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The education system in the era of the fourth industrial revolution: developing skills and thinking for learning
Annotation: Main problem: Computer systems and technologies are changing our society significantly. These changes are interconnected with both social and production spheres. Innovative digital technologies have a huge impact on the labor market and professional activity, contributing to their transfer to the electronic environment. Using digital technologies, modern people set new goals and solve problems with an increasing speed of problem solving, capitalizing on the possibilities of collaborative distributed actions within networks. In this regard, new competencies of specialists are in demand. Purpose: The purpose of this study was to establish the impact of the fourth industrial revolution on the education system and the development of skills and thinking for learning. Methods: When conducting scientific research, economic and statistical methods were used. These methods were also used in comparative analysis, as well as in assessing data and indicators of the higher education system, taking into account the impact of the fourth industrial revolution. The analytical method was used to consider the characteristics and factors influencing the development of skills and thinking for learning in modern conditions. The abstract-logical method is used to identify problems affecting the development of the labor market under the influence of digital technologies. Results and their value: The result of the study is that conclusions are drawn about the upcoming changes. Automation and digitalization are likely to lead to significant unemployment in most countries, so adaptation innovation policies are needed to help offset unemployment due to digitalization. Governments need to invest heavily in higher education as an economic development tool for their citizens. Lifelong learning should be identified as a critical element of success in the era of the fourth industrial revolution. Curricula should develop digital skills and address workforce disruptions due to automation.
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Methodological approaches to evaluating the quality of state programs of the Republic of Kazakhstan (on the example of the employment sector)
Annotation: Main problem: One of the officially recognized problems of the system of state planning and regional development is imperfection of the methodology for assessing the effectiveness and efficiency of the implementation of the activities of state bodies. In fact, there is no assessment of economic and social efficiency and an assessment of the impact on society. In this regard, the authors have developed methodological approaches to assessing the quality (effectiveness) of state programs (on the example of the program of the Republic of Kazakhstan “Employment Roadmap – 2020”) is urgent task for theory and practice of regional development. The purpose of the research is the investigation of the methodological foundations for evaluating the quality of implementation of state programs of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the field of employment (based on the materials of program of the Republic of Kazakhstan “Employment Roadmap 2020”). Methods: The article uses a systematic approach to solving problems that ensures the unity of qualitative and quantitative methods: qualitative content analysis; a monographic method; the method of economic and statistical research. Results and their value: The value of the study lies in the fact that methodological approaches to the evaluation of programs in the public administration system are identified. For an economic assessment involving the calculation and analysis of unit costs per program participant, the authors propose to conduct dynamic and comparative analysis of the values of unit costs for achieving final results in directions of“DKZ-2020” program. This will allow to compare individual projects and program areas by costs in dynamics and further to identify those factors that work for their unjustified growth. The calculation of presented indicators is also important in regional context, since it allows considering those regions that significantly deviate from the national values in one direction or another
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Creating a development plan for students of a children's and youth football school
Annotation: This scientific and practical article is devoted to the analysis of the results of an experiment aimed at psychological and pedagogical support of the process of building a project for the development of the inner world of a player of a children's and youth football team of the professional football club "Lviv" from the Ukrainian city of Lviv. A special feature of the psychological and pedagogical support for designing the development of the student's psyche is the use of the paradigm of the language of the theory of activity in the version of the Moscow methodological and pedagogical circle (MMPC), using the language of schematic images and the pyramid of subjectivity, explaining the path of formation of human mental mechanisms in the unity of cognitive, emotive and conative processes, starting from the vital level of their development to the level of spirituality. Another feature of the article is that the presentation of methods and techniques does not occur in a separate part of it, but in the process of describing the steps of designing a development plan that is formed for absolutely all professional athletes who have the acmeological potential of professionalization in football. It is presented in the form of 11 steps to create an individual trajectory of the player's development. In each of these steps, it is important that the coaches and the player participate with their parents, representatives of the club, which has its own component in terms of the volume and quality of the efforts required on their part. The article reveals the first of the 4 steps of creating a reasonable player development plan. For example, we consider working with one of the players. The content of this particular illustration is a very illustrative and demonstrative example. It is assumed that a series of articles in this publication will reveal the topic of student development management, which will include both scientific and theoretical and review types of works. The next article will be a continuation of this one in terms of demonstrating the success of implementing this particular development plan by the example of several players from a team consisting of 22 players who have been trained in a similar way, i.e. using methodological criteria for the organization of psychological and pedagogical support for the development of thinking, sensory-motivational and volitional characteristics of players by football club coaches.
