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Influence of rhythmic gymnastics on the development of coordination abilities of young football players
Annotation: In this regard, there is a need to search for new ways and scientific and methodological developments to rationalize methods of teaching game techniques and the development of physical qualities, such as coordination abilities, which are well developed at the initial stage of training in rhythmic gymnastics. The aim of the study was to determine the influence of rhythmic gymnastics on the development of coordination abilities in young football players aged 7-10. The main method of obtaining results in the study of motor qualities was testing. It allowed us to determine the level of functional state of the cardiovascular system, as well as the level of development of coordination abilities, namely, rhythm, plasticity, accuracy, balance and orientation in space. As a result of the experiment, the effectiveness of the developed program was revealed. The results of the study showed that the use of elements of rhythmic gymnastics bring a variety of tools to the lesson and allow the coach to fully meet the physiological requirements of this age. The rhythmic gymnastics program can be widely used in children's football institutions, as the level of coordination abilities of athletes increases in the course of training, and better conditions are provided for the formation of skills to manage their movements, that is, to act purposefully, productively, and economically.
Year of release: 2020
Number of the journal: 2(78)

Research activity as one of the forms of professional self-realization of a teacher
Annotation: This article discusses the issue of studying the research activities of teachers. The research activity of a teacher is one of the forms of professional self-realization of a teacher. At this time, schools need teachers of a new formation, in particular researchers who could master the methods of organizing and conducting experimental work in the school. And of course, there is a problem brewing here: how, in modern conditions, when the education system is constantly being reformed, it is possible to develop the professional self-realization of a teacher. The introduction of innovations in the educational process of the school also increases the requirements for the professionalism of the teacher. These requirements include the performance of research activities by schoolteachers. which, unfortunately, causes them some difficulties. One of them may be the lack of sufficient knowledge about research activities, in particular, the lack of necessary research skills and motivation. Therefore, we say that in order for a teacher to systematically engage in research activities, he needs motivation. However, as practice shows, motivation alone is not enough, the teacher must also possess research skills, methods of organizing research activities. In their professional activities, the teacher should understand that research is a way to self-realization. Research activities play a key role in the implementation of the topic of teacher self-education. In addition, the research activity of a modern schoolteacher is the main element of professional activity, the leading criterion of pedagogical creativity, a source of growth of teaching status, an indicator of responsibility, abilities and talent, a condition for the development, socialization and selfdetermination of students. The success of innovative transformations at school depends only on the teacher, his initiative, desire to engage in research and creativity. If the school lives in a development mode, then it is characterized by research, experimental work, and creative search. It is in the course of experimental and research activities that new experience is created, and optimal solutions to complex problems are born. The material presented in the article can be used by teachers of secondary schools when developing the topic of selfeducation and drawing up a teacher's portfolio.
Year of release: 2020
Number of the journal: 2(78)

The problem of reason in the philosophy of the Arabic- speaking middle ages. Historical and philosophical aspect
Annotation: The authors, based on analysis of the philosophy of the Eastern peripatetics, have shown that in the philosophical worldview of the middle ages Arabic magazynowanie there are aspects, which indicate that more needs to trace the Genesis of the problem of reason in Arabic philosophy of the middle ages. The article notes that the world of the XXI century is the world of post-industrial, information society, which constantly raises logical and epistemological problems in the field of science and philosophy. Therefore, there is a need for a critical study of the history of this problem, its Genesis and development to identify positive potential and progressive ideas. In this context, the analysis and study of the problem of reason and logic, the epistemological ideas of al-Kindi, al-Farabi, Ibn Sina, Ibn Rushd of the Arabic-speaking middle ages is not only of historical and philosophical interest, but also of actual significance. In this article, the authors consider the problem of reason in the worldview of representatives of Eastern peripatetism of the medieval Arabic-language philosophy of al-Kindi, al-Farabi, Ibn Sina, Ibn Rushd, based on the ideas of Aristotle. The paper presents the historical and philosophical aspect of the problem of reason inherent in the Arabic-speaking middle ages. The cognitive interest of representatives of Eastern peripatetism is connected with philosophy, questions of logic, and the doctrine of reason. Arabic-speaking philosophers in the middle ages were engaged in understanding the epistemological abilities of man, al-Kindi, being the founder of Arabic-speaking philosophy, put forward the idea of types of mind and stages of knowledge. Al-Kindi's positive philosophical ideas were further developed in al-Farabi's worldview. The thinker considered the priority of rational knowledge to be indisputable, in addition, al-Farabi showed an interest in logic, the theory of knowledge and human cognitive abilities. Al-Farabi's philosophy had a significant influence on Ibn Sina's philosophical views. The rationalism of Ibn Sina was also manifested in a very high assessment of logic, the thinker considered logic an introduction to philosophical knowledge. Ibn Rushd in his work developed along the same peripatetic path as his predecessors al-Kindi, al-Farabi, and Ibn Sina. The authors attempt to show that the problem of reason in philosophy and science has its Genesis, associated with the teachings of Eastern peripatetics of the Arabic-speaking middle ages. The teaching of the Arabic-speaking philosophers of the middle ages about the cognitive power of reason, despite the theological context and logical-epistemological limitations, had a progressive role in the history of philosophyd
Year of release: 2020
Number of the journal: 2(78)
Heading: Humanities

