provide a significant part of budget revenues. According to the authors of the article, in the conditions of deepening integration in the EEU, a well-thought-out distribution of powers in the field of tax regulation between state and supranational bodies that ensure a consistent convergence of the tax systems of the participating countries, taking into account the economic situation and the interests of all members of the Association, becomes particularly relevant. Measures to ensure the elimination of double taxation within the Union are proposed. The authors conclude that it is necessary to harmonize the tax policies of the member States of the Eurasian Union. At the same time, the harmonization of taxation in the countries of the Union should become a condition for the formation of a currency zone on the territory of the EAEU.

Year of release: 2020
Number of the journal: 2(78)

Assessment of the mechanisms of regulation of innovative activity in the system of global competitiveness

Rapidly changing trends in development of the countries’ economies require rational approach to regulation of innovative activity and investments directed to organization of real economy sector. At the same time, for analysis of current state policy in innovative development system fully it takes to assess effectiveness of regulation innovative activity mechanisms in the economy of Kazakhstan. In this article an assessment of mechanisms of innovative activity regulation in Kazakhstan in global system of competitiveness is carried out. For this purpose, an expert assessment system is used, which is realized as method of Global Competitiveness Index of World Economic Forum (WEF). The authors investigate ranking of WEF in Kazakhstan economy, in particular, assessment of carrying out of country’s innovative activity. Thus, purpose of research is to assess mechanisms of innovative activity regulation in Kazakhstan in a global system of competitiveness. Methodology – synthesis, content-analyze, accommodation, monographic method, factor analysis, economic-statistical research method. Carried out assessment of mechanisms of innovative activity regulation in Kazakhstan in global system of competitiveness allowed fully assess effectiveness of regulation innovative activity mechanisms in economy. Researching subindices of International rating of World Economic Forum for 2017-2018 in relation to 2013-2014 authors noted that in Kazakhstan today there is decrease in all subindices of rating and factors (“Basic requirements”, “Business sophistication”), except for “Innovation” subindex. This subindex was significantly decreased due to sharp deterioration in macroeconomic environment, which is directly related, in opinion of authors, to significant losses in revenues from oil export. This in turn affected deterioration of budget’s indicators. There is special attention to place and role of innovative activity regulation in country’s socio-economic policy. Organizational-methodological problems during realization of innovative policy in Kazakhstan are also in details investigated, which makes it necessary to solve them in order to achieve innovative policy’s efficiency at regional and national levels.

Year of release: 2020
Number of the journal: 2(78)

Influence of ultrasonic treatment on the efficiency of biogas production

This paper presents the results of the influence of ultrasonic treatment in the cofermentation of the cattle manure mixture (cattle) with the leaven from the rumen of ruminants on the process of biogas production. Anaerobic digestion was carried out in matinence periodic operation at the mesophilic temperature of 38 C ̊. As a substrate, a mixture with a content of 70 % cattle manure and 10 % leaven from rumen of ruminants was used. Treatment with ultrasound of the mixture was carried out at an intensity of 10 W/cm2 and an amount of input energy of 9350 kJ/kg of dry matter (DM), which completely eliminated the processes of stratification and sedimentation. Decomposition of organic matter (OM) in the periodic regime with the enzyme and ultrasound treatment occurred within 8 days, the usual substrate during this time OM decomposed 3.0 times less (only 14 %). The process of fermentation of methane in continuous and periodic modes treated with ultrasound, as at other temperatures, was stable, as can be judged by the values of volatile fatty acids (VFA) Volatile fatty acids (VFAs), alkalinity, pH, and biogas. The energetical efficiency of methane fermentation is estimated by comparing the volume of fuel (biogas) and heat consumption for technological needs. As shown by the comparison of efficiency of different regime, the largest amount of commercial energy in the form of biogas was obtained in the mode of joint fermentation of a mixture of cattle manure (cattle) with a ferment from the rumen of ruminants treated with ultrasound – 3 times more than without treatment (space).

Year of release: 2020
Number of the journal: 2(78)

New format of relations in public procurement of the Republic of Kazakhstan in connection with the pandemic COVID-19

In this article, the author examines the problems of legal regulation of public procurement in a state of emergency and quarantine measures. The purpose of this article is to study the changes that have appeared in the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan in connection with the introduction of the state of emergency and quarantine in the country. The author provides a legal assessment and analyzes the new norms of Kazakhstani legislation regulating public relations in the field of organizing public procurement. The closure of state borders, the violation of the usual, accumulated over the years, economic ties led to disruptions in the economic activities of state bodies. With all the disadvantages that took place, the positive factor was that the demand for the goods of Kazakhstani producers on the market increased. The introduced new method of public procurement using framework agreements made it possible, in turn, to ensure the guaranteed sale of products of Kazakhstani commodity producers, and also made it possible to apply import substitution of frequently purchased goods. In this article, the author, on the basis of a study of the current practice in this area, demonstrates the features of legal regulation of the sphere of public procurement in completely social new conditions with the help of novelties in legislation, and also reveals the features of the operation of legal norms regulating the sphere of public procurement of goods, works and services in conditions of a state of emergency and quarantine measures. The adoption of special measures by the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan made it possible to transfer financial and economic relations in the state to a new format – "customer-supplier". The measures taken by the government have now been extended until the end of 2020. These measures on the part of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan made it possible to introduce a sparing legal regime for regulating this area for representatives of medium and small businesses, in order to minimize the losses of the latter arising against the background of the introduction of a state of emergency and quarantine measures. Taking into account the analysis of judicial practice in the consideration of cases on public procurement, the author emphasizes that in conditions of quarantine measures in Kazakhstan, as a rule, there are violations of the same type, both on the part of customers and on the part of suppliers.

Year of release: 2020
Number of the journal: 3(79)
Heading: Law

On some aspects of the project-based approach in the context of increasing the efficiency of economic development

The article discusses various aspects of project management, which is one of the most effective tools and allows you to skillfully take into account various factors, as a result of which the reliability of implementing successful changes and achieving goals in all types of professional activities increases. In Kazakhstan, project management dates back to the 1990s, but the real practical application of this management tool is observed at the beginning of this century. According to the authors, one of the key problems of widespread implementation and use of the project approach in the private and public sectors is the lack of information and methodological support for the development of this area. The purpose of this study is to systematize the theoretical and methodological aspects of project management in the context of improving the quality and efficiency of economic decisions. Any project is a change that is caused by the creation of innovations and the corresponding investment and other resources, on the one hand, and on the other hand, is implemented in conditions of high uncertainty and risks. The research uses the following methods: comparative analysis, a systematic approach based on which General and specific features of project management are identified, as well as abstract-logical. In the context of globalization, modern management principles require a team approach to solve problems aimed at achieving the strategic goals of companies, organizations and States, as well as ensuring continuous improvement of business processes, implementing any changes of a socio-economic, organizational or other nature. The processes that ensure an effective transition to project technologies, as well as important components of the project approach from the point of view of achieving project goals are identified. It is shown that project management is especially widely used in private companies. Currently, this tool is being actively implemented in the management system of state structures in different countries. The significance of the research results lies in the fact that knowledge about the project approach is generally recognized scientific direction, which is characterized as an independent sphere of professional activity and a system of lean management aimed at improving the economic efficiency of implemented projects. In General, despite the noticeable activation of project management promotion processes in Kazakhstan, it should be noted that an important task is to transfer modern technologies of the project approach as a tool for innovative development to all spheres of life of the Kazakh society.

Year of release: 2020
Number of the journal: 3(79)

Development of the student entrepreneurial community at universities
(experience of InEU and ODU)

The main problem: In modern conditions, the development of the student entrepreneurial community, the formation of entrepreneurial skills, support and promotion of start-up projects and ideas increase the competitiveness of future graduates and give them the opportunity to realize their creative and entrepreneurial potential. According to the authors, the implementation of policies in the field of entrepreneurial education, the development of an entrepreneurial ecosystem and entrepreneurial thinking requires the exchange of experience and the study of new approaches and methods of working with students. Therefore, the article discusses the main areas of activity of the Innovative University of Eurasia and the Old Dominion University (USA) for the development of the entrepreneurial community. Purpose: To consider the process of organizing training in the direction of "Entrepreneurship" and to present the opinions of the authors in this direction. Methods: The work used theoretical, experimental, methodological, descriptive and analytical research methods. Results and their significance: The authors conclude that the educational trajectory in the direction of "Entrepreneurship" contributes to the formation of graduates of a new formation, with an active life position, which affects the development of human potential. The role of universities in the development of the entrepreneurial community lies in the implementation of educational activities with an emphasis on developing students' entrepreneurial skills in the process of their education, in improving the quality of education, and developing new forms and methods. Participation in joint projects to build an entrepreneurial community expands the boundaries of internationalization of higher education. Therefore, in this article, the authors try to convey their approaches and methods of work on the formation of the student entrepreneurial community as an important component of the system of entrepreneurial education.

Year of release: 2020
Number of the journal: 3(79)

Analysis of the state and problems of metallurgical cluster development of the Pavlodar region’s economy

The article analyzes the state and problems of cluster development in the real sector of the region based on the materials of the Pavlodar region. The main problem of innovative development of the Pavlodar region, as well as in all regions of Kazakhstan, in general, is the lack of innovative activity of enterprises, which is reflected in the volume, frequency and efficiency of their innovations. At the same time, most of the enterprises belonging to the real sector of the economy have sufficient resources for the development of innovative activity. However, the prospects for their interaction with enterprises in other sectors and sectors of the economy for the purpose of technology transfer are insignificant, which, in general, doesn’t meet the principles of balanced spatial development of the territory formulated by the program for the development of territories of the Republic of Kazakhstan until 2020. One of the ways to solve this problem is formation and development of a cluster approach and interaction of business entities. The article assesses the efficiency of the cluster’s functioning as an institution of regional development. On the example of the metallurgical cluster of Pavlodar region, the main ways and methods of forming cluster initiatives in the regional economy are considered, a SWOT analysis of the development of the metallurgical cluster of the region is given, and its main problems are identified; identifies priority directions of clusters’ development (metallurgical cluster, including the production of final products, the cluster of railway engineering, agri-food cluster), the realization of which in the region could create the conditions for the emergence and full development of a number of new highly specialized sectors such as cluster chemistry, cluster of road and construction machinery, transport logistics cluster, cluster of modern production technologies and engineering, cluster of manufacturing components for machinery and equipment and cluster of industrial electrical engineering and equipment for power engineering. The authors also noted that the realization of regional development strategies of cluster initiatives can potentially lay the foundations for clusters “future days”, such as: cluster of resource efficiency and environmentally processing, the cluster of new energy, the cluster of innovative medicine, tourism and recreational cluster.

Year of release: 2020
Number of the journal: 3(79)

Study of the effectiveness of applied standards in railway transport

The article describes the results of a study of the effectiveness of the standards being implemented in railway transport. A general view of efficiency and standardization was analyzed. It was studied which document regulates the application of standardization in the Republic of Kazakhstan. Further, the international railway standard IRIS «International Railway Industry Standard» was taken as a basis, which, in turn, is based on the international standard ISO 9001. A study of the methods and types of effectiveness of standards was carried out, as well as an analysis of the applied international standard in the field of railway transport IRIS. The purpose of this standard is to create a business management system that allows for continual improvement, with an emphasis on preventing and reducing delivery defects. It is important to note that the effectiveness of standardization is evidenced by examples showing that ignoring standards turns out to be huge losses for a company for a number of reasons, for example, because its products have not been certified for compliance with a specific standard; due to the additional costs of the company for reworking products that are not manufactured in accordance with the requirements of the standards in the country of export. An analysis of the effectiveness of standardization work in the railway industry can be expressed in relative terms of the effects obtained as a result of the application of the standard: for example, in an increase in the level of safety or in economic growth. The basis for determining the actual effect is the actual level of production that existed at the given enterprise before the introduction of the standard. The measures that can be applied in order to increase the efficiency of solving the problems of developing standardization in the field of railway transport have been studied. Such standardization as one of the elements of technical regulation can provide a contribution to economic growth in excess of the corresponding indicators from the introduction of patents and licenses.

Year of release: 2020
Number of the journal: 3(79)

Mathematical modeling of the results of experimental studies of the influence of the type and dose of cheese melting salt on the qualitative indicators of melted cheeses

The article is devoted to the mathematical modulation of a complex of experimental data obtained in the process of experimental studies of processed cheese products, processed by mathematical methods. The purpose of this study is to establish the type and amount of the melting salt that promotes the formation of the plastic structure of the processed cheese product. The analysis of scientific research in the field of food technologies showed that mathematical modeling is used in the following areas: clarification of the modes of technological processes, design of recipes and assessment of the quality of finished products, as well as forecasting the shelf life of new products when they are put into production. The most relevant in describing the processes of food production are models of multivariate variance-regression analysis using methods of mathematical planning of the experiment. The authors carried out mathematical modeling and established graphical dependencies characterizing the degree of influence of the regulated factors X1 and X2 on the controlled ones that determine the quality and safety of processed cheese products. It is important that the mathematical analysis of the graphical dependences of the rheological parameters on the adjustable factors indicates the reliability of the data obtained. It is concluded that an increase in the melting salt dose leads to an increase in the – limit shear stress, which reflects the nature and state of the consistency of the processed cheese product. The process of normalization of the controlled factors by the maximum value was carried out. Graphical dependencies were built and regression analysis was performed, the results of which allow an objective assessment of the degree of influence of the type and dose of the melting salt on the chemical and organoleptic characteristics of the test products. The authors have proven that the optimal efficiency of transforming the structure of the constituent components of the recipe into a plastic structure of a processed cheese product that is stable during storage is provided by a combination of adjustable factors X1 (Solva 85) and X2 (Solva 120) taken in a ratio of 1: 1, with a total amount of 1,2 mas.%. At the same time, the quality indicators of the experimental products are characterized by the following values of the controlled factors: У1 – 1280 Pa; У2 – 9 points, У3 – 9,301 (2,0-2,2109 colony forming units /g).

