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Types of tasks used in the content language integrated learning (according to the results of the survey of subject teachers)
Annotation: Annotation. The article considers the types of tasks used in the content language integrated learning (CLIL). The results of a survey of subject teachers about the various types of tasks used in the educational process are presented.
Author: G. Khamitova
Year of release: 2018
Number of the journal: 1(69)
Heading: Humanities

Legal views of the nomads
Annotation: Annotation. The article discusses the tools for regulating social relations in the Kazakh state, formed by the dominant system of patriarchal-feudal relations from the middle of the 15th century to the beginning of the 17th centuries. Historically, the primary type of legal system in the Kazakh society is associated with the emergence of the Kazakh Khanate.
Author: Zh. Bekturova
Year of release: 2018
Number of the journal: 1(69)
Heading: Humanities

Development of production technology of meat products with radioprotective properties
Annotation: The article is devoted to the question of how to protect organisms with meat products as the main sources of protein nutrition. The purpose of this article is to study the technology of production of meat products and the identification of unresolved problems in connection with the direction of products. Developed proposals for the use of experimental data to improve the production technology of meat products using radioprotective properties.
Year of release: 2018
Number of the journal: 1(69)

Innovative technologies for enrichment of flour from wheat grain
Annotation: The technogenic impact on the ecological environment led to a decrease in the amount of natural food consumed and a change in its qualitative composition. The article discusses the innovative direction – enrichment of food with micronutrients. New types of bread with functional properties for mass nutrition are developed.
Year of release: 2018
Number of the journal: 1(69)

Development of semi-finished products from cultured mushrooms «Oyster mushroom»
Annotation: The aim of the article is to analyze the study of cultured mushroom «Oyster mushroom». On the basis of laboratory experiments on the grown mushroom recipes of meat semi-finished products with its use are developed. After passing laboratory tests, meat products were recommended for population nutrition. The healing properties and ease of growing a cultivated mushroom are noted.
Year of release: 2018
Number of the journal: 1(69)

The possibility of applying carbon fuel material in agro-industrial complex
Annotation: The variants of the use of carbon as a heat-generating material in the agro-industrial complex are highlighted. This will significantly save energy, improve the environment, reduce the cost of operation, repair and maintenance of buildings and structures.
Year of release: 2018
Number of the journal: 1(69)

Development of a quality control system based on the principles of HACCP for the production of sour cream at a diary factory
Annotation: The article is devoted to risk analysis, methods of ensuring dairy products safety. Furthermore, the author dwells on such tool of quality control as a decision tree. The article presents the plan of HACCP for a diary enterprise on an example of the production a sour cream with 15-20 % of fat content.
Year of release: 2018
Number of the journal: 1(69)

Introduction of a quality and safety management system for dairy products based on international standards
Annotation: The article is devoted to the current problem of quality control and safety of dairy products. The article provides a generalized description of the system models, discusses the main problems and advantages in implementing the quality control system in small and medium-sized dairy enterprises.
Year of release: 2018
Number of the journal: 1(69)