Author: S.A. Chekin
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Socialization of children with special educational needs in inclusive educational system
Annotation: Main problem: Today, the opinion about inclusion as the most progressive (in comparison with integration) approach is being strengthened among the society, which allows any child, regardless of the type and severity of the disorder, to learn with their normatively developing peers. The introduction of inclusive approaches into school practice can be called one of the top priorities of the state educational policy of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Inclusive education will help to resolve the contradiction between the legally guaranteed rights of children with disabilities to equal access to quality education and the de facto inequality in its implementation. Inclusion must be systematic and focused, not spontaneous. Therefore, it is optimal to teach a child with disabilities within the framework of the system of continuous general education. The creation and effective functioning of this system is impossible without a trained teacher, who is a key figure in the implementation of inclusive education. Purpose: Substantiation and disclosure of the contradiction between the guaranteed right of children with IAD and equal access to quality education for the socialization of children with special educational needs in inclusive education. Methods: in the course of the research, descriptive, systematization and analytical methods were used in the application of theoretical concepts, government programs, and legislative acts in inclusive education. Results and their importance: The implementation of the research goal is facilitated by the use of an alternative to the classroom-based organization of the educational process for the progressive development of children with IAD, which allows them to study harmoniously, regardless of the type and severity of the violation, together with their normatively developing peers. The given pedagogical observation is the obtained practical result of this study. The development of the system of class-based organization of the educational process for children with IAD in educational institutions is aimed at forming an effective system for ensuring the comprehensive development of inclusive education.
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General characteristics and taxonomic composition of epiphytic microflora of plants
Annotation: Main problem: Microbial-plant relationships, including epiphytic microflora, are the subject of attention of many scientists. Numerous works confirm the high interest of researchers and the relevance of studying this topic. Despite many years of research, some questions concerning the characteristics of the epiphytic microflora still remain open. It is already a well-known fact that the epiphytic microflora is directly related to the physiological development of the plant, including yield. This is due to the close interaction of the plant with the microorganisms living on its surface throughout the entire growing season. It is also proved that epiphytic microflora has the ability to change characteristics under the influence of environmental factors (temperature, humidity, soil contamination, sunlight, etc.). In this regard, the study of this topic is one of the important areas of biological and agricultural sciences and is of high importance. It should be noted that a significant role in the development of agriculture in the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Pavlodar region is played by representatives of vegetable crops, including tomatoes and potatoes belonging to the Solanaceae family, which indicates the high importance of the plants selected for the study. The combination of the above arguments determines the need to study the epiphytic microflora of plants and establish the regularities of its influence on the adaptive properties of the studied plants of the Solanaceae family, as well as on their productivity. In turn, the study of epiphytic microflora can also contribute to the search for new ways to increase the yield of plants and their resistance to various diseases. Purpose: The article is devoted to the study of the properties and characteristics of the epiphytic microflora of the surface of various organs of plants of the Solanaceae family (on the example of tomato and potato). The variability of the composition and number of epiphytic microorganisms in seasonal dynamics is shown. Methods: bacterioscopic method, fingerprint method, flushing method, Gram staining method. Results and their significance: The characteristics and properties of representatives of epiphytic microorganisms of aboveground (leaf, fruit, flower) and underground (potato fruit) plant organs were studied. The role of the influence of environmental factors on the variability of epiphytic microflora is determined on the example of plants Lycopersicon esculentum Mill. (common tomato) and Solanum tuberosum L. (tuberous nightshade). The differences in the microflora of different plant organs in different periods of vegetation are shown.