Year of release: 2020
Number of the journal: 3(79)

Personal data in the Republic of Kazakhstan: problems of ensuring confidentiality in the context of digitalization

This article discusses the issues of ensuring the confidentiality of personal data in the context of the development of the information society. The purpose of the article is to study the problems of ensuring the confidentiality of personal data in the Republic of Kazakhstan in the conditions of digitalization of the economy and society. The methodological basis of this research is based on General scientific methods: philosophical, dialectical, synergetic, inductive, deductive, method of analysis and synthesis, formalization, analogy, materialistic and empirical methods that ensure the integrity and balance of research, as well as a formal legal method that allowed an adequate analysis of the content of the personal data protection system in foreign countries and Kazakhstan. The processes of globalization, information openness and digitalization have set a number of tasks aimed at solving the problems of ensuring information security while maintaining a balance of interests of the individual, society and the state. In this regard, the problems of ensuring the security of personal data turnover on the Internet, today, is relevant for science and law enforcement practice. The current legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan on personal data does not pay enough attention to issues related to the processing of personal data in information systems. Improving the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the field of ensuring the security of personal data processing on the Internet is relevant in the framework of implementing the provisions of the Cybersecurity concept («Cyber shield of Kazakhstan»). However, national legislation does not provide specific guarantees against unauthorized collection of personal data. The current legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan in this sphere of relations contains a number of legislative decisions, but there are legal errors that require timely adjustments, taking into account the borrowing of progressive experience of foreign countries. Special attention in this article is on the study of contemporary threats of violations of personal data, and provided ways to protect them. The authors conclude that, despite the fact that the law of the Republic of Kazakhstan «On personal data and their protection» sets requirements for the procedure for ensuring the confidentiality of personal data, at the same time they are general in nature and need further specification. In addition, there are a number of significant aspects that are directly related to ensuring the confidentiality of personal data, which have not yet received their proper legal regulation.

Year of release: 2020
Number of the journal: 3(79)
Heading: Law

Opportunities for the development of entrepreneurship through labor mobility

Main problem: The literature on regional entrepreneurship tends to neglect interregional human capital flows, and yet spatial mobility provides emerging entrepreneurs with knowledge and networks in different locations to exploit entrepreneurial opportunities. Purpose: The purpose of this study was to establish the relationship between mobility and entrepreneurship. Methods: Examined how multidisciplinary experience and non-local knowledge provide migrants with the desire for opportunity-based entrepreneurship. The connection between the regional environment and entrepreneurial motives based on opportunities for people with and without spatial mobility is shown. The analysis of data from a survey of labor force dynamics is presented, which compares the characteristics and driving forces of entrepreneurial motives of migrants and local residents. A survey has been conducted that indicates a higher prevalence of opportunity-based entrepreneurship among migrant entrepreneurs compared to their local counterparts. Official Kazakh statistics do not take into account the impact of internal migrants on the development of the economy and welfare of the region to which they moved. Results and their relevance: Based on the analysis and survey, it was found that the experience of spatial mobility significantly increases the likelihood of entering an opportunity-based business. The regional environment influences the entrepreneurial motives of migrants and non-migrants, but in different ways. Local entrepreneurs are more affected by the endogenous nature of the firm, while migrant entrepreneurs start businesses based on both local needs and external linkages with wider market areas. The regional environment influences the entrepreneurial motives of migrants and non-migrants, but the experience of spatial mobility significantly increases the likelihood of starting a business based on the opportunities of migrants.

Author: S.V. Bespalyy
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Unit economics in the youth entrepreneurship sector: principles, methods of implementation

Basic problem: the Republic of Kazakhstan is a platform for implementing innovative projects in all spheres of the economy, providing the younger generation with resource centers, technological parks, agricultural equipment, industrial technologies and scientific and educational complexes. The main goal of such actions is to activate scientific research, increase the technological potential of the industrial sectors of the national economy, and stimulate the development of innovative activities in the field of research and development. The problems of developing an entrepreneurial culture are a cornerstone issue that combines a combination of motivational principles for generating and promoting ideas, activating youth entrepreneurship as the flagship of the future economy, and a complex epidemiological situation in the world that hinders not only the development of entrepreneurship, but also the course of all socio-economic processes in society. Purpose: The purpose of this study is to identify the problems of youth entrepreneurship and find ways to solve them in accordance with the principles and methods of implementation, including the unit economics. Methods: the research Area focuses on economic modeling techniques that are successfully used in international practice to determine the profitability of business models, taking into account the effect of the production of a unit of goods / services or a single client / customer. The implementation of this approach is facilitated by the use of traditional methods of scientific research, such as analysis, comparison, and a graphical method for visualizing the results obtained; quantification method and parametric method as an evaluation tool that allows formalizing the procedure for evaluating the performance of unit economics models. Results and their significance: when considering business models in relation to youth entrepreneurship, attention is paid to the skills and competencies that students who study the disciplines of the entrepreneurial block in higher education receive. The proposed methods of unit economics are actively used in the development and promotion of startups, as an integral part of business plans. It is concluded that youth business has started to play a crucial role in solving socio-economic problems, such as creating new jobs and reducing the unemployment rate, and training qualified personnel. The set of proposed measures provides additional opportunities and increases the influence of youth entrepreneurship, which becomes the basis for unlocking its potential.

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Development of entrepreneurial activity in Pavlodar region: analysis of the state and problems

Main problem: Small and medium-sized businesses, as an important component of modern production, largely contributes to maintaining a competitive tone in the economy, creates a natural social support for a social structure organized on the principles of the market, and also forms a new social stratum of entrepreneurs. Since the establishment of independent Kazakhstan, the sphere of entrepreneurship has always been in the center of attention of the state, and the Strategy "Kazakhstan - 2050": the new political course of the established state, comprehensive support of entrepreneurship as the leading force of the national economy has been identified among its priority tasks. At the present stage of development, the system of state support for small and medium- sized businesses in the Republic of Kazakhstan includes a number of institutions and state programs designed to provide comprehensive support to this sector of the economy. Despite the measures taken by the state to support small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), the development of this area in the regions and the Republic of Kazakhstan, in general, faces a number of serious problems, including those of a systemic nature, which involves researching the state, identifying problems and determining prospects for the development of small and medium- sized businesses. Purpose: to study the state, trends and prospects of development of SMEs in Pavlodar region, to identify and describe the problems of organizing the activities of entrepreneurs in the region. Methods: the state of entrepreneurial activity in the region is analyzed in the context of the main socially significant indicators of its development, the main trends and patterns of development of the SME sphere are identified and the reasons that form them are substantiated. As one of the tools for identifying and substantiating the reasons hindering the development of entrepreneurial activity, the study conducted a survey of entrepreneurs to identify the problems of SMEs in the region. Results and their significance: Based on the results of the study, a range of priority problems of SMEs in the region was determined, an assessment of their correlation with similar problems of the SME sector of the Republic of Kazakhstan was given, and a range of basic expectations of entrepreneurs in the context of government measures to support their development was outlined.

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Implementation of environmental measures in the study of pre-design situations on the example of a roadside service facility

When solving project tasks, it is necessary to take into account the maximum number of possible solutions that contribute to the efficiency of the object. When analyzing the activity of multifunctional objects, such solutions are all the more important, since they allow, taking into account the specific features of the object, to make the most rational design decision, especially if these solutions are associated with the ability to solve environmental and energy-efficient problems. The decisions made can take into account both the operation of the object itself and the infrastructure that provides the solution with the necessary engineering solutions. The most difficult thing in making project decisions is to systematize the studied situations and analyze informative sources. Systematization of methods of pre-project analysis, generalization of the experience of project work on the example of designing a roadside service object. Wepropose forms that facilitate the structuring of information sources, as well as logical tables that give an idea of the specifics of the choice of positions and directions that allows quickly come to an understanding of how to implement project tasks. Awareness of the methods that allow organizing the logic and sequence of design processes in design and architectural design allows the author to identify the most important problems from his point of view and fit them into the range of design tasks. The search for answers to these problems is formed by ways of structuring information and displaying it in pictorial structures, where the word takes on the meaning of a specific symbol, in a chain of connections that determine the understanding of the integral process of functioning of the future object, taking into account all aspects of its activity.

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Modern pedagogical technologies in teaching a foreign language in primary school

The article describes modern pedagogical technologies of teaching a foreign language in primary school and examines their impact on the development of various competencies of primary school students. The authors emphasize that information and communication pedagogical technologies help to implement a student-centered approach to learning, provide individualization and differentiation of learning, taking into account the abilities of younger students, their level of education. And also modern pedagogical technologies as a systemic holistic means of restructuring activities make it possible to improve the quality of the educational process, to solve the problems of personality development. Purpose – analysis of modern educational technologies used in English lessons. The current system of training primary school teachers requires a revision of its structure, organization, relationship with school practice and innovative processes in the education system. Therefore, the article proves that an important part of the educational process should be the use of new pedagogical technologies in improving the quality of training of specialists at the university, providing the possibility of self-development of the teacher's personality, increasing his creative abilities and improving the educational process. The study used a descriptive method, analysis and synthesis methods. The authors of the article call the development of the student's personality (moral and cognitive) and the complex of abilities for successful interaction with the polycultural and multilingual world around him as the goal of foreign language education in primary grades. Therefore, it is important that the future primary school teacher, in accordance with the requirements of the state educational standard, has formed the knowledge, skills and abilities necessary for the application of modern pedagogical technologies. At the present time, when a new education system was created, focused on the world educational space, changes in the educational process changed the paradigm of education, updated the content of education, formed a new approach, new relationships. Keywords: technologies, competencies, multicultural, multilingual, English, modern education.

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On the issue of the scope of application of labor legislation in the Republic of Kazakhstan

In this article, the authors consider the features of the scope of application of labor legislation. The authors note that the extent to which the norms of labor legislation apply to different types of labor relations varies. In this connection, the question of the scope of labor legislation, as well as the limits of its use in the settlement of labor relations of various categories of citizens, becomes relevant. The purpose of this article is to address issues related to the scope of application of labor legislation. In this study, the methods generally accepted in the legal science and the science of labor law is used. Thus, such general scientific methods as dialectical, system-structural, historical methods, as well as the method of comparative analysis were used. Among the special legal methods used, it is necessary to distinguish the formal legal method of scientific knowledge. The scope of the labor legislation is, first of all, the circle of public relations, a certain territory, as well as the circle of subjects to which its norms apply. The Labor Code cannot regulate all relations concerning the exercise of the right to work. This is the sphere of regulation of the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Labor legislation can regulate only those relations concerning the exercise of the right to work that arise on the basis of an employment contract. The authors come to the conclusion that labor legislation regulates not only labor relations, which are the subject of labor law. It also regulates certain other types of employment relations in cases where this is expressly provided for by law. At the same time, it should be noted that the labor legislation applies to other types of labor relations only within the limits defined by a special law. Labor legislation does not apply in cases where the work is performed by an individual – a business entity independently or the work is performed by members of a personal peasant farm in this farm, as well as in cases where an individual performs the duties of a member of the supervisory board of a joint-stock company, the executive body of a business company, or other relevant management bodies of legal entities; if these duties are performed on other grounds than an employment contract, and if an individual performs the duties under a civil contract providing for the performance of certain work in favor of the other party to the contract.

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Heading: Law

The main directions of economic development of the region through the prism of the impact of the coronavirus pandemic

The COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic has brought about a new economic reality, to which every economic entity must adapt, regardless of the scale: within a region, a country, or the whole world. The article examines the regional economic mechanism in the context of the pandemic in the context of the interaction of the market mechanism of self-development and the control influence of the regional authorities. The destabilization of the economic situation in the regions as a result of the pandemic and related restrictions poses the problem of revising the main directions of regional policy To achieve the set goals and objectives, the general methods of empirical and theoretical research were used: analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction, generalization, description. Three spheres play a key role in the economy of Pavlodar region: industry, trade and transport. Just how to remain positive dynamics in terms of industrial production and maintained the services will depend on the development of the region, the main indicators which are discussed in this article through the prism of the events in the context of the pandemic. The necessary health measures taken in response to the pandemic have led to a severe reduction in mobility and are accompanied by high economic costs. The quarantine measures have had a direct impact on businesses, especially microbusinesses. To support this sector, tax incentives were provided, lending was expanded, and measures were taken to further facilitate the business environment. The article reflects only a small list of issues that required changes in the economic mechanism in the context of the pandemic and the introduction of restrictive measures, as well as the strengthening of the influence of external control on the economy. At the same time, the state as whole and individual regions, taking into account their potential and the actual situation in the economy, need to find an optimal balance between the prohibitions and restrictions imposed to ensure the safety of human health and the preservation of the economy in a functional mode, work and income of employees. This problem of finding a balance between prohibitive and permissive measures requires further analysis. At the same time, the state needs to develop and apply tools of a systematic nature, focused on the long term.

Author: Z.A. Arynova
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Accounting information when calculating the cost of production of an industrial enterprise as an element of cost management

The data of calculating the actual cost of production are widely used in production management at industrial enterprises, to monitor compliance with the standard cost of production adopted by the enterprise, to identify ways to optimize labor costs and material resources. The level of cost depends on the activity of an industrial enterprise in a market economy: the amount of profitability, the economic efficiency of its activities. The choice of the method of cost accounting and calculating the cost of production depends on the specifics of the technology and organization of production, as well as the requirements of the efficiency of enterprise management. Studying the formation of accounting information when calculating the cost of production by type of product, comparing the level of costs with the revenue received makes it possible to determine the economic efficiency of production. The purpose of this study is to identify the problems of forming accounting information when calculating the cost of production for making decisions to reduce costs. The implementation of the research goal is facilitated by the use of methods of comparative analysis, synthesis, and graphical method for visualizing the results obtained. When considering the cost calculation, attention is paid to the fact that in market conditions there is a need for detailed cost accounting and calculation of the cost of production. If we take into account that in market conditions, prices for products are formed as demand increases, and demand is influenced by external factors, then we can only influence the costs based on the cost calculation. The basis for making effective management decisions will depend on how reliable and to what extent the accounting information is formed. Costs are the main constraint on the profit of industrial enterprises, since the main strategic goal of any enterprise is the mechanism for increasing profits. The ability to achieve this goal is limited by the following internal factors: the complexity of the cost grouping, technological processes, and the impact on product quality. It is necessary to improve the information system, which is based on the data of primary documents, document flow and the order of cost grouping. The proposed measures will contribute to strengthening the control function of the management and, as a result, effective cost management.

