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Issues of Interaction Between Operational and Strategic Management of an Enterprise in a Market Environment
Annotation: Main problem: One of the priority directions for improving the management system at the enterprise is the organization of effective interaction between strategic and operational management through the formation of a mechanism for their interaction, orienting operational management to achieve strategic goals and objectives. In market conditions, issues of interaction between strategic and operational production management are particularly relevant, allowing solving complex economic problems of the enterprise related to the rational use of resources involved in production, reducing production costs, improving the quality of products, optimizing production potential in order to increase the efficiency of the entire enterprise as a whole and its structural divisions. The role of the mechanism of interaction between strategic and operational production management also lies in the possibility of coordinating those final strategic goals that the enterprise strives for with the actual internal production capabilities. The purpose of this article is to study the issues of interaction between operational and strategic management of an enterprise in a market environment. The theory and modern practice of production management in a competitive environment show that the implementation of operational production management is a natural stage in the implementation of strategic management, therefore, there is a close relationship between them, which manifests itself in their interaction. Methods: The methods of analysis and generalization, the method of systematic and comparative analysis, structural and functional method, economic and mathematical methods, graphical and tabular method were used in the work. Results and their significance: the authors consider the theoretical aspects of the relationship between strategic and operational production management at an enterprise in a competitive environment. There is a low level of compliance of operational tasks of production with the strategic goals of development of domestic enterprises and the special role of information systems designed to link operational and strategic management tasks together. Accordingly, the key aspects of information technology implementation are investigated, including the need for employee training, strategic communications planning, information flow management and the use of data analytics. Examples of successful application of information technologies in various industries and organizations are given.
Year of release: 2024
Number of the journal: 1(93)

Evaluation of Mechanisms’ Effectiveness of State Regulation of Innovative Activity
Annotation: Main problem: Rapidly changing trends in development of economies of countries require a rational approach to state regulation of innovative activity and investments directed to organization of real sector of the economy. At the same time, for analysis of modern state policy in the system of innovative development, it is necessary to assess the effectiveness of state regulation mechanisms of innovative activity in the economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Purpose: to assess mechanisms of state regulation of innovative activity in the Republic of Kazakhstan in the global competitiveness system. Methods: synthesis, content analysis, accommodation, monographic method, factor analysis, economic and statistical research method. Results and their significance: The assessment of the mechanisms of state regulation of innovative activity in the Republic of Kazakhstan in the global competitiveness system allowed to fully assess effectiveness of mechanisms of state regulation of innovative activity in the economy. Examining the sub-indices of international rating of the World Economic Forum for 2021-2022 in relation to 2017-2018, the authors came to conclusion that in Kazakhstan today there is the decrease in all the sub-indices of rating and their factors (“basic requirements” and “business complexity”), with exception of “innovation” sub-index. This sub-index was significantly reduced due to a sharp deterioration in macroeconomic environment, which is directly related, according to the authors, to significant losses in oil export revenues. This, in turn, affected the deterioration of the state budget indicators. The article pays special attention to place and role of state regulation of innovative activity in the socio-economic policy of the country. Organizational and methodological problems in development and implementation of innovative policy in the Republic of Kazakhstan are researched in detail, which makes it necessary to solve them in order to achieve the effectiveness of innovative policy at the regional and national levels.
Author: Buka S.A
Year of release: 2024
Number of the journal: 1(93)

Evaluation of Human Resource Potential of Organizations of Sanitary and Epidemiological Service of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Annotation: Main problem: At the present stage of life, workforce plays a special and very important role in the activities and development of any organization. Human resources need to be managed. Management itself is a process of streamlining, regulating a particular activity. Managing an organization means defining the main directions of its development, setting goals for it and contributing to their achievement. Human resources are the face of a company, a component derivative, without which its existence is impossible. Any promising and self-respecting company assigns the formation of its staff to one of the leading directions of its own policy. Currently, in the context of social and economic transformations, the management of the activities of healthcare organizations is changing significantly, and therefore it is necessary to improve personnel management approaches that contribute to improving the quality of services provided and labor productivity. Taking into account the peculiarities of personnel management of a medical institution at the present time, the issue of reforming the personnel policy of healthcare, improving the image of institutions, forming a corporate culture, developing and implementing criteria for the motivational process is acute. Solving these tasks will help managers in the personnel management process. Purpose of this article is to assess the state of human resources of organizations of the sanitary and epidemiological service in the Republic of Kazakhstan and identify the main problems in the personnel management system of the organization using the example of the activities of the State Institution “Committee for Sanitary and Epidemiological Control of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan”. Methods: The work used general scientific methods of comparative systemic, vertical and horizontal analysis, structural and functional the method, analytical techniques, economic and statistical research methods. Results and their significance: the authors have defined the human resource management system of a healthcare institution, analyzed the current personnel management system using the example of the State Institution “Committee for Sanitary and Epidemiological Control of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan”. The assessment of the state and movement of labor resources of the Sanitary and Epidemiological Control Committee was carried out. Based on the conducted research, the authors identified the main problems of human resource management of a healthcare institution and developed proposals that can be used as recommendations for further reform and development of the personnel management system in the healthcare sector.
Year of release: 2024
Number of the journal: 1(93)