Year of release: 2021
Number of the journal: 2(82)

Risks of microbiological contamination of fruits and vegetables used for food
Annotation: Fruits and vegetables are most often consumed without being thoroughly processed before consumption. Some plant foods are vacuum-packed to ensure long shelf life as well as preserving the quality and safety of the product. Fruits and vegetables carry naturally occurring non-pathogenic epiphytic microflora on their surfaces. During growth, harvesting, transport and further handling they can be repeatedly contaminated by pathogens from human or animal sources. Fresh fruit crops have been implicated in a number of documented foodborne disease outbreaks. Outbreaks of diseases caused by bacteria, viruses and parasites have been epidemiologically linked to the consumption of a wide range of fruits and vegetables. The aim of our study is to assess the risk of contamination in fruit and berry crops and how to address this long-standing problem, namely, contamination of fruit and vegetables with unnatural pathogenic microflora. The following fruit and berry crops common in Turkestan region were chosen for the experiment: Apple variety Suislepskoe (stolovka) , peach variety Nectarine and grape variety Kishmish. Bacteriological inoculation was carried out by membrane filtration of used sterile water to obtain flushes from the surface of fruit crops. All work was carried out under full aseptic conditions. The utensils, water and other equipment used in the work were sterilised in advance. The data obtained during the experiment shows that there is a potential for widespread contamination of uncharacteristic microflora of plant products. Based on the results of the study it can be concluded that there are yeasts and acetic acid bacteria on the surface of all three samples of fruit and berry crops, which can be universally contaminated food and are not the natural microflora for the above mentioned crops. Specifically, fruits and vegetables can be contaminated with various bacterial pathogens, including Salmonella, Shigella, E. Coli O157:H7, Listeria monocytogenes and Campylobacter.
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Improving the technology of fruit and vegetable semi-finished products with natural aromatic and spicy additives
Annotation: The sharp deterioration of the environmental situation in the Republic of Kazakhstan, associated with human activity and the impact of harmful factors on the environment, affected the quality of food consumed by insufficient consumption of domestic fruit and vegetable products containing vitamins, minerals of an alkaline nature, carbohydrates, vegetable proteins, pectin substances and active fiber. The problem of improving the quality of growing and processing fruits and vegetables is one of the main tasks of the food independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Currently, the share of large vegetable farms in the Republic of Kazakhstan is only 10%. The volume of industrial processing of fruit and vegetable crops in Kazakhstan is insignificant. The demand for domestic fruit and vegetable products in the country is met only by 35-40%, most of it is imported from countries such as Russia, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan and China. There is a need for the development of organic vegetable growing in Kazakhstan and the creation of new types of domestic fruit and vegetable products containing a sufficient amount of useful and active substances that can bind and remove toxic substances and radioactive elements from the human body. The purpose of the work is to improve the technology of fruit and vegetable semi-finished products with natural spicy and aromatic additives, to develop a multi-component recipe for vegetable mixtures and a method for producing quick-frozen vegetable mixtures with high quality indicators. These studies were aimed at studying the chemical composition and functional and technological properties of vegetables and spicy - aromatic plants for the content of biogenic compounds: carbohydrates, proteins, vitamins, essential oils, minerals and other substances. The structure of plant tissues was studied and the mass fraction of moisture, dry matter, fiber, mono - and disaccharides, pectin substances, vitamin C was determined, the formulation and production technology of Assorted vegetable mixtures were developed, and quality indicators were determined.