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Application of intelligent transport systems on the roads of Кazakhstan

The progress of work on the creation of an "intelligent transport system" in Kazakhstan, the development and modernization of the road industry will be reported. The economic and social effectiveness of several transport corridors and new projects were analyzed. Transport corridors of foreign countries, methods of providing logistics services were presented. In his address, the head of state paid special attention to the issues of digitalization of all spheres of life of the population, including the transport sector of Kazakhstan. Currently, the Ministry of investment and development of the Republic of Kazakhstan is working on the creation of an "intelligent transport system" within the framework of the state program «Digital Kazakhstan» (ITS). ITS goal is to systematically integrate transport infrastructure, transport devices and users with modern information and communication technologies aimed at improving the safety and efficiency of the transport process. The concept will include 11 components in ITS. One of them is a special automated measuring instruments (UAVs), which are installed in the main automobile corridors. This device is designed to measure moving vehicles without contact and eliminate unjustified stops. This year, it is planned to put into operation 10 units of RSPP, and by 2020 it is planned to increase their number to 46 units. It is also planned to introduce a traffic management system that will inform drivers about the situation on the roads, a system for forecasting and analyzing climatic conditions, which is carried out through a network of weather stations along the roads, a network of video monitoring and special video cameras for detecting traffic violations, toll road systems that cover the cost of maintenance of the national road network, etc. They will be introduced in stages until 2021. The implementation of this project will reduce road deaths, increase the volume of transit traffic and the speed of logistics services, fully cover the main highways with measuring instruments and create favorable conditions for drivers on the roads. Such systems are already operating in South Korea, Japan, Australia, Europe and the United States.

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Prospects for the use of natural food additives in the production of sausage products

Today, there is a full development of the food industry. It is characterized by the widest mechanization and automation of production and transport processes, the use of artificial cold and vacuum technology, the latest physical methods, chemical and biological preparations to accelerate technological processes. There are a huge variety of new products. New ways of long-term preservation of products in hermetic airtight packaging are promising. Now it is possible to deliver products from almost any industry to anywhere in the world. But the main problem for the modern consumer is that today's food industry is moving by leaps and bounds in the application and addition of chemical food additives: preservatives, flavors, dyes, stabilizers, antioxidants and substitutes for raw materials. To correctly answer the question of how to treat the use of food with food additives, it is necessary to understand and weigh the main disadvantages and advantages of using them. Advantages are that the product is better preserved, has an attractive appearance. Disadvantages are that the human body wears out, processing various chemicals, it is harmful to health. And with certain doses of use it becomes dangerous. Everyone has their own attitude to their health and their own priorities in life. Many people have come to terms with the daily use of products with additives, but others consciously refuse almost everything in the store. But the fact that no one wants to be poisoned from an overdose of various chemicals or starve to death. Therefore, the main advice is to carefully study the composition indicated on the label of food products and know the measure of their consumption. It is also impossible to believe blindly that the label was written with the truth. Manufacturers often use additives literally visually, which can lead to the production of a product with a dangerously higher concentration. It also happens that the manufacturer intentionally exceeds the norm in order to hide the shortcomings of the product (stale, poor quality of raw materials) and increase the yield of the finished product. The food additives added to many foods (usually designated by the code E) are predominantly harmful to the body. With moderate consumption, the use of products with E-supplements is not too harmful to the body (for example, several times a month). The situation is dangerous when a person consumes products with a large number of food additives daily or even several times a day when using various products. Nowadays, there are several hundred food additives with the code E (from E100 to E1521).

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The role of leadership potential in the formation of the company's talent pool

In modern conditions, many companies highlight such a problematic aspect in the management of the talent pool as the formation of leadership potential among employees, which undoubtedly affects the achievement of strategic goals and the efficiency of the enterprise as a whole. In modern economic conditions, the role of a leader in implementing the company's development strategy is very important. The important competencies of a leader today include responsibility, the ability to be responsible for one's obligations, initiative and creativity, a proactive approach to life, sociability and purposefulness. When a leader is a leader, he or she is assessed according to such criteria as personal qualities, values, personal effectiveness, creative thinking, and professional skills. These core competencies need to be developed internally. Moreover, if a company is determined to nurture its leaders, it must clearly build a policy of forming a personnel reserve, a pool of future leaders. This is a key aspect in the activities of leading companies. Purpose is defining the role of leadership potential to create a strong corporate culture and form effective teamwork. The formation of a talent pool is associated with the presence of a strong leader, and with the fact that the company's management maintains established traditions, and shows constant concern for customers, employees and other business participants. The corporate culture must correspond to the development strategy, and the success of the strategy implementation depends on how effective the manager will be, leading the strategy implementation, what are his leadership qualities. It is important to show how high and important is the role of the leader, his or her active participation in the formation of the personnel reserve. The method of analogies and such management approaches as personal, behavioral, process and situational were used in the work. Understanding and supporting the work to build a strong talent pool can help businesses become more resilient in the marketplace, improve production and management performance, and see themselves in the long term.

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Ensuring quality control by implementing a quality management system at the enterprise

The article presents the results of implementing a quality management system at the enterprise. The study and analysis of the international standard ISO 9001:2015, as well as sanitary and epidemiological requirements for production control were carried out. The main requirements and rules for the implementation of input, operational and output control of products at enterprises at all stages of the product life cycle were identified and presented. In addition, it was determined what requirements must be met by enterprises to implement a quality management system. It is important to note that this work is necessary at the enterprise, as it has the following advantages: by improving product quality, product sales increase, the level of management of the enterprise and personnel increases, and cost savings are realized at the stages of development, production and operation. It follows that to implement a quality management system, it is necessary to set the following tasks: describe the company's processes, develop performance criteria and evaluate processes, develop the necessary documented information, implement documentation in all departments, familiarize them with the quality policy and goals, conduct timely internal audits for further SWOT analysis, and conduct an assessment by an external auditor in order to obtain a certificate of compliance. An important step in quality management is that the organization should not eliminate nonconforming results of processes, but should identify potential nonconformities, assess the risk with the preparation of a Protocol, plan and implement actions to reduce risks. Difficulties may arise: lack of understanding by the staff of the need to implement a quality management system, lack of a clear vision, mission, lack of complete information on processes, lack of quantitative and qualitative evaluation criteria, quality is defined as the quality of products, not as the quality of processes, resources, lack of monitoring of customer satisfaction. It is possible to overcome these difficulties only with the implementation of the quality management system according to ISO 9001, since the requirements prescribed in the international standard are a real tool for improving the efficiency of the enterprise, which will help bring the organization to a higher level of development.

Year of release: 2020
Number of the journal: 2(78)

Industry 4.0: Challenges and Opportunities for the Labor Market

Main problem: In the 18th century, when industrial production began, the use of steam and mechanized production caused major changes in the economy. As a result, production costs decreased along with an increase in the quantity and quality of products. During this period, production underwent a revolutionary transition from manual labor to mechanization. The potential impact of Industry 4.0 on labor markets remains an under-explored scientific field. It is estimated that Industry 4.0 will lead to unemployment by changing the employment structure and will bring new structural problems in terms of unemployment and labor relations. Purpose: The purpose of the study was to establish the impact of Industry 4.0 on the labor market and identify the consequences of the impact. Methods: studied, the evolution of production development, when mass production with electricity led to the Age of Industry 2.0, and then the emergence of the digital revolution, the use of electronics and information technology in production processes, marked the beginning of the Age of Industry 3.0. It is expected, according to international experts, scientists, that automation and robotic production will have a serious impact on the unskilled workforce and cause a critical reduction in the labor force of vulnerable sectors of society, that is, women, migrants, youth and the elderly. Results and their significance: This study assessed the possible impact of the fourth industrial revolution on labor markets. Through a literature review and analysis of emerging trends in Industry 4.0, the risks, opportunities and challenges of the process are explored in a comparative perspective. It has been established that countries must correctly perceive the transformation of labor markets and take appropriate measures. Otherwise, the applied labor-based low-cost industrialization model will lose its comparative advantage

Author: S.V. Bespalyy
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Factors of economic space and business network in improving the economic security of business

In the conditions of modern economy, factors that affect the security of the business, but relate to external resources in relation to the company or opportunities, become significant. These resources and opportunities in economics have traditionally been identified with macro-economic (economic growth, inflation, exchange rates, government support) and institutional parameters (regulatory framework, transaction costs). The influence of the quality of economic space on economic security of business through the evaluation of opportunities that are tied to the specifics of the economic space is the least researched, including in our country. In this case, according to the latest research in the field of economic geography, economic space acts as a structure-forming platform that can form local markets, with intensive interaction of business agents. The purpose of this study is ensuring of economic security by building business networks in a single economic space. The research area focuses on indicators that characterize economic space, which are successfully used in international practice to determine the quality of economic space. The realization of this approach requires the use of traditional methods of scientific research, such as analysis, comparison, graphical method for visualizing obtained results, which allows determining the agglomeration zone and the space of business networks in it. When considering economic space in relation to building a business network in improving business security, main focus is on the quality of economic space that the region has. The proposed methods of evaluating the quality of economic space are actively used to determine the possibility of building business networks in this space. The authors conclude that business networks play a crucial role in improving the economic security of business in a particular economic space. The set of proposed measures provides additional opportunities and increases the influence of economic space on business security and creates the zone of maximum external security

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Problems and prospects of using the Industrial certificate in the Republic of Kazakhstan

The Kazakhstani manufacturer has repeatedly faced situations when pseudo-enterprises, disguising themselves as domestic producers of goods, works and services, received preferences and used government support measures, won government and other purchases, while not having enough equipment for production. The article is devoted to current problems and prospects for the application of the Industrial Certificate in the Republic of Kazakhstan. The dynamics of the development of the sphere of public procurement of the Republic of Kazakhstan is considered, depending on the specific requirements for certain areas of production of goods, works and services. The material in this article is important from the point of view of ensuring fair competition between competing enterprises in the same industry. The complex of transformations in the system of standardization, certification and quality management has been carried out since the first years of independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan. These transformations have been observed over the years, vivid examples of which are: the application of the European model of technical regulation to the modern realities of the economic situation in the Republic of Kazakhstan, accession to the Customs Union, the adoption of unified technical regulations of the Customs Union, the introduction of new regulations and legal acts defining the share of local content in products and services, as well as the potential of domestic industries. The results of these transformations have proved that the system of technical regulation of the Republic of Kazakhstan is an effective tool for the development of the economy. The development of new Kazakhstani normative legal acts and normative documents introduced to support the domestic producer of goods and services will contribute to the transformation of the old system and the creation of a new one that is fundamentally different from the previous one. The article discusses problematic issues in the field of industrial certification, namely: a lack of qualified personnel; unregulated pricing system for work carried out in this area; the complexity of the industrial certification procedure; a lack of automation of processes of the industrial certification mechanism. Analyzing the practice of industrial certification, this article offers recommendations for solving the above problematic issues. New edition of amendments and additions to the «Rules for the formation and maintenance of the register of domestic manufacturers of goods, works and services, as well as the issuance of an Industrial certificate» approved by the decision of the Presidium of the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of the Republic of Kazakhstan «Atameken» dated 28.12.2018. No. 28 is designed to reconstruct the process of obtaining the Industrial Certificate. The process should become more transparent, understandable and highly efficient. Also, with the introduction of changes, the problems that hindered the receipt of the Industrial certificate by individual enterprises should be resolved.

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деньги, учет, аудит, документ, ликвидность, отражение операций, информация.

The main problem is that money plays a huge role in a market economy. The market is impossible without the movement of money that carries out the turnover of goods and services. The movement of money serves the sale of goods, as well as the movement of the financial market. The cash resources of an industrial enterprise are an integral part of current assets. The money is needed for settlements with suppliers and contractors, for making payments to the budget, for issuing salaries, bonuses to employees, and for making other types of payments. The meaning of the organization of funds is to effectively manage the cash flows of an economic entity on the basis of data obtained from the results of the analysis of cash flows for a certain period of time and accounting data. Information support is a system of information and methods of its processing that allow us to assess the real state of an industrial enterprise and identify factors that contribute to improving the effectiveness of management decisions. In these conditions, it becomes inevitable to improve the information support for accounting and auditing of funds. The purpose of this study is to identify the problems of accounting and auditing of funds at industrial enterprises by improving information support. The implementation of the research goal is facilitated by the use of methods of comparative analysis, synthesis, graphical method for visualizing the results obtained. For any enterprise, it is necessary that there is enough money at the beginning of the production cycle, and at the end their growth is ensured. With such business management, a constant turnover of funds will be ensured, which will provide the enterprise with an influx of funds, and will make it possible to carry out activities in other areas (investment or financial) at the expense of the money generated by the main activity. In a market economy, it is necessary to proceed from the principle that the skillful use of funds brings additional income to the enterprise, and, therefore, the enterprise should constantly think about the rational investment of temporarily free funds to make a profit. The authors analyzed the cash flow by type of activity on the basis of financial statements, and developed recommendations for solving the problems of accounting and auditing of funds, which are aimed at improving cash flow management, which will allow an industrial enterprise to achieve its goals and plans as much as possible.