The Main Trends in the Development of the Healthcare System of the Republic of Kazakhstan in Modern Conditions
Annotation: The main problem: In modern conditions, the healthcare system of Kazakhstan is going through changes aimed at providing a high level of medical care and maintaining the health of the population. In the face of modern challenges such as technological innovations, demographic changes and global pandemics, it becomes critically important to analyze and adapt to new requirements. Understanding and adapting to these trends are critical steps for the successful development of the healthcare system in the future. This article examines the main trends in the development of the healthcare system in Kazakhstan and their impact on the provision of medical services and the level of public health. The article focuses on the essence of the main problem facing the healthcare system of the Republic of Kazakhstan at the present time. The relevance of the topic is manifested in the context of a dynamically changing socio-economic environment, which puts pressure on the existing health care system. Demographic changes, the growth of chronic diseases and the need to introduce modern technologies create challenges that require a comprehensive analysis and effective strategies for the development of the system. Purpose of the article: The purpose of the article is to analyze and systematize the main trends in the development of the healthcare system in Kazakhstan, taking into account current challenges and changes in the global healthcare paradigm. The authors seek to identify key areas of development, as well as provide practical recommendations for improving the system. Methods: The study is based on a comprehensive methodological approach, including analysis of health statistics, economic analysis of expenditures and financing, as well as a review of modern scientific publications. Additionally, methods of comparative analysis with international health standards are used. Results and their significance: The article identifies not only the main problems in the healthcare system of Kazakhstan, but also provides analytical results expressed in the form of identified development trends. The work is important for developing strategies to improve the quality and accessibility of medical services in the country. The recommendations proposed by the authors can serve as a basis for making effective decisions in the field of healthcare in modern conditions.
Year of release: 2024
Number of the journal: 1(93)

Methodological Aspects of Inclusive Education in the Field of IT Technologies
Annotation: The main problem: Today, the introduction of inclusive education is becoming one of the priorities of the state policy of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the system of modern education. In accordance with the law on Education, equal access to quality education for citizens is guaranteed, taking into account their intellectual development, psychophysiological and individual characteristics. The article is devoted to the analysis of the development of inclusive education. The author considers the problems on the way to the introduction of inclusive education, provides an analysis of the experience of conducting an IT school within the framework of inclusive education. An attempt has been made to identify the factors contributing to the successful implementation of inclusive education methods in the modern educational space. Objective: To consider the issues of the development of inclusive education in the Republic of Kazakhstan. To present the methodology of teaching children with special educational needs, to suggest possible ways to solve problems on the way of introducing inclusive education into the domestic education system. Methods: The methods of analysis, synthesis and deduction were used in the article. Results and their significance: Based on the results of the work carried out aimed at identifying the main problems hindering the process of implementing inclusive education, as well as based on the results of the analysis and the identified main aspects in the cognitive activity of children with hearing and speech disorders, the author of the article proposes a methodology for teaching children multimedia technologies. In addition, the author clearly substantiates the need to prepare a teacher for the use of inclusive education methods, due to the lack of willingness of some teachers to teach in a class (group) in which people with disabilities study, fearing to get into a situation of psychological and professional discomfort.
Author: Prokopets E.V
Year of release: 2024
Number of the journal: 1(93)

Development of Cognitive Abilities of high School Students by means of Psychological Training
Annotation: The main problem: the article examines the development of cognitive abilities of high school students by conducting a theoretical analysis of philosophical, pedagogical, psychological, scientific and methodological works and current directions of its development. Improving the educational process in secondary educational institutions and developing the cognitive abilities of high school students is an urgent problem. Therefore, the task arises of developing the thinking and activity of high school students while studying in secondary educational institutions, teaching them to use their knowledge and skills in new life situations. The implementation of these tasks makes it urgent to search for ways and forms of organizing the educational process, which will contribute to the formation of the skills to plan and organize the cognitive activity of high school students. Purpose: to substantiate the general logical coordinates and methods of reformatting various humanitarian paradigms used in action. Methods: ontological principle of logic with genetic content, method of transforming specific images of objects based on their abstract meaning, method of transition from abstract to concrete language, language of thinking of schematic images of thought and language of methodological theory. activities. Currently, such an update represents a transition to the methods and tools of active learning technology as a means of continuous development of science and school practice, the use of which in most cases helps to increase the interest and activity of adolescents. The results and their significance: logically substantiated universal abstract-concrete coordinates of the universal movement are presented. In relation to life and the world of activity, they can be defined by the coordinates: “standard of living - activity efficiency”, or “action efficiency - time”, or “result - costs”, or “quality - quantity” etc. Clarity of thinking is ensured by the logic of movement vectors descending from the real to the abstract, ascending from the abstract to the real, as well as their combination. The constant need for cognitive activity creates in students a feeling of cognitive satisfaction, seeing the result of curiosity, its planning and organization. This result teaches the teenager to actively seek new cognitive activities and gain experience in mastering the subject.
Year of release: 2024
Number of the journal: 1(93)

