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Monitoring of drinking water in the water supply system of Ekibastuz city
Annotation: On the basis of research on bacteriological indicators of the water supply system in the Ekibastuz region for the period 2016-2018 the 310 cases of detection of pathogenic microflora were identified. The chemical indicators are given the results of research to determine the content of toxic elements and heavy metals in the source and purified water, as well as in the distribution network of Ekibastuz. The largest number of pathogenic microflora cases and a high concentration of chemical elements are noted during the flood season. Sporadic pathogenic microflora and chemical elements are also recorded in the winter and summer periods.
Year of release: 2019
Number of the journal: 2(74)

Possibility of using of thermal pumps at thermal power plants and heat boiler stations
Annotation: Different diagrams of thermal pumps operation at thermal power plants are considered in the article. Thus, installation diagrams are considered for thermal pump based on the use of low -grade heat of turbo-unit lubricating system oil and blow-down water of a steam generator.
Author: А.P. Plevako
Year of release: 2019
Number of the journal: 2(74)

Grain market of the Republic of Kazakhstan: assessment of the state, identification of problems and development trends
Annotation: The article reveals the dynamics of grain production in the Republic of Kazakhstan, grain exports by countries. The author analyzes the grain market (sown area, yield, gross harvest). Kazakhstan has a significant potential for grain exports. Grain exports are important for the country's economy. The country is one of the six largest grain exporters in the world. This is due to the high milling properties of Kazakh grain, the quality indicators of Kazakh flour are highly valued in many countries of the world, which allows Kazakh wheat to be competitive in the world market and provide markets in various countries of the world. The main export destinations are Uzbekistan, Afghanistan and Tajikistan. The article analyzes the main trends in the development of the grain market and gives an assessment of the state.
Author: O.I. Zhaltyrova
Year of release: 2019
Number of the journal: 2(74)

Asynchronous electric drive with indirect control of output variables
Annotation: The article provides a mathematical description of an induction motor with a device for indirect control of the electromagnetic moment and angular velocity of an induction motor in an electric drive, which allows substantiating on its basis a method for controlling the output variables of an asynchronous electric motor. A simulation model of an induction motor with an indirect control device for the output variables of an induction motor and the main results of the study are presented.
Year of release: 2019
Number of the journal: 4(76)

Development of web-site interface on WordPress platform
Annotation: The article discusses the advantage of WordPress CMS platform for web site development. The development of the interface of the website of the online store and the software code related to the functional part of the site is described. It also shows the activation, installation and configuration of the plugin. The article analyzes the latest technologies for creating an online store based on the site and mobile application.
Year of release: 2019
Number of the journal: 4(76)

Development of technology for the purification of water from mercury pollution
Annotation: The object of the study was water and bottom sediments of the lake Balkyldak of Pavlodar region, contaminated by mercury wastes.The purpose of the work is the creation of innovative cost-effective technologies for deep cleaning of aqueous media from mercury to the level of 1-10 parts per trillion, which will be tested for the cleaning of the lake Bylkyldak facilities in Pavlodar region.
Year of release: 2019
Number of the journal: 4(76)

Building an optimization model energy-efficient mode of functioning energy-intensive production based on a fuzzy genetic algorithm
Annotation: The article is devoted to solving the optimization problem of finding an energy-efficient mode operation of one of the types of energy-intensive industries with the properties nonlinearity, inertia, and isolation. An optimization model based on a genetic algorithm is considered as a solution method. Moreover, the calculation of the fitness function for the selection of chromosomes is proposed to be calculated on the basis of fuzzy logic
Author: N.М. Zaytseva
Year of release: 2019
Number of the journal: 4(76)

The theoretical basis for the use of Petri nets in the simulation of enterprise logistics system
Annotation: The paper is devoted to solving logistics problems based on information technologies. Petri net-based modeling is proposed as a solution method. The paper describes solution of the problem of supply chain management based on the Petri net.
Year of release: 2019
Number of the journal: 4(76)

State regulation of the development of the private segment of the market of preschool educational services of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Annotation: The article discusses the mechanisms of state regulation of the development of the private segment of the market for preschool educational services and their content. The analysis of development trends and instruments of state regulation of the sphere of preschool services, the main problems of the development of the private segment of the market of preschool educational services and ways to solve them are carried out.
Year of release: 2019
Number of the journal: 4(76)

The system of preschool education of Pavlodar region in the rating of educational systems of the regions of the Republic of Kazakhstan: analysis of the state, problems and tendencies of development
Annotation: Domestic and world experience shows that the success of the functioning of the primary school education system is determined not only by its internal factors, but also by the degree of readiness to this process of children at the stage of preschool upbringing and education (PUE). In this regard, special attention is paid to the problems of development of the PUE system in the Republic of Kazakhstan, both from the point of view of legal regulation and in the context of monitoring of the state and evaluation of its development. In the article it is analyzed the main tendencies of development of the RK PUE system and content of procedure of the assessment of the development level of regional systems of preschool nurture and education of the republic; it is given the analysis and assessment of the state, problems and tendencies of development of system of preschool upbringing and education of Pavlodar region and its position in the national ranking of educational systems of the regions of Kazakhstan
Author: L.I. Kashuk
Year of release: 2019
Number of the journal: 4(76)