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Creating a development plan for students of a children's and youth football school

This scientific and practical article is devoted to the analysis of the results of an experiment aimed at psychological and pedagogical support of the process of building a project for the development of the inner world of a player of a children's and youth football team of the professional football club "Lviv" from the Ukrainian city of Lviv. A special feature of the psychological and pedagogical support for designing the development of the student's psyche is the use of the paradigm of the language of the theory of activity in the version of the Moscow methodological and pedagogical circle (MMPC), using the language of schematic images and the pyramid of subjectivity, explaining the path of formation of human mental mechanisms in the unity of cognitive, emotive and conative processes, starting from the vital level of their development to the level of spirituality. Another feature of the article is that the presentation of methods and techniques does not occur in a separate part of it, but in the process of describing the steps of designing a development plan that is formed for absolutely all professional athletes who have the acmeological potential of professionalization in football. It is presented in the form of 11 steps to create an individual trajectory of the player's development. In each of these steps, it is important that the coaches and the player participate with their parents, representatives of the club, which has its own component in terms of the volume and quality of the efforts required on their part. The article reveals the first of the 4 steps of creating a reasonable player development plan. For example, we consider working with one of the players. The content of this particular illustration is a very illustrative and demonstrative example. It is assumed that a series of articles in this publication will reveal the topic of student development management, which will include both scientific and theoretical and review types of works. The next article will be a continuation of this one in terms of demonstrating the success of implementing this particular development plan by the example of several players from a team consisting of 22 players who have been trained in a similar way, i.e. using methodological criteria for the organization of psychological and pedagogical support for the development of thinking, sensory-motivational and volitional characteristics of players by football club coaches.

Author: S.A. Chekin
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Key factors for ensuring sustainable development of rural regions of Kazakhstan

Main problem: Currently, there are various socio-economic and environmental problems in the development of rural regions, among the key ones: access to basic services, lack of transport connectivity, inadequate social, housing infrastructure, and others. Achieving sustainable development of the territory is one of the important priorities, which is of great importance for any state. Sustainable development is understood as harmonious development from the perspective of the economy, social sphere and ecology. At the same time, the sustainable development of socio-economic and natural systems is not possible if many factors and conditions are not taken into account that can directly affect the current state and long-term sustainability of their functioning and interference is not created on these processes within the framework of the implementation of various policies by the state. Purpose: In this regard, the purpose of this study is to identify and study the key factors that determine and contribute to the balanced development of rural regions of the country in the context of sustainable development goals and objectives. Methods: Empirical methods of economic cognition, methods of induction and deduction, synthesis, as well as logical methods were used in the framework of scientific research. Results and their significance: When classifying significant factors that influence the formation of sustainable rural development, it is necessary to take into account an essential feature of sustainable development – a harmonious combination of economic, social and environmental components of social development. Taking into account the logic of this study, based on the variety of factors contributing to the sustainable development of rural a reas, their systematization has been carried out.

Year of release: 2021
Number of the journal: 4(84)

Ingularly perturbed equations in critical cases

Singularly perturbed partial differential equations with small parameters with higher derivatives deserve special attention, which often arise in a variety of applied problems and are used in describing mathematical models of diffusion processes, absorption taking into account small diffusion, filtration of liquids in porous media, chemical kinetics, chromatography, heat and mass transfer, hydrodynamics and many other fields. It is necessary to consider the creation of an asymptotic classification of solutions of singularly perturbed equations using a well-known approach to solving the boundary value problem. In this case, the singular problem is understood as the problem of constructing the asymptotics of the solution of the Cauchy problem for a system of ordinary differential equations with a small parameter with a large derivative. The asymptotics of the solution in all cases is based on the last time interval or the construction of a boundary value problem for a system with a weak clot in an asymptotically large time interval. Purpose - to construct and substantiate the asymptotics of solving a singular initial problem for a system of two nonlinear ordinary differential equations with a small parameter; To date, a number of methods have been developed for constructing asymptotic expansions of solutions to various problems. This is the method of boundary functions developed in the works of A.B. Vasilyeva, M.I. Vishik, L.A. Lusternik, V.F. Butuzov; the regularization method of S. A. Lomov, methods of averaging, VKB, splicing of asymptotic decompositions of A.M. Ilyin and others. All the above methods allow us to obtain asymptotic expansions of solutions for wide classes of equations. At the same time, such singularly perturbed problems often arise, to which ready-made methods are not applicable or do not allow to obtain an effective result. Therefore, the development of methods for solving equations remains a very urgent problem. As a result of the study, an algorithm for constructing an asymptotic classification of the initial solution of the problem with a singular perturbation is given, and approaches to estimating the residual term are also shown.

Year of release: 2021
Number of the journal: 4(84)

Development of a technology for producing organic fertilizers based on catalytic processes

The article is devoted to the development of a technology for obtaining organic fertilizers from poultry waste based on biocatalytic processes. Currently, many poultry farms have become sources of environmental pollution, thereby causing serious environmental problems and economic and social damage. The problem of reliable protection of the natural environment from pollution by bird droppings is currently relevant. In the area of operation of large poultry farms, air pollution by microorganisms, dust, foul-smelling organic compounds, which are decomposition products of organic waste, as well as nitrogen, sulfur, and carbon oxides, is possible. Bird droppings contain acids, nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, heavy metals. The content of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium changes dramatically depending on the quantity and quality of the feed. Humic substances isolated from brown coal have a sufficiently high sorption activity and are used as cheap sorbents for solving a number of environmental problems in industry. These studies are aimed at minimizing the main disadvantage of the anaerobic digestion process, the low reaction rate, which leads to the need to create large-volume bioreactors. On the basis of the research carried out, a technology has been developed for obtaining organic fertilizers from poultry waste by the method of anaerobic fermentation of chicken manure with humidity at a temperature of 27 °C - 50 °C with the addition of sodium humate. The resulting fertilizer is intended for use in agricultural production, horticulture, floriculture, forestry, municipalities, in household plots in order to increase the yield and quality of crop production. For the developed technology, an application has been submitted for obtaining a Patent for the invention of the Republic of Kazakhstan «Method for producing organic fertilizers» (priority No. 2021-22818, dated July 13, 2021). The invention allows to significantly reduce the time of fermentation, to enrich the product with organic and mineral products contained in sodium humate, to convert the salts of heavy metals into an insoluble state, to improve the environmental friendliness of the method.

Year of release: 2021
Number of the journal: 4(84)

Comparative evaluation of different extraction methods of medical plants

The development of extraction techniques of medical plants aims to maximize the bioactive compounds production. Тechnologies in this area of industry have not high enough еfficiency factor. In some cases, it reaches only 40-50 %. Therefore, development of new methods to effectively extract different compounds from plant material and their input into large-scale industry is of great importance. The goal is to determine an effective and suitable technology for extracting bioactive compounds from medical plant. This is a narrative review paper which focuses on different extraction methods of medical plant. To find relevant articles for this narrative review, 73 articles were reviewed. Of these, 14 irrelevant documents were discarded. This review analyses various extraction processes to guide the selection of suitable methods for various types of medical plants and applications. This is done by outlining traditional and modern methods of extraction techniques, exploring the importance of solvents for extraction, and comparing novel and alternative methods of extraction. In conclusion, based on the current knowledge, solvent extraction is the most common method for medical plants extraction. Enzymatic hydrolysis and supercritical extraction are advanced techniques with high yield of compounds. However, more research is needed for some modern extraction methods.

Year of release: 2021
Number of the journal: 4(84)

International experience in automating public services in the system of land relations

The article considers international experience in automating the system of land relations, aimed at improving the quality and reducing the time for the provision of services by state bodies to citizens and organizations, providing access to information databases, which positively affects the development of effective government decisions for the effective use of land resources, and also improves social welfare. In Kazakhstan, the transfer of land cadastral information to electronic media continues, and the automated information system of the land cadastre is being improved. The task of creating a unified mechanism for state cadastral registration of land plots according to uniform rules and technologies for all, identification and individualization of land plots and objects of immovable property firmly associated with them, for subsequent state registration of rights to land plots and transfer of information to the territorial bodies of the State Revenue Committee, remains relevant. To study the experience of developed countries in the provision of public services in the system of land relations through the development of official land information systems. The article used general scientific methods from general to concrete one, synthesis, theoretical generalization, induction, deduction, and system analysis. Based on the studied experience of developed countries, relevant conclusions and proposals were made: information technology is a useful tool and can help overcome bureaucracy, backwardness, isolation, monopolistic practices, and inefficiency in the public and private sectors; the use of state bodies for effective regulation of geographic information (GIS) systems that allow solving a wide range of tasks, as well as the use of modern information technologies, contributes to the transition of the activities of state bodies to a qualitatively new level of state control, which allows for full transparency of information about the land fund and objects real estate of the country, as well as its availability to the population. The provision of public services in the field of land relations using information and communication technologies reduces entry barriers and transaction costs in business, increases competition, and improves mechanisms in this area.

Year of release: 2022
Number of the journal: 1(85)

The role of the tax passport in assessing the tax potential of the region

The tax system, as an integral area of the economic direction of state policy, urgently requires such construction and development that will be directly related to those main vectors of the state policy of socio-economic development, which will help ensure a sufficient amount of tax revenues to the budgets of different levels. In many countries around the world, the COVID-19 pandemic has led to a significant deterioration in the state of public finances. Containment measures, increased government spending, and reduced tax revenues have led to an increase in the budget deficit and public debt, which as a percentage of GDP has reached its highest level in several decades. Restoring public finances is a priority for all countries for many years to come. At present, in the Republic of Kazakhstan, it became necessary to develop a single document, the basis of which should be a system of indicators that determine the trends in the development of the macroeconomic situation in the region, as well as the influence of sectoral and regional factors of the current structure of financial flows on the state of the tax base and the prospects for its development. Purpose of the article is a substantiation of the role of the tax passport in assessing the tax potential of the region in modern conditions. The tax passport of the region should be considered as a document that allows assessing the existing tax base of the region, the level of the tax burden in the context of certain types of taxes in dynamics, by industry, as well as developing a forecast for the receipt of taxes and fees for the future, both under the current legislation and taking into account its possible change. When writing the article, the dialectical method of cognition, the methods of scientific generalization and classification, the method of systemic and comparative analysis were used. The introduction of tax passports will mean the beginning of a qualitatively new system of tax collection, corresponding to market conditions and the scale of the revival of the economy, that will contribute to a change in the tasks of the tax service (there is a need to predict the volume of tax revenues in the medium term, develop new concepts in the field of taxation that contribute to the development of business without prejudice social programs, substantiation of tax programs to ensure protectionist policy in the field of foreign economic activity).

Year of release: 2022
Number of the journal: 1(85)

HR Strategy and HR Policy as a management system tool based on Kazakhstan companies’ experience

One of the management concerns of the progressive development of a modern organization is the efficiency of its HR potential. This concern is often resolved to quality issues of training graduates, inefficient labor market regulation, both at public level and regional one. These factors, external to the organization, positively impact the effectiveness of its activities, but today the government and business environment have already formed the tools to address this problem. However, there are also a number of inner concerns in HR management based on non-exact coordination and balanced HR Strategy, its orientation, goals and objectives and the company’s strategy. But only in this situation, both HR Strategy and HR Policy, more specifically, can become an effective tool for HR management as part of the company’s strategic development objectives. The purpose is to study and make a comparative analysis for supporting HR Policy of a number of major Kazakhstan companies, to analyze the relationship and coordination of companies’ HR Policy with their general strategy. We used classic methods, such as analysis, comparison, description, generalization, justification, etc., while preparing the paper and rationalizing the problem studied in it. As to this paper, based on materials of major companies of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the authors study and identify the content of HR Strategy and HR Policy as the main factors of domestic employers’ approach to HR management issues. The analysis proves the multi-vector approaches of Kazakhstan organizations to the formation and HR development. It seems also obvious that HR Policy of Kazakhstan companies has been and remains highly situational manner providing rationale to solve some or other HR problems related to dynamics of market situations and dynamics of goals and objectives for their development. The authors emphasize that the effectiveness of HR management and the HR Policy one of the organization requires a clear comprehension of the position and relevance of HR in organization. Honestly, this comprehension will be mainly governed by such factors as ownership, industry aspects, productivity levels, buoyancy rate of technologies used and the market of products or services sold by the organization. It is highly important that this comprehension is embodied properly in HR Strategy and HR Policy of the organization and is balanced with its market development strategy.

Year of release: 2022
Number of the journal: 1(85)

Simulation of the working cycle of a diesel engine with a system of periodic shutdown of the cylinders

Combustion engines operate over a wide range of power and speed. To the greatest extent, this applies to automotive and tractor engines and diesel engines operating at fractional and idle loads for a significant part of the operating time. When designing engines, the choice of their main design and layout parameters is carried out in a comprehensive manner, taking into account the provision of the required power and efficiency in the modes of maximum torque and rated power. However, ensuring the economical operation of modern highly accelerated diesel engines at low loads and idling causes a whole range of problems related mainly to the organization of effective mixture formation and fuel burnout, as well as to ensuring stable fuel supply. Thus, the cycle dose of injected fuel in idle mode is 8–12 times less than the cycle dose in nominal mode, which determines increased requirements for fuel equipment and difficulties in ensuring high-quality mixture formation. At the same time, diesel engines operate in idle mode up to 50 % of the total operating time, consuming up to 15–20% of the fuel. For truck engines, the relative idle time is approximately 20–25 %. Thus, the development of measures to improve the efficiency of diesel engines at idle is relevant. The purpose is to perform a numerical analysis of the effect of switching off cycles in diesel engines for autotractor and diesel locomotive purposes on the working processes in the cylinder and the indicator parameters of the cycle in idle modes. When writing the article, traditional methods (comparison, description, and measurement), generallogical methods and research techniques (analysis, generalization, etc.) were used. A numerical analysis of the operating cycle of a diesel engine equipped with a cycle shutdown system was performed. The relationship between changes in fuel injection characteristics when cycles are turned off with indicator indicators of the engine operating cycle in idle load modes is disclosed. It has been established that the expediency of switching off cycles in a specific engine operation mode is determined primarily by the features of the injection, carburetion and fuel burnout processes.