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Problems and prospects of using the Industrial certificate in the Republic of Kazakhstan
Annotation: The Kazakhstani manufacturer has repeatedly faced situations when pseudo-enterprises, disguising themselves as domestic producers of goods, works and services, received preferences and used government support measures, won government and other purchases, while not having enough equipment for production. The article is devoted to current problems and prospects for the application of the Industrial Certificate in the Republic of Kazakhstan. The dynamics of the development of the sphere of public procurement of the Republic of Kazakhstan is considered, depending on the specific requirements for certain areas of production of goods, works and services. The material in this article is important from the point of view of ensuring fair competition between competing enterprises in the same industry. The complex of transformations in the system of standardization, certification and quality management has been carried out since the first years of independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan. These transformations have been observed over the years, vivid examples of which are: the application of the European model of technical regulation to the modern realities of the economic situation in the Republic of Kazakhstan, accession to the Customs Union, the adoption of unified technical regulations of the Customs Union, the introduction of new regulations and legal acts defining the share of local content in products and services, as well as the potential of domestic industries. The results of these transformations have proved that the system of technical regulation of the Republic of Kazakhstan is an effective tool for the development of the economy. The development of new Kazakhstani normative legal acts and normative documents introduced to support the domestic producer of goods and services will contribute to the transformation of the old system and the creation of a new one that is fundamentally different from the previous one. The article discusses problematic issues in the field of industrial certification, namely: a lack of qualified personnel; unregulated pricing system for work carried out in this area; the complexity of the industrial certification procedure; a lack of automation of processes of the industrial certification mechanism. Analyzing the practice of industrial certification, this article offers recommendations for solving the above problematic issues. New edition of amendments and additions to the «Rules for the formation and maintenance of the register of domestic manufacturers of goods, works and services, as well as the issuance of an Industrial certificate» approved by the decision of the Presidium of the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of the Republic of Kazakhstan «Atameken» dated 28.12.2018. No. 28 is designed to reconstruct the process of obtaining the Industrial Certificate. The process should become more transparent, understandable and highly efficient. Also, with the introduction of changes, the problems that hindered the receipt of the Industrial certificate by individual enterprises should be resolved.
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Factors of economic space and business network in improving the economic security of business
Annotation: In the conditions of modern economy, factors that affect the security of the business, but relate to external resources in relation to the company or opportunities, become significant. These resources and opportunities in economics have traditionally been identified with macro-economic (economic growth, inflation, exchange rates, government support) and institutional parameters (regulatory framework, transaction costs). The influence of the quality of economic space on economic security of business through the evaluation of opportunities that are tied to the specifics of the economic space is the least researched, including in our country. In this case, according to the latest research in the field of economic geography, economic space acts as a structure-forming platform that can form local markets, with intensive interaction of business agents. The purpose of this study is ensuring of economic security by building business networks in a single economic space. The research area focuses on indicators that characterize economic space, which are successfully used in international practice to determine the quality of economic space. The realization of this approach requires the use of traditional methods of scientific research, such as analysis, comparison, graphical method for visualizing obtained results, which allows determining the agglomeration zone and the space of business networks in it. When considering economic space in relation to building a business network in improving business security, main focus is on the quality of economic space that the region has. The proposed methods of evaluating the quality of economic space are actively used to determine the possibility of building business networks in this space. The authors conclude that business networks play a crucial role in improving the economic security of business in a particular economic space. The set of proposed measures provides additional opportunities and increases the influence of economic space on business security and creates the zone of maximum external security
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Industry 4.0: Challenges and Opportunities for the Labor Market
Annotation: Main problem: In the 18th century, when industrial production began, the use of steam and mechanized production caused major changes in the economy. As a result, production costs decreased along with an increase in the quantity and quality of products. During this period, production underwent a revolutionary transition from manual labor to mechanization. The potential impact of Industry 4.0 on labor markets remains an under-explored scientific field. It is estimated that Industry 4.0 will lead to unemployment by changing the employment structure and will bring new structural problems in terms of unemployment and labor relations. Purpose: The purpose of the study was to establish the impact of Industry 4.0 on the labor market and identify the consequences of the impact. Methods: studied, the evolution of production development, when mass production with electricity led to the Age of Industry 2.0, and then the emergence of the digital revolution, the use of electronics and information technology in production processes, marked the beginning of the Age of Industry 3.0. It is expected, according to international experts, scientists, that automation and robotic production will have a serious impact on the unskilled workforce and cause a critical reduction in the labor force of vulnerable sectors of society, that is, women, migrants, youth and the elderly. Results and their significance: This study assessed the possible impact of the fourth industrial revolution on labor markets. Through a literature review and analysis of emerging trends in Industry 4.0, the risks, opportunities and challenges of the process are explored in a comparative perspective. It has been established that countries must correctly perceive the transformation of labor markets and take appropriate measures. Otherwise, the applied labor-based low-cost industrialization model will lose its comparative advantage
Author: S.V. Bespalyy
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