Test as a Method of Psychology. Development History and Basic Requirements
Annotation: Main problem: The article highlights the problem of tests as methods of psychology, the influence of validity and reliability on the results of psychological research. Purpose: Uncovering the significance of validity and reliability on psychological research results. Results and their significance: Testing is an important method in psychology, allowing measuring various aspects of the psyche and behavior of a person. The history of the development of tests in psychology goes back more than a century and began with the work of Francis Galton and Alfred Binet. Over time, the tests have become widely used in various fields such as education, personnel selection, clinical diagnosis and research. Basic requirements for tests include reliability (repeatability of results), validity (measurement accuracy), standardization (same test conditions) and objectivity (lack of subjectivity in assessment). Tests must be designed using psychometric principles to ensure accuracy and validity of results. Modern tests include a variety of measurement techniques, such as tests of personality, intelligence, aptitude, and professional skills. The use of tests in psychology requires professional training to correctly interpret the results and make valid conclusions. Testing as a method of psychology continues to evolve, and its role remains key in the study of the human psyche and behavior. Testing in psychology has a wide range of applications, including assessing personality traits, identifying psychological disorders, and predicting behavior and success in various areas of life. The development of computer-based tests and online platforms makes testing more efficient and convenient for researchers and participants. Modern tests increasingly take into account cultural differences and the diversity of individual characteristics, which contributes to more accurate and tailored assessments. It is important to remember that the use of tests requires ethics, confidentiality and compliance to ensure the reliability and validity of the data obtained.
Year of release: 2024
Number of the journal: 1(93)

Innovative Tools as Means of Pedagogical Education and Activities
Annotation: Main problem: the article raises the question of the need to create innovative methods and models of functional-system thinking and pedagogical cultivation of students' intellectual abilities to improve the quality of education. Emphasis is placed on the development of reflexive, schematic, organizational and communication abilities. Purpose: to provide an overview of the basic theoretical concepts
Year of release: 2024
Number of the journal: 1(93)

Theoretical Basis of Training of Pedagogues and Psychologists for the Development of Cognitive Activity of Teenagers
Annotation: The main problem: the current directions of its development are determined in the article by conducting a theoretical analysis of philosophical, pedagogical, psychological, scientific and methodical works on the training of specialists for the development of the cognitive activity of teenagers. Currently, it is shown that the training of specialists in the development of cognitive activity of teenagers is a pedagogical and psychological problem. Purpose: to clarify the theory and propose a technology for the training of pedagogical and psychological specialists for the development of the cognitive activity of adolescents. Methods: When conducting the research, it was important to take into account statistical data that were sufficiently understandable and reliable. Therefore, in the framework of our research, we used the methodology of B. E. Milman, survey, method of expert evaluation, conversation, questionnaire, interview, series of tests, which include observation and open questions. The results and their significance: according to the results, the methodological predominance of the average level of social intelligence allowed students to see the following signs: the social significance of professional behavior, actions, relationships, full mastery of theoretical knowledge. During the course, we believe that the existence of a reflexive culture, which is evidenced by the improvement of communication in everyday life, in turn, is very valuable. Development of thinking, training and education of future teachers-psychologists, preparation for creative activity depend on methodological competence, qualifications and training of the teacher in the organization of research activities. Self-learning needs and skills do not arise by themselves. Such qualities begin to be formed in the process of organizing educational activities during the joint work of teachers and students in and out of class, even during school. In accordance with the tasks of the professional training of the future pedagogue-psychologist, active methods of training - problem-based lectures, seminars, debates and discussions, professional-oriented special courses, course and diploma works, scientific studies of school pedagogy and didactics, educational events such as scientifically organized forms of continuous pedagogical practice. As a result of mastering pedagogical activity, professional motivation of future pedagogical-psychological specialists is formed, understanding of goals and tasks, subject, psychological-pedagogical and didactic-methodical knowledge is developed, as well as relevant skills and abilities necessary for the development of cognitive activity of teenagers.
Year of release: 2024
Number of the journal: 1(93)