Year of release: 2022
Number of the journal: 1(85)

Means of expressing information in complex sentences with elliptical shapes

There have been different approaches to the phenomenon of ellipsis in both world and modern Azerbaijani linguistics. Although ellipsis is widely studied between the sides of compound sentences, but we believe that taking the wider and more diverse evolutionary processes in composite sentences, especially in complex sentences into consideration the fact of ellipsis in these constructions needs to be studied more deeply. The article provides detailed information on the characteristics of the formation of elliptical shapes of subordinate compound sentences. As you know, a subordinate compound sentence consists of two components: a main and a subordinate sentence. The ellipsis observed in a subordinate compound sentence does not manifest itself in the form of omission of any part of a sentence as in a simple sentence, but in the context of omission of the whole mai or subordinate sentence. Although the phenomenon of ellipsis can manifest itself in both components, the article deals with the ellipse observed in the main sentence. The article also notes that the phenomenon of ellipsis is naturally more characteristic of dialogic speech. Because this event occurs not as a deliberate, pre-planned form, but as a result of the natural regularity of language. It is clear that the basis of dialogic speech is question and answer sentences. Some of the question and answer sentences, in turn, form the components of a subordinate compound sentence, forming a dialogue unit. In some dialogues with such a construction, the phenomenon of elliptism manifests itself in the question sentence and in others in the answer sentence. It also provides detailed information on the role of many factors in the emergence of this language fact, in particular, the tendency of the language to save. The article also reflects and compares the views of world linguists on the phenomenon of ellipsis. The fact of the language which is dealt with is substantiated by concrete examples.

Author: N.G. Aliev
Year of release: 2022
Number of the journal: 2(86)
Heading: Humanities

The main directions of competitive and sustainable development of Pavlodar region

Main problem: The key task of the development of the regions of the Republic of Kazakhstan is to ensure their sustainable socio-economic development by increasing its competitiveness and innovation activity. To develop a successful strategy, as well as for its subsequent successful implementation, it is necessary to have a clear vision and idea of what the region will be like in the near future. This vision should be clearly formulated and understood by all interested parties in order to properly coordinate efforts in achieving the set goals. In turn, based on the vision, various initiatives and activities are being formed, the implementation of which is aimed at implementing the main directions of sustainable development of the region. Purpose: to consider the main directions of the implementation of the strategy of competitive, sustainable and safe development of the region. Methods: The theoretical and methodological basis was the concepts, hypotheses and theories presented in the works of domestic and foreign researchers. The methodology is based on a systematic approach, within which methods of comparative, factorial, subject-object; structural-functional, statistical analysis and extrapolation have been applied. Results and their significance: In order to ensure the sustainable development of the Pavlodar region in the future, there is a need to form the basis for the creation of new sectors, as well as to consider opportunities to diversify the regional economy. Currently, there is a structural change in jobs, which leads to an increased role of professional services industries in the field of information technology, engineering. It should be noted that the level of development of small, medium-sized businesses and entrepreneurship in the region is at a low level, due to the predominance of resource sectors in the economy. These sectors, due to the peculiarities of the technological process, do not form a system of suppliers around themselves. However, in order to ensure the progressive development of the industrial complex in the region, it is important to create conditions for the development of SMEs in the region and, accordingly, a system of suppliers around leading manufacturing enterprises. The high competitiveness of the Pavlodar region in the future until 2030 will be ensured through the development of priority clusters, as well as through the emergence of new industrial sectors of the economy. Thus, the priority clusters of «today» include: metallurgical cluster, including the production of end products; cluster of railway engineering; agro-food cluster.

Year of release: 2022
Number of the journal: 2(86)

Problematic issues on the formation and use of the budget of the Pavlodar region and ways to solve them

The sustainable socio-economic development of the regions is determined by a number of factors, including the implementation of an effective budget policy, which plays a special role for the performance of social functions, regulating Inter-level organizational relations, strengthening the economic and financial independence of the regions.Effective management of budget policy makes it possible to purposefully use the mechanisms of budget regulation at all levels of management. At the same time, it involves the implementation of a number of functions, of which the control function is the most important. In the system of economic relations, it is assigned to a specialized financial body – the Treasury. Topical tasks are: regulation of budget flows in the region, strengthening control over the receipt and targeted use of budget funds; improving inter-budgetary relations; increase the revenue base of budgets by increasing their collection; etc. In the process of solving these tasks, a number of managerial, organizational and methodological problems arise, the solution of which contributes to improving the effectiveness of the budget policy of the region and, as a result, its economic development. Objective - to study the regional specifics of the implementation of budget policy in terms of the formation and execution of local budgets on the example of the Pavlodar budget, identify the existing problems in the region and determine the directions for improving the budget process. The methodological basis of the study is formed by general scientific and special methods of cognition: analysis and synthesis, deduction and induction, historical, logical, structural-functional and comparative analysis, as well as individual scientific methods: statistical-economic and computational-analytical. The formation of the local budget is carried out through the application of a single methodology, a single budget legislation and orientation to the Strategic Development Plan of the Republic of Kazakhstan until 2025, developed for the implementation of the main document of the state planning system for the medium – term period-the long-term development strategy of Kazakhstan until 2050. The implementation of all the tasks set out in the strategic development plans of the Republic will begin at the level of local budgets. The solution of State tasks is guaranteed, first of all, to meet the needs of the population at the local level. The role of regions in the entire process of reproduction cannot be overestimated, so the independence, flexibility and high degree of efficiency of using budget funds at the local level is the key to the successful development of society, production and business in any territory.

Year of release: 2022
Number of the journal: 2(86)

The possibility of using correlation and regression analysis in ecological and economic research at oil refineries

It is known that an increase in the volume of production in any sphere of production as a consequence increases the intensity of anthropogenic impact on the environment, including the atmosphere. This problem is especially typical for oil refineries. On the one hand, this is due to the complexity of oil refining processes and the release of various hydrocarbon compounds into the atmosphere during processing. Therefore, when implementing sustainable ecological and economic development in the Azerbaijani regions that are associated with oil refining, an increase in the volume of products should not create an increase in environmental impact. This problem is considered one of the factors directly affecting the economic situation of the enterprise, as well as creating certain environmental, social and economic problems for society as a whole. The purpose is to study the possibility of using the correlation-regression method in solving the problem of determining the presence of the decapling effect. The relationship between the volume of petroleum products produced and the amount of pollutants released into the atmosphere is random and is characterized by stochastic and statistical dependence. At the same time, on the basis of a mutual comparison of the methods of correlation and regression analysis and the method of production function, the effectiveness of correlation and regression analysis is determined. The methodological basis of the work was the scientific works of scientists-economists, mathematicians providing the definition of the decoupling effect at industrial enterprises. In the presented methodology, the obtained estimates of the performed in real time vary depending on the values of the set parameter. When developing the presented methodology, the STATISTIKA software package was used. This program was developed by StatSoft. Based on the obtained and experimentally verified data, the equation of linear regression dependence is determined. During the research, it was found that in some cases it is not possible to evaluate the statistical characteristics of a random variable or it is accompanied by serious errors. Therefore, when processing data, instead of mathematical expectations and variances, we used selective mathematical expectations and variances. The analysis of the ecological and economic situation of oil refineries based on correlation and regression analysis allows us to determine the presence of the decapling effect. The obtained correlation coefficient between the volume of production oil products and the volume of emissions into the atmosphere shows that there is no statistically significant relationship between these parameters. Thus, there is an achievement of the decoupling effect between the production of petroleum products and the volume of emissions of pollutants into the atmosphere.

Author: Kh.B. Guliyeva
Year of release: 2022
Number of the journal: 2(86)

About the use of CASE-technologies in the process of designing information systems

Main problem: Today electronic information is one of the important resources in the management system. Electronic information resources are not only means, but also control flows. For example, any instruction or instruction in the management system is actually a guide to action. At the same time, for example, data on the movement of an object (employees, goods, money, etc.) are information resources, the storage and accounting of which is the basis of the organizational process. Large flows of information require their structuring, and operations on them become time-consuming. One of the ways to solve this problem is the development and implementation of an information system. Purpose: To analyze and design an information system using specialized tools designed to optimize the implementation of the above stages of software system development, using the example of a real business process. Methods: The article discusses the methodologies of CASE tools designed to automate software development processes, namely, the first two stages of the life cycle: analysis and design of a software product. The analysis and design of the business process functionality is carried out using the IDEF0 functional modeling methodology. The design of the database structure of the information system was carried out using the methodology of semantic (information) modeling IDEF1X. Description of the scenario of the designed software for a real business process is carried out using the dynamic modeling methodology IDEF3. Results and their significance: The article substantiates the relevance of the use of modern CASE-technologies in the process of analyzing and designing a future information system, as well as for the purpose of possible optimization on the example of a real business process "Inventory accounting". As a result, a comprehensive business process model was built using tools based on CASE-methodologies. The resulting model, as well as the description of its construction, is a clear example of the use of CASE technologies for software developers, as well as system analysts and IT specialists.

Author: I.I. Lyashenko
Year of release: 2022
Number of the journal: 2(86)

Results of application of organomineral fertilizer obtained with biocatalytic processes

Main problem: Bird droppings and animal manure contain acids, nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, heavy metals. The content of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium changes dramatically depending on the quantity and quality of the feed. Purpose: To study the effectiveness of the use of organomineral fertilizer from poultry waste, obtained using biocatalytic processes on the growth and development of plants. Methods: An application for a Patent for the invention of the Republic of Kazakhstan "Method of obtaining organic fertilizer" has been submitted for the developed technology for obtaining organic-mineral fertilizer. In the soil intended for growing seedlings of tomatoes of the “Pepper-shaped Orange” variety and peppers of the “Bogatyr” variety, the resulting fertilizer was applied in the amount of 1 kg per 1 m2 of soil, which was dug to a depth of 8-10 cm and used to grow seedlings in closed ground and subsequent for planting it in open ground. Soil without fertilization was used as a control. The process of soil preparation for open ground, intended for planting seedlings, was carried out for the experimental field with the introduction and control without fertilization. Experimental and control studies were carried out under equivalent climatic conditions, the scheme and technology of watering plants. In total, 100 bushes of each plant species were used in the experiment. Results and their significance: The use of the obtained organomineral fertilizer allows to increase the yield of vegetable crops (tomatoes, peppers) by 20-25% compared to the control. In addition, in the experimental samples, an increase in the number of fruits on a bush was noted with an increase in their size, a decrease in the growing season and the number of damaged fruits.

Year of release: 2022
Number of the journal: 2(86)

Problems and prospects for the development of the banking system of the Republic of Kazakhstan

The banking system is one of the most important components of the economy of any state, ensuring the functioning of the economy. The researchers study the functioning of individual banks and the banking system as a whole, because it is the banking system being an intermediary in the market system of relationships that allows financing of all spheres and branches of the national economy and the organization of their interaction. In modern conditions of aggravation of the economic crisis, pandemic, the role and importance of second-tier banks is changing. Banks, being one of the most dynamic and «flexible» spheres of economic activity, not only organize the functioning of economic entities, but also face a number of «newly created» problems that were not discussed until recently: cybercrime, data leakage, various modified fraudulent schemes and much more. An important distinguishing feature of the banking system is its dynamism, the ability to quickly respond to changes in the economy, the challenges of globalization. The domestic banking system copes quite well with the challenges of globalization, which is highlighted in this study. The purpose of the article is to consider the changes taking place in the banking system of Kazakhstan in modern conditions. When writing the article, methods of comparison, analysis, synthesis, aggregation, etc. were used. The result is the identification of the main problems related to the current state of the banking system, as well as their impact on the future configuration, improvement of the banking system, can be useful to bank employees dealing with the management of the banking system.

Author: A.T. Kaidarova
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Institutional conditions for anti-crisis management at processing enterprises

Today, the basis of a successful economy is the full development of all its sectors, the priority of which is the real sector. At the same time, historically, the trends in the development of the real sector of the economy imply the inevitable cyclical nature of the processes taking place in it, affecting, first of all, the activities of its economic entities. Crisis phenomena periodically bring industrial enterprises out of equilibrium. The scale of these phenomena can reach such dimensions that their elimination is not amenable to management decisions, since the effectiveness of the latter can be achieved only at the early stages of crisis phenomena. In modern realities, an effective anti-crisis management system at manufacturing enterprises is an important component of solving strategic problems. Acceleration of the processes of rehabilitation of the post-crisis state of the enterprise requires the development of methods of the most effective levers of anti-crisis management at manufacturing enterprises. In this regard, it is important to determine the key principles and approaches to the formation of anti-crisis management mechanisms. In the scientific environment, when studying anti-crisis management, the institutional component is rarely considered, although recently it has been coming to the fore in terms of the impact on the development of the enterprise. The purpose of the article is to consider the concepts of "institutionalism", "institutional environment" in the framework of crisis management of enterprises, to reveal the organizational and economic mechanism of crisis management of manufacturing enterprises. When writing the article, a systematic approach was used using such general scientific methods as analysis and synthesis, a combination of historical and logical, the method of system analysis The result is the identification of the main problems related to the anti-crisis management of the enterprise, taking into account the institutional component, as well as the offer of tools to prevent crisis situations or reduce the negative consequences of an existing crisis

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Analysis of the problems of the procedure for issuing an Industrial Certificate in the Republic of Kazakhstan and ways to solve them

Main problem: It is very important for each company to obtain an industrial certificate, which makes it possible to get into the Register of Domestic Manufacturers, as they expect to receive large orders. With the receipt of an industrial certificate, their prospects for participation in various tenders and purchases will significantly increase, where they can show their abilities, compete with domestic producers, and also have an advantage over importers. Since July 1, 2019, the industrial certificate has become mandatory for participation in public procurement. Corresponding changes to the rules for public procurement were made by the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Taking into account the experience of the «Rules for determining the country of origin of goods, issuing a certificate of origin of goods and canceling its validity», approved by Order of the Acting Minister for Investment and Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated February 24, 2015. No. 155», it becomes clear that the document does not take into account a number of «narrow» specifics of individual industries. Purpose: development of amendments and additions to the «Rules for the formation and maintenance of the register of domestic producers of goods, works and services, as well as the issuance of an Industrial Certificate» for the subsequent possibility of obtaining an Industrial Certificate by a chemical industry enterprise for the production of mineral fertilizers. Methods: study and analysis of literary sources, statistics and modeling of the procedure for issuing an Industrial Certificate. Results and their significance: the problems of application were studied, ways to solve these problems were found, and amendments and additions to the “Rules for the formation and maintenance of the register of domestic producers of goods, works and services, as well as the issuance of an industrial certificate” were developed. At the moment, the Rules need to be carefully finalized. It is necessary to consider this issue together with authorized state bodies, associations and business representatives, since obtaining an Industrial Certificate will directly affect participation in public procurement, and, accordingly, the economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

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From the history of public administration in Kazakhstan during the period of "war communism"

The article examines the emergence and functioning of the Soviet institutions of power in Kazakhstan during the period of "war communism". On the basis of archival materials and published works, the author analyzes the activities of Soviets and revolutionary committees. The purpose of the article is to study the main trends and features of the development of local government in Kazakhstan in 1918-1921. The study is based on the principles of historical, scientific objectivity and systemic structural-functional analysis. For this reason, the author used such methods as the method of historical reconstruction for the reorganization of the administration of Soviet, party and other local bodies; the method of isolation for the study of local (regional) features in relation to local phenomena and processes in the energy sector; the method of typology, which made it possible to identify and describe different types of local authorities. The authors come to the conclusion that in 1918-1921, during the period of civil resistance, "war communism" and the beginning of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry, bodies of the new Soviet power appeared and operated in Kazakhstan. They are characterized as having an anti-democratic character; strict social orientation; alienation of indigenous peoples; immanent nature for creating conflict situations; choosing non-optimal ways and means of solving a problem situation; unification of party and state. As a result, an overgrown and clumsy class of party classification was formed, which was not provided for by the Constitution of the USSR.

Year of release: 2022
Number of the journal: 4(88)
Heading: Humanities

Family crises and ways to overcome them

The concept of resilience, the ability to withstand crises and adversities and recover from them, has valuable potential for research, intervention and preventive approaches aimed at strengthening the family. There are many paths to relationship resilience, varying depending on different forms of family, psychosocial problems, resources and constraints. Shared beliefs that promote alignment and cooperation are vital to overcoming adversity. Measures to increase the resilience of families are of timely importance to overcome the rapid social changes and uncertainties that families face today. According to research by sociologists and family consultants, each family goes through several stages of development, and the transition from one to another is usually accompanied by a crisis. It is generally believed that domestic difficulties lead to complications in family life, first of all. The purpose is to identify the types of problems and causes leading to crisis situations in marriage. In this regard, the methods such as analysis of literary sources on this topic, generalization, synthesis, psychological experiment, diagnosis of the psychology of family crisis by H.I. Olioirovia, T.A. Zinkevii-Kuzemkin, T.F. Velenta were used. The authors of the article come to the conclusion that stress is a part of life, and the slings and arrows of misfortune hit all families throughout their lives. The concept of family resilience confirms the reparative potential of all families and offers a valuable basis for research and clinical practice. Just as families face a variety of challenges, there are many ways to increase family resilience. By understanding key processes, clinicians can mobilize untapped resources, allowing families in distress to cope with difficulties more effectively and recover through their mutual support and cooperation. Therefore, it is necessary to understand the patterns of crisis situations and the socio-psychological causes of their occurrence.

Year of release: 2022
Number of the journal: 4(88)

Application of resource-saving membrane technologies in the production of dairy products in the Republic of Kazakhstan

In Kazakhstan, within the framework of the Program «Development of domestic value and export-oriented industries», new modern dairy enterprises are being actively modernized and new modern dairy enterprises are being created, where membrane processes are being introduced to concentrate the components of milk. This is necessary for the rational and integrated use of raw materials, including through the processing of secondary resources, the main of which is whey. Improving the production processes of traditional food products and developing innovative ones is possible only with the use of the latest technologies and technological equipment. Membrane processes are widely used for the use of fractionation and concentration of liquid dairy products, which allows for a new solution to the processing of raw materials and opens up opportunities in the development of new types of food products. The article is devoted to the issue of production and processing of whey in Kazakhstan. The main types of membrane technologies and the advantages of their use in the dairy industry in the Republic of Kazakhstan are considered. The role of membrane technologies in the processing of whey is substantiated, various methods of introducing membrane processing methods to ensure the demineralization of whey, obtaining products with high biological value and consumer properties, reducing the cost of energy carriers, reducing the volume of raw materials in order to save transport costs, non-waste processing of milk solids, recycling water are described. This article analyzes the problems of using resource-saving membrane technologies in the production of dairy products in the Republic of Kazakhstan, ways to solve existing problems associated with increasing the economic efficiency of enterprises. The favorable impact of the use of membrane technologies on the social and environmental aspects of whey processing in the country is substantiated.

Year of release: 2022
Number of the journal: 4(88)

Efficient use of natural pastures in conditions of vertical zonation of the south-east of Kazakhstan

In this article, comprehensive studies have been conducted on the effective use of natural pastures in conditions of vertical zonality in the project territory of Batyr Korday district (Zhambyl region). The data presented shows how important it is to comply with the norms and loads of pastures for further preservation of pasture yields and prevention of degradation. Consequently, there is a need to develop effective and scientifically-based systems of pasture turnover and the introduction of measures to restore pasture lands in the Zhambyl region, taking into account the peculiarities of the climate and geo-botanical indicators. Pasture lands make up about seventy percent of the entire territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The potential productivity of these lands reaches twenty-five and more million tons of fodder units. Pasture is the main renewable forage plant resource. It should be emphasized that haphazard use has led to the fact that land degradation processes occur on 27.5 million hectares of pastures, feed capacity decreases, biological diversity decreases, erosion processes manifest themselves, etc. All this requires the development of science-based approaches to the exploitation of pasture resources, compliance with the basic elements of rational grazing. The current situation may have a twofold path of development. The first way is the absence of strategic initiatives for the effective use of pastures for small producers will lead to a final reduction in the feed capacity of the pastures used. And the second way is small and large-scale use of the huge forage potential of the restored pastures.

Author: Zh. Issayeva
Year of release: 2022
Number of the journal: 4(88)

Tolerance in pedagogical communication

In this article, the need to improve professional communication defines the tasks of improving the psychological and pedagogical qualifications of teachers of primary, secondary and higher education, their professional competence as an increase in interaction in the field of modern achievements in pedagogy, psychology, acmeology. In this regard, it is said about the more efficient use of modern private resources to build effective strategies for professional communication of teachers. The idea is revealed that acmeological design is used for individual work related to the strategy of life, the improvement of professional behavior or communication. It is proved that communication helps to plan and organize joint work; the goals of communication expand to gaining knowledge about the world, training and education, coordinating actions in joint activities, establishing personal and business relationships.

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Foreign and domestic practice of implementing the principles of socially responsible business

Main problem: in Kazakhstan, it is urgent to develop measures aimed at introduction and promotion of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) at all levels of Kazakh society, in order to strengthen sustainability of socio-economic development, active participation of business in social modernization and human capital development. In this regard, there is problem of forming effective mechanism of social responsibility, as well as the implementation of principles of corporate social responsibility in management practice of domestic companies. Purpose: this study aims to determine the main stages of the development of CSR in business in Kazakhstan in the specific context the domestic business sector. Methods: methods of systematic, comparative and statistical analysis and of expert assessments were used. Expert survey, document analysis, secondary analysis of sociological research, case study method were used as empirical research methods. The analysis of documents was performed to study the legislative and regulatory frameworks that determine practices of implementing interaction between business and government in modern states. To identify and characterize models of CSR implementation, method of secondary data from a number of foreign comparative studies was applied. Case study method allowed identifying empirical cases of effective implementation of mechanisms of social public-private partnership in field of social investments by domestic business structures. Results and their significance: in the article, based on study of domestic and foreign experience, mechanism of interaction between business and government in solving problems of regional economic systems was considered. Main stages of evolution of CSR practices in Kazakhstan were identified and characterized, structural (subjects, institutions) and regulatory (legislation, strategies, programs, standards) components of interaction between business and government in solving problems of region in modern conditions are established. In addition, main differences between domestic CSR system and European model are considered, general characteristics of which are given in article.

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Economic processes and foreign languages: results of interaction

Language is the main vector of communication, in turn, communication develops languages throughout the history of mankind. The natural need of people is communication in their native language, the most convenient means of self-expression and understanding of others. However, modernity has changed the global paradigm of communication, indicating a reassessment of the role of languages by both official and informal communities, including native speakers of various languages. Moreover, the choice of a common communication language is influenced not only by the context, but also by the social, cultural, and economic characteristics of the communicants. In an intercultural context, there is a problem of adaptation of communication participants, closely related to the mastery of the language of the receiving party, ignorance of which is a barrier to successful communication. To develop the skills of tolerant communicative behavior, it is necessary to create special programs equipped with the necessary teaching materials available in international communication languages. Some of these workshops are offered in the presented article. Purpose of the article is to determine the influence of language on the development of economic processes that unite people of different linguistic and socio-cultural backgrounds, as well as to describe the influence of interacting languages on various aspects of professional activity and the role of education in introducing new generations into an intercultural context. To achieve the purpose, the following tasks were put forward: presentation of the main provisions of the economic theory of language; highlighting the controversial role of translators when working with companies in an intercultural environment; identification of problems and the role of teaching foreign languages to students for their successful adaptation in an intercultural professional context. The theoretical and methodological basis was the concepts, hypotheses and theories presented in the works of domestic and foreign researchers. The methodology is based on a systematic approach, in which methods of comparative, structural-functional, and statistical analysis were applied. To obtain empirical data, the methods of questioning and interviewing respondents included in the system of intercultural communication were used. Based on the results obtained, it can be said that, as a rule, in most cases, preference is given to the common language of communication, which is either one of the international languages or the language of the titular nation. Ethnic ties, trust and tolerance are often associated with the possession of a common language of communication.

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The essence of innovation and the innovation process in retrospect and in modern conditions: international aspect

Main problem: in conditions of increasing competition, when characterizing commercial structures, a fundamental role is given to innovations, which occupy important place in economic life of the organization. Accordingly, the study of their essence and content is of particular importance for growth of competitiveness of organizations, which determines the relevance of study. Purpose: to investigate essence of innovation and innovation process in retrospect and in modern conditions as main prerequisite for improving competitiveness of commercial organizations. Achieving this purpose required solving following research tasks: to reveal the content of theoretical approaches to the study of the main aspects of interaction between business and government in modern science; the differences between the concepts of “novelty”, “know-how”, “innovation” are investigated; the relationship of the triad of concepts “novelty”, “know-how”, “innovation” is determined; concept of “innovation” has been studied in retrospect; concept of “innovation” in market economy is studied (foreign experience); approaches to definition of concept of "innovation" in international innovation theory and practice are defined; content of innovation process is presented, as well as author’s alternative scheme of innovation process; authorэs view on interpretation of concepts of “innovation”, “innovation process” in modern conditions is presented. Methods: theoretical and methodological basis was concepts, hypotheses and theories presented in works of domestic and foreign researchers. The methodology is based on systematic approach, within which methods of comparative, factorial, subject-object, structural-functional, statistical analysis and extrapolation have been applied. Results and their significance: article examines concepts of “innovation”, “innovation process” in retrospect and in modern aspect. Approaches to concept of "innovation" are systematized, an alternative scheme of innovation process is proposed. It is proved that in modern conditions innovation should be considered as process system reflecting all aspects of innovation process, main purpose of which is to achieve efficiency

Author: I.P. Stecenko
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Automated sprayer for processing agricultural crops

In order to successfully conduct agricultural work and obtain a competitive harvest, it is mandatory to carry out spraying operations of crops that require highly qualified personnel, expensive equipment and suitable weather conditions. The use of tractors for spraying fields is the most common solution available at the moment, has disadvantages: high cost, risk of damage to the crop by "hitting", "hooking" or otherwise; environmental damage; due to exhaust gases, the demolition of the solution increases with increasing speed. Using a device designed specifically for spraying equipment is an ideal solution. The purpose of the article is to develop a working model of an automated sprayer for processing agricultural crops. The methods used are: technical justification of a controlled device for processing agricultural crops. Calculation of functional capabilities, algorithms of operation of the proposed automated device: selection of the type of sprayer, engine, chassis, controller, battery, as well as justification of the possibilities of using alternative energy sources (wind energy, solar energy); development of a 3D model of an automation device for anti-weed processing of agricultural crops, printing of parts, assembly of mechanical and electronic parts. Making a prototype using 3D printing; development of the wiring diagram of electronics, software (firmware of the microcontroller; application that controls the settings), testing of the prototype, assembly of the current model; rationale for the optimal use of Arduino and Raspberry Pi boards in this device in a pair: Raspberry Pi will allow you to control processes on the Arduino and easily interact with the Internet when the Arduino itself will perform simple operations such as interacting with electronics and reading sensor readings. The manufactured operating model showed compliance with the goals, a high degree of controllability, environmental friendliness, reduction of energy consumed, labor resources and can be used to scale this device. The developed model of the automation device for anti-weed treatment of agricultural crops can be used not only in agricultural pollination, but also as a mechanism for studying soil parameters: humidity, mineralogical composition and chemical content in the ground, using electronic sensors, as well as an automated mobile platform for any purpose requiring accurate navigation through the territory.

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Factors of using modern synthetic materials to create design objects

The process of creating new forms is the key to choosing the combination of different textures for a unique aesthetic effect. Currently, various elements of the interior, including furniture and other decorative additions, are the basis for obtaining emotional balance, which is achieved between the functional purpose of the interior and its artistic and figurative concept. The main task in creating such objects is to create the most comfortable and harmonious atmosphere in the interior, regulating the mental processes of a person, which would cause exceptionally positive emotions and stimulate the creative development of users. The purpose is to consider the features of the use of epoxy resin in the design of interior objects and to study the importance of synthetic resins as a modern material for new ways of shaping in interior design and decoration. The methods used are: the use of formaldehyde resins as a modern, affordable, multifunctional material, the combination of resin with coloring and the use of various textures. Expansion of the range of interior elements in the manufacture of which epoxy resin is used. In this regard, it should be noted that the use of various resin compositions when creating design objects meets consumer requirements and complies with modern and latest trends. In this article, a brief study of such a polymeric material as epoxy resin was carried out. The properties of epoxy resin and how they affect the compositional solution, methods of its modification, and functional aspects of design from the point of view of manufacturing interior elements are described. The technologies for manufacturing modern products for decorative and applied purposes coated with epoxy resin are considered. In the process of researching technologies, a series of experiments are carried out to determine the structure of possible sequential actions, within which a technology will be studied and designed to ensure the safety of a new design product made of synthetic materials, then a constructive logic will be provided in which not only the functional properties of the object will not suffer, but also acquire valuable innovative value

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Mathematical modeling of experimental data in the design of formulas for dairy products

Main problem: the article is devoted to the issue of designing basic recipes for dairy products using mathematical modeling methods. The author analyzed the problems in the field of food technology and concluded that mathematical modeling is used in the following areas: clarification of technological process modes, designing recipes and assessing the quality of finished products, as well as predicting the shelf life of new products when they are put into production. The use of dihydroquercetin as a drug that prevents the oxidation of milk fat in the design of dairy products is substantiated. Mathematical modeling was carried out on the basis of experimental and analytical material obtained in laboratory and production conditions. Based on the maximum value of the objective functions, the optimal normalized mixtures and the maximum allowable concentration of dihydroquercetin were selected. The analysis of the received mathematical dependences and models is carried out, the system of linear equations is made. Purpose: to study the effect of natural bioflavonoid antioxidant on the oxidative processes of milk fat and the viability of lactic acid cultures and their associations by mathematical modeling in order to use it in the technology of a new product; conduct an analysis of mathematical dependencies and models, compose a system of linear equations. Methods: the article uses the method of mathematical analysis and the matrix method. Results and their significance: a mathematical model was developed for the dependence of the viability of probiotic cultures on the mass fraction of dihydroquercetin when designing recipes for a creamy-protein curd product, a matrix of the chemical composition of dairy ingredients was presented, and a system of linear equations for basic recipes was compiled. In the course of the study, the spatial configurations of dihydroquercetin, as well as its effect on the oxidative processes of milk fat, were studied. Mathematical modeling of experimental data on the study of the effect of dihydroquercetin on the viability of microorganisms with probiotic properties was carried out. The normalization of the complex of obtained results on the study of the influence of the mass fraction of dihydroquercetin on the fermentation process was studied. Controlled factors characterizing the process of fermentation of model media with dihydroquercetin have been determined. A rationing of the dihydroquercetin complex of more than 0.50% was established; the target function decreases to its minimum value of 0.53 with a mass fraction of dihydroquercetin of 1.00%.

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Fermented milk and vegetable "Products for live"

In the dairy market of Kazakhstan, the demand for mass-produced dairy products is decreasing and expanding to innovative fermented milk products for functional nutrition. The main feature of the new technology is multicomponent formulations, which include the main raw materials and biocorrectors, ensuring their high biological and nutritional value. New dessert products are prepared on a dairy or protein basis using vegetable ingredients, fermented with strains of dry starter cultures of direct application or immobilized starter culture Bifimm probio. The purpose is to apply immobilized living cells of pure cultures of lacto- and bifidobacteria as a biocatalyst for the fermentation of dairy-vegetable media. During the study, the method of immobilization of microbial cells in biopolymer gels was used. The most effective method is the inclusion of cells in an aqueous solution of biopolymers with a concentration of 25 %. For immobilization, pure cultures of lactic acid and bifidobacteria were selected in the gel as part of the concentrates "BK-Altai-LS Bifi", "Poleznaya Partiya", "Genesis", "Narine", "Bio-yogurt Vivo", and the main prescription ingredients were selected: milk with a mass fraction of fat of 1 %, 2.5 %, 3.2 %, natural grain additives, jams, juices, nuts. Formulations, technological schemes and production methods, prototypes were developed, quality and safety indicators were determined. Studies have shown the effectiveness of immobilized starter cultures in the formation of fermented dessert products. Out of 20 prototypes with the best indicators, 5 samples were selected, in which the optimal ratio of milk, probio Bifimm starter cultures and biocorrectors averaged 70:20:10. The quality and safety analysis showed that new fermented milk products using immobilized starter cultures have a positive effect of more than -70 % compared to direct-use starter cultures, have functional properties and can be used for healthy nutrition in Kazakhstan.

Author: T.A. Nazarenko
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New tendencies in the digital transformation of the world economy

Main problem: processes of economic modernization in practical solution should reveal common understanding between institutional, legislative and industrial relations, essence of organizational transformations, formulation of basic provisions for instrumental support of independent transition of technological processes to new round of socio‑economic relations. Processes should be based on new characteristics of standardization, methodology of system functioning, technical conditions, norms, rules, instructions and regulations, which provides for institutional changes. Purpose: to explore new trends in digital transformation of the world economy, as well as to show that tasks and settings of vector of technological processes of digital economy go far beyond known principles of economic development, joining the mainstream of global trends. Methods: theoretical and methodological basis was concepts, hypotheses and theories presented in works of domestic and foreign researchers. The methodology is based on systematic approach, in which methods of comparative, factorial, subject-object, structural-functional, statistical, correlation analysis and extrapolation were applied. Results and their significance: analytical review of theoretical approaches of foreign economists on this problem was carried out, which allowed author to identify theoretical, methodological and applied foundations for determining directions within framework of state strategy for planning socio-economic development. Scientific discussion on conditions for changing model of economic development, modernization of economy with transition to first and second generation platforms, hereinafter referred to as ecosystems, is evaluated. The fundamental differences between theoretical argumentation of proponents of promoted digital technologies and their opponents are determined. Positions of argumentation of impact on change of driving factors are analyzed in order to adjust methods of state policy and choice of vector of technological processes. The question of correlation of macroeconomic theory in evolutionary sense, which goes beyond known principles of economic thought of digital transformation, is considered.

Author: S.A. Buka
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Basic Moral and Conceptual Guidelines for Educational and Pedagogical Activities

Main problem: humane pedagogical thinking seeks to embrace the immensity, and this is the strength of educational systems and processes born in its bowels. To actualize the value of self-disclosure of students’ innovative abilities with the accompanying, providing role of a teacher, it is necessary to recognize a one’s intellectual reflective mechanism as the main subject of education. Developed reflexive abilities are a logical condition for a person to independently overcome all sorts of difficulties in life and activity. Purpose: understanding and formalization of the “golden principles” of socio-natural thinking and activity of a human as a biological organism. Methods: the method of ascending from the abstract to the concrete, the method of transforming specific images of objects based on their abstract essence, the speculative language of schematic representation of a thought. Results and their significance: considering a high dynamics of technological changes in the world of activity, we accept the reflective ability for self-education as the main means to independently discover certain professional abilities necessary in life. This means that, first of all, students must learn how to learn, i.e. learn to think independently, critically perceive and transform the received information into knowledge, pose their own questions, offer a range of answers, logically formulate and coordinate different points of view, build knowledge together with others. Innovative methods and models of pedagogical activity encourage students’ innovative abilities which cause innovative and technological development of a country.

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The place and role of the teacher in the system of activities

The ideas of accelerated disclosure of the spiritual, intellectual and professional potential of a person have always been occupied by scientists and teachers (Ya.A. Komensky, K.D. Ushinsky, V.A. Sukhomlinsky, Ya. Korchak, A.S. Makarenko, A. Kunanbayev, Y. Altynsarin and others). Modern innovative teachers are guided by a personality-oriented approach, the ideas of subject-subject relations, and generational cooperation. Georgian teacher Sh. A. Amonashvili wrote: «humanitarian pedagogy perceives the child by his nature. He sees the infinity of the child, understands his cosmic quality and prepares him for the service of humanity throughout his life. It establishes the personality of the child through the determination of his will and builds pedagogical systems, the procedural of which predetermines love, optimism and high spiritual morality. Humanitarian pedagogical thinking seeks to take on something enormous, and this is the power of educational systems and processes that have arisen in its bowels». In order to realize the value of self-disclosure of innovative abilities of students, ensuring the role of a teacher, it is necessary to recognize the intellectual reflexive mechanism of a person as the main subject of Education. The purpose of the article is to identify innovative methods and models of pedagogical activity for the cultivation of innovative abilities of students, which determine the development of the country. The study used methods such as analysis, generalization, synthesis, modeling of scientific sources.

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Innovative methodological approach to the assessment of the qualification level of business entities

In the conditions of the ongoing formation of a country with a market organization of public relations, the search for means and methods of unambiguous assessment of the qualification level of subjects of both educational and professional activities is becoming more and more urgent. The problem is the inconsistency of the paradigm and methods of assessing the knowledge and abilities of subjects. Purpose of the article is to develop proposals and recommendations to overcome difficulties in the development and implementation of the National Qualification System of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The method of content-genetic logic of ascent from the abstract to the concrete, a speculative language of functional and schematic images of thought was used. A comparative analysis was carried out and contradictions were revealed in the approaches to the development of the National Qualification System of the Republic of Kazakhstan of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Ministry of Labor, Employment and Social Protection of the Population of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Numerous semantic terminological "gluing", incorrect definitions in the developed qualification documents of such keywords as activity, employment, work, labor, profession, position, knowledge, abilities, qualifications, etc. have been established. In order to eliminate the conceptual confusion and ambiguity of the approved normative documents, it is recommended to articulate their names in the same type of task-qualification format. Relevant examples are given. A special role in ensuring a high qualification level of all subjects belongs to teaching staff. Therefore, it is recommended to improve their functional literacy, update the pedagogical paradigm and develop a system for assessing the qualification level of education workers. To ensure the unambiguity, the conceptual status of the terms used in the qualification procedures, it is recommended to use together an innovative method of content-genetic logic and a speculative language of functional schematic images that allow visualizing, checking and correcting the concepts being constructed according to the criteria of morality, logic and consistency. As an example, the scheme of logical derivation and differentiation of the concepts of position, role, profession, specialty, position, as well as a typical unit of professional activity is given.

Author: V.I. Tsoy
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Analysis of mechanisms of regulation of innovation activity in the system of global competitiveness

Main problem: rapidly changing trends in development of economies of countries require a rational approach to state regulation of innovative activity and investments directed to organization of real sector of the economy. At the same time, for analysis of modern state policy in the system of innovative development, it is necessary to assess the effectiveness of state regulation mechanisms of innovative activity in the economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Purpose: to assess mechanisms of state regulation of innovative activity in the Republic of Kazakhstan in the global competitiveness system. Methods: synthesis, content analysis, accommodation, monographic method, factor analysis, economic and statistical research method. Results and their significance: the assessment of the mechanisms of state regulation of innovative activity in the Republic of Kazakhstan in the global competitiveness system allowed to fully assessing effectiveness of mechanisms of state regulation of innovative activity in the economy. Examining the sub-indices of international rating of the World Economic Forum for 2021-2022 in relation to 2017-2018, the authors came to conclusion that in Kazakhstan today there is the decrease in all the sub-indices of rating and their factors (“basic requirements” and “business complexity”), with exception of “innovation” sub-index. This sub-index was significantly reduced due to a sharp deterioration in macroeconomic environment, which is directly related, according to the authors, to significant losses in oil export revenues. This, in turn, affected the deterioration of the state budget indicators. The article pays special attention to place and role of state regulation of innovative activity in the socio-economic policy of the country. Organizational and methodological problems in development and implementation of innovative policy in the Republic of Kazakhstan are researched in detail, which makes it necessary to solve them in order to achieve the effectiveness of innovative policy at the regional and national levels.

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Some features of bringing to administrative responsibility for detecting tax evasion

The sphere of taxation, ensuring the implementation by the state of the first stage of public financial activity is the mobilization of public funds, is the subject of close attention of scientists and increased public interest. The processes of tax reform taking place in the Republic of Kazakhstan show the dynamics of tax and legal regulation, implement a number of international standards in the field of tax relations, which cause an urgent need for theoretical understanding and thorough generalization, analysis and evaluation of new or significantly changed institutions of tax law. Tax administration has a procedural nature, which reflects the dynamics and statics of tax legal relations. From the standpoint of statics, tax administration is a set of all tax procedures provided for by tax legislation aimed at ensuring the receipt of tax payments to the relevant budgets. The purpose of the study is to determine the legal regulation of the procedures for fulfilling the obligation to pay taxes and fees by individuals and legal entities in the Republic of Kazakhstan by clarifying their legal nature, and bringing to administrative responsibility for non-fulfillment of this obligation. The methodological basis of the research is based on modern methods of cognition: dialectical, formal-logical, historical, comparative-legal, analytical-synthetic, system-structural, logical-legal. The article describes the legal regulation of the fulfillment of the obligation to pay taxes and fees in the Republic of Kazakhstan from the standpoint of statics (as a set of all tax procedures provided for by tax legislation, aimed at ensuring the receipt of tax payments to the relevant budgets) and dynamics (as the activities of relevant entities for the implementation of tax procedures). A distinction has been made between tax administration in a broad and narrow sense as: tax administration, which includes the whole set of procedures, including bringing to administrative responsibility for non–payment of taxes, as well as procedures for resolving tax conflicts in the mode of administrative coordination and in court; administration of tax payment - procedures for the payment of taxes and fees, the result of the implementation of which is aimed at all tax activities of the state, which ensures the actual receipt of funds to the budgets. The article also discusses a number of features of bringing legal entities to administrative responsibility for non-payment of taxes, within the framework of administrative proceedings.

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Heading: Law

Creating an intelligent management environment for a powerful load node on the example of the Pavlodar region

The present stage of development of power systems is characterized by the need to increase their intelligence, that is, the formation of an environment capable of solving the problems of effective management of all components included in the power system. One of the features of modern energy systems is an active consumer, that is, a consumer who has the opportunity to optimize the schedule of loading their capacities, planning energy consumption, intellectualization of energy consumption. In addition to the fact that there are digital systems for collecting, processing and presenting information, as well as transmitting this information via the Internet, to solve the most difficult task of managing power systems, it is necessary to develop a large number of models adequate to real processes that can describe the processes taking place in the power system under consideration. The purpose is to develop models capable of adequately describing the interrelated processes occurring in the considered elements of the power system, as well as in the aggregate of related elements; development of methods that allow solving problems of effective control of elements of energy systems on the basis of the proposed intelligent models. To solve the problem of increasing the intelligence of the power system, nonlinear adaptive models of electrical complexes of an energy-intensive enterprise included in the power system were developed on the basis of balance equations and artificial intelligence methods. The production of alumina with the properties of inertia, nonlinearity and closure is chosen as the production under consideration. This type of production was chosen as the most difficult to predict due to the unpredictability of changes in energy consumption during the transition to other modes of its operation, associated, for example, with the receipt of raw materials with a different chemical composition for processing. Static and dynamic models of energy consumption of electrotechnical complexes with continuous inertial nonlinear closed production based on artificial intelligence methods have been developed, which makes it possible to eliminate the need to use long time series of retrospective data. For the considered type of continuous energy-intensive production, dynamic characteristics of energy consumption and technological processes are obtained from the main controlled parameters, which make it possible to predict emergency situations and partly man-made disasters. On the basis of a genetic algorithm, a multiparametric optimization problem of energy management of continuous production has been solved, taking into account technological parameters and cost factors.

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Development of scientific approaches to the use of Natural Pastures in the conditions of vertical regionality of Zhambyl region

In this article, comprehensive studies have been conducted on the rational use of natural pastures, taking into account the seasons and typology, which allows increasing the grazing capacity of forage lands, as well as obtaining high-grade valuable and cheap livestock products. Rational maintenance of livestock on pastures not only reduces fuel costs by 6-7 times, equipment, labor and total feed costs by 2-3 times compared to the content of grazed animals, but also improves metabolic processes and reproductive functions of animals. This determines the great advantage of pasture feeding in the production of important livestock products. In the conditions of vertical zonality of the Zhambyl region, a significant reserve for increasing the production of mutton is their grazing on pasture with the use of pasture turnover; which allows the most efficient use of natural forage lands, increase the live weight and fatness of animals.

Author: Zh. Issayeva
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Pedagogical Conditions for Creative Self-realisation of Students in Fine Arts

Main problem: the issue of self-actualisation of schoolchildren is one of the most urgent problems of pedagogical science, aimed at investigating and comprehending the contradictory processes of development, training and education of schoolchildren’s personality in modern socio-cultural conditions. Thus, one of the tasks of the secondary school and the teacher is to create optimal conditions for the development of adolescents’ personality abilities for self-realisation. Purpose: is to reveal the optimal pedagogical conditions that promote the process of development of teenagers’ personality abilities to self-realization. Methods: the task of the research cintains the study and experimental verification of a certain set of conditions which contribute to the self-realisation of students in the process of fine arts lessons at a comprehensive school. Results and their significance: organizational forms of conducting classes for the formation of abilities to creative self-actualisation are defined. It is shown that the most important pedagogical conditions for the self-realization of the teenagers’ personality are the combination of individual and collective organization of learning at the fine arts lessons and the wide use of the problem-based method of teaching.

Year of release: 2023
Number of the journal: 3(91)

Information communications in organization management: key aspects and effective strategies

In the modern world, information communications play a crucial role in the management of organizations. The rapid development of information technologies and the availability of broadband Internet create new opportunities for effective information exchange and communication both within the organization and with the external environment. This article discusses the key aspects of information communications in the management of an organization and presents effective strategies and tools for their successful implementation. The purpose of this article is to consider and explain the role and importance of information technologies in the management of organizations, to familiarize with various types of information technologies, their advantages and opportunities in the context of organization management. The main objective of the article is to emphasize how information technologies can improve efficiency, communication efficiency and management decision-making, as well as optimize business processes and create competitive advantages for the organization. When writing this article, the following methods and approaches were used. A review of academic and practical sources related to the use of information technology in the management of organizations was conducted. The study of relevant studies, articles and books allowed us to obtain extensive information about the topic and to back up the statements in the article with factual data and authoritative sources. Various aspects of the use of information technologies in the management of organizations were analyzed, including their advantages, key aspects of implementation and methods of optimizing business processes. As a result of the analytical approach, the main points for inclusion in the article were identified and their significance was substantiated. The information and ideas obtained from the literary analysis and analytical approach were synthesized and combined into a single article. Various aspects of information technology in the management of organizations have been organized into a logical structure to ensure clarity and consistency of presentation. The article highlights the key aspects of information technology implementation, including the need for employee training, strategic communications planning, information flow management and the use of data analytics. Examples of successful application of information technologies in various industries and organizations are given.

Year of release: 2023
Number of the journal: 3(91)

Small business of the Republic of Kazakhstan: current development tendencies in the leading sectors of the economy

Market transformations in the Republic of Kazakhstan and in the regions have entered a phase of intensification: management systems and resource allocation have been fully improved, the institution of public-private property has been formed, the main market mechanisms of economic regulation have been put into effect. The mechanism of self-development of the market as a whole is gradually being launched, small business is becoming crucial. It is free entrepreneurship that is designed to intensify the further economic recovery in the regions of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Balanced and progressive development of small business involves the development of infrastructure that stimulates the activity of its development and requires the transformation of the mechanisms and format of integration of the sphere of small and large business, as one of the fundamental factors of balanced development of small business in the leading sectors of the economy. In the Republic of Kazakhstan, the support of the small business sector is one of the strategic priorities of its development. However, despite the measures taken by the state to provide support to small businesses, the dynamics of needs and industry-specific features of the development of the market of goods and services make their own adjustments to regional trends in the development of small business, forming an industry and structural imbalance in the development of small business, which requires consideration and clarification of their content. Purpose is to study the state and trends of small business development as a factor affecting the efficiency of the economy and social stability of the population. The analysis of small business development in the article is implemented on the basis of the information and statistical base of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the context of identifying trends and patterns of its development; identification, generalization and justification of the reasons for their formative and institutional approaches to their regulation. In particular, the analysis in the study is based on the materials of statistical reviews and their analysis using methods of grouping, generalization, logical analysis, system description and interpretation. The range of main directions and trends in the development of small entrepreneurship in the Republic of Kazakhstan has been studied and determined, their effectiveness has been assessed and tools to support the balanced development of small business have been proposed.

Year of release: 2023
Number of the journal: 3(91)

On the application of CASE-methodologies at the stage of analysis and design of software tools

Main problem: the globalization of the information sphere has led to a significant increase in the volume of stored and processed information. To increase the processing speed and provide information to the recipient, it is logical to increase the power of the equipment on which the information is processed. But such a path also leads to an increase in financial costs for continuous modernization or complete updating of computer equipment and application software. Purpose: an alternative solution to increasing the capacity of hardware and software may be to optimize the process of organizing data storage, and already at the stage of information analysis. At the initial stages of the task, a huge amount of information is collected and processed, which needs to be classified, to identify essential and non-essential information flows for the information system being developed, etc. The quality of functioning of the developed information system as a whole and its individual modules in particular will depend on how correctly and fully the structuring and systematization of data will be carried out. Methods: modern methodologies of conceptual design of information systems shift the emphasis from software implementation to analysis and modeling of the production environment. The tools used in the process of conceptual modeling allow you to automate the main part of the processes, including the development of program code in the format of templates (patterns), including the preparation of documentation for the software product being developed. Since modern methodologies and tools are based on the use of powerful graphical tools, this significantly increases the visibility and simplifies the process of making adjustments to the information system project, actually using the "Drag-and-Drop" technology. This allows you to redistribute the time spent on the implementation of the first stages of information system development, allocating more time to the analysis and design of the software environment at an abstract, conceptual level. Results and their significance: the stages of analysis and design do not require large financial costs and are more variable. Information at these stages is easier to adjust and change than, for example, at the stage of writing program code. In addition, it is at these stages that the most active interaction between the developer and the customer is carried out, where maximum visibility and variability of the project of the future information system is required. And the use of modern software design methodologies significantly increases the efficiency of the first stages of information system design.

Author: I.I. Lyashenko
Year of release: 2023
Number of the journal: 3(91)

Transformation of the planning system as a management function in the digital economy

The main problem: In the context of the rapid development of the digital economy, where technological innovations become the engine of progress, the role of planning in the management function acquires new dimensions and comes to the fore. Digital transformation not only redefines business models, but also requires organizations to reconsider their approaches to strategic and operational planning. Planning, as an integral part of management, is becoming a key tool for enterprises to adapt to the rapidly changing conditions inherent in the digital age. In this context, effective planning does not just foresee the future, but is a catalyst for innovation, risk management and achieving strategic goals in the context of digital dynamics. The purpose of the article is to study the transformation of the planning function in modern management in the digital economy. Methods: The research is based on a thorough analysis of the works of both domestic and foreign scientists devoted to the problems of choosing and using intra-company planning tools in the context of digitalization of the economy. To achieve the goals of the research, systematic and functional approaches of scientific cognition, as well as various methods of scientific analysis and synthesis were applied. In particular, modeling methods were actively used, which made it possible to explore in more depth the interrelationships and the impact of selected intra-company planning tools on the efficiency of enterprises in a new digital context. Results and their significance: The article examines the key aspects of changes in planning caused by the introduction of digital technologies, automation and data analytics. The authors analyze the impact of the digital economy on decision-making processes, long-term and short-term planning, and also emphasize the need to adapt management methods for effective navigation in the modern business environment.

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Digitalization of accounting and its impact on the activities of small and medium-sized businesses

Main problem: For several years, the state has been trying to reduce bureaucratic processes with entrepreneurs, make accounting transparent, reliable and with less labor costs. At the moment, without digitalization in accounting, it is impossible to predict the further development of trade and economic relations in general, since it significantly affects the sale, movement and shipment of goods. The gradual transition of the economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan to the path of digitalization can be considered the most important condition for the development of both the country’s economy and the Eurasian Economic Union. Digital inspection is the process of monitoring goods using digital systems, which helps reduce the risk of human error. In the context of digitalization, work with documentation should be structured in such a way that access to them is ensured throughout the entire limitation period, thereby facilitating the taxpayer in making the right economic decisions. The purpose of this article is to consider the gradual integration of digitalization into the field of accounting for both small and medium-sized businesses, and also to consider its impact on the business processes of organizations. The main objective of the article is to consider the introduction of digitalization into business processes and possible problems during its integration, as well as to identify ways to eliminate them without losses for both the state and small and medium-sized businesses. Methods: In the course of writing this article, a dialectical approach was mainly used, which made it possible to examine in detail the process of reflecting and controlling document flow when moving goods in the context of digitalization. Approaching the issue theoretically and summarizing practical experience, it was possible to identify the positive and negative aspects of accounting and control of the movement of goods on the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan and beyond its borders in the conditions of rapidly developing digitalization. Results and their significance: This article reflects the main directions of modernization of accounting and operational accounting in Kazakhstan in the context of the progressive digitalization of the economy. The necessity of creating an information environment for managing economic processes and optimizing the operational activities of an enterprise is substantiated, and the positive and negative aspects of the integration of various information systems and modules for maintaining accounting and operational records at an enterprise are considered

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Expansion of Communication Contact Between the State, Business and Society in the Republic of Kazakhstan

Main problem: digital transformation of Kazakhstan’s society leads to emergence of new communication business models, including the so-called proactive data-based service, which implies expansion of communication contact between the state, business and society. Digital transformation of economic sectors and the service sector has objectively caused discussion of issues related to various aspects of its implementation. These include digitalization of society spheres within framework of public administration [1], problems of interaction between business and government [2], mechanisms of interaction between subjects in the private-public partnership model of government and business [3], description of communication models of business types, government and public sector [4], history of emergence of electronic trade, its forms and types of goods delivery to a consumer [5], organizational and managerial relations and processes arising in enterprises, working in field of online marketing and e-commerce [6]. In Kazakhstan, digitalization of spheres and the economy sectors is one of strategic priorities of its development. Use of information and communication technologies in the service sector creates additional impulses to its dynamics, therefore, has impact on improving population’s life quality. In this regard, it is necessary to identify trends and patterns of communication interaction between the state, business and society, to consider and clarify their content. The purpose: the research of state and trends in the development of Kazakhstan service sector under the influence of digital solutions and expansion of communicative contact between the state, business and society. Methods: the performed analysis in the research is based on the materials of the statistical reviews and their analysis using the methods of grouping, generalization, logical analysis, system description and interpretation. Results and their value: a range of the key problems of communication interaction between the state, business and society is investigated and determined. Recommendations are proposed to accelerate the development of e-commerce in Kazakhstan as a tool for communication interaction between business and society and improving population’s life quality.

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Evaluation of Mechanisms’ Effectiveness of State Regulation of Innovative Activity

Main problem: Rapidly changing trends in development of economies of countries require a rational approach to state regulation of innovative activity and investments directed to organization of real sector of the economy. At the same time, for analysis of modern state policy in the system of innovative development, it is necessary to assess the effectiveness of state regulation mechanisms of innovative activity in the economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Purpose: to assess mechanisms of state regulation of innovative activity in the Republic of Kazakhstan in the global competitiveness system. Methods: synthesis, content analysis, accommodation, monographic method, factor analysis, economic and statistical research method. Results and their significance: The assessment of the mechanisms of state regulation of innovative activity in the Republic of Kazakhstan in the global competitiveness system allowed to fully assess effectiveness of mechanisms of state regulation of innovative activity in the economy. Examining the sub-indices of international rating of the World Economic Forum for 2021-2022 in relation to 2017-2018, the authors came to conclusion that in Kazakhstan today there is the decrease in all the sub-indices of rating and their factors (“basic requirements” and “business complexity”), with exception of “innovation” sub-index. This sub-index was significantly reduced due to a sharp deterioration in macroeconomic environment, which is directly related, according to the authors, to significant losses in oil export revenues. This, in turn, affected the deterioration of the state budget indicators. The article pays special attention to place and role of state regulation of innovative activity in the socio-economic policy of the country. Organizational and methodological problems in development and implementation of innovative policy in the Republic of Kazakhstan are researched in detail, which makes it necessary to solve them in order to achieve the effectiveness of innovative policy at the regional and national levels.

Author: Buka S.A.
Year of release: 2024
Number of the journal: 1(93)