Conceptual sphere in the structure of consciousness
Annotation: he article presents the results of research on the idea of «conceptosphere» in modern science. The main emphasis is placed on the semantic spheres represented by the meanings of words in the language. The authors conclude how much is the culture of a nation, its folklore, literature, science, fine art, historical experience, and religion is rich, so the concept sphere of the people is richer. In addition, the concept sphere of a person is a field of knowledge made up of concepts as its units. There are reflected the sources of the conceptual unit of ideas from which the world view of the language speaker is formed. The article analyzes the main trends of concepts that form the concept sphere, which enter into correlating relationships, hierarchies with other concepts by their individual characteristics.The specific nature of the system relations of concepts requires research, but the General principle of systematicity undoubtedly applies to the national conceptual sphere, as thinking itself presupposes the categorization of thought objects, and categorization presupposes the ordering of its objects.The article summarizes the conceptual system, which should be considered in terms of mental representations, mental lexicon, and the language of thought that are part of it. The term «cognitive space» also defines an individual cognitive space – a structured set of knowledge and ideas that has any lingual person, every speaker. In their work, the authors highlight the collective cognitive space, represented by a structured set of knowledge and ideas that must be possessed by all individuals belonging to a particul ar society. Attention is paid to the distinction between the concept sphere and the semantic space of the language. According to the authors’opinions, the concept sphere presupposes the existence of a mental sphere. The mental sphere consists of concepts that exist in the form of concepts, diagrams, gestalts, mental pictures, frames, scenarios. The semantic space of a language is that part of the concept sphere that is expressed by means of language signs. The semantic space of language is the subject of co gnitive linguistics research due to the fact that most of the conceptosphere of the human ethnos is represented within the semantic space of language.
Year of release: 2020
Number of the journal: 2(78)
Heading: Humanities

Functional and semantic role of metatext units in the annals
Annotation: The article is devoted to one of the unproved questions of the syntax of the Russian language – the functioning of egocentric elements in the monuments of ancient Russian writing of the XI-XIV centuries, in the chronicle genre in particular. It is the diachronic research that will help shed light on the nature, functional and semantic features of egocentric units in modern Russia. The article considers the main features of metatextual units, which, in the author's opinion, clarify the «semantic pattern» of the main text, connect, strengthen and fasten its various elements, and also manifests their role as a kind of explicators of the speaker's position in Old Russian chronicle texts. The presence of metatextual units in the chronicle text confirms the scientific position about the presence of the author's beginning in the works of Old Russian literature, which allows us to identify the author's attitude to the language code of his utterance (speech work). In general, metatextual interpretation is aimed at simplifying the understanding of an object and finding a new element base for its description.
Year of release: 2020
Number of the journal: 2(78)
Heading: Humanities

The effect of crossbreeding on the productivity of the Kazakh goat breed of the local population
Annotation: The article presents the results of the study of adaptive and productive qualities of the mountain-Altai breed of goats and their crossbreeding in the specific natural-climatic conditions of the region. The possibility of importing the mountain-Altai breed of goats and further breeding it in the conditions of northeast Kazakhstan has been determined
Year of release: 2019
Number of the journal: 3(75)

Studying the possibility of using tools and diagnostic methods for adenovirus infection of cattle in infectious hepatitis dogs
Annotation: The article is devoted to the current problem of differential diagnosis of diseases of viral etiology in small domestic animals. Viral diseases of dogs and cats are widespread among both high-breed and outbred animals. The spread of diseases is facilitated by an increase in the number of small domestic animals, the popularization of pet keeping, and cross-border operations related to the movement of animals. The possibility of using means and methods of diagnosing adenovirus infection in cattle, tentative diagnosis and differentiation of infectious hepatitis in dogs from plague of carnivores and parvovirus enteritis is being considered. Reducing the timing of diagnosis helps to increase the effectiveness of ongoing therapeutic and antiepizootic measures. The analysis of the place of carnivorous infectious hepatitis in the structure of the incidence of dogs is given. The article describes the research in the field of the possibility of using the established antigenic relationship of representatives of the adenovirus family for the in vivo and posthumous diagnosis of infectious diseases of small pets. The authors proposed a method for performing the production of serological reactions for the diagnosis of infectious hepatitis in dogs using diagnostic tools for adenovirus infection in cattle.
Year of release: 2019
Number of the journal: 3(75)

Biotechnological aspects of the development of a functional jelly product
Annotation: This article discusses the idea of developing a functional product that exhibits biologically active, bifidogenic properties and a strong antioxidant effect. The authors propose the formulation of sea buckthorn marmalade with the addition of immobilized probiotics. The jelly-fruit marmalade formulation is used as a control sample; apple puree is replaced with sea buckthorn concentrate, sugar and molasses with fructose. In experimental samples, various methods of introducing probiotics are used and their viability in the finished product is further evaluated. According to the organoleptic characteristics, the samples have a pleasant taste, smell, original color, gelatinous consistency. The best viability was shown by microorgan isms immobilized by incorporation into the gel.
Year of release: 2019
Number of the journal: 3(75)

Modern measuring instruments
Annotation: Modern measuring instruments – a technical device, the purpose of which is to measure the unit of physical quantity. But do not confuse measuring instruments with indicators, the main purpose of indicators is to detect the presence of the measured physical quantity. Measuring instruments are an integral part of human life.
Year of release: 2019
Number of the journal: 3(75)

Automation of determining the electrical safety level of electro technical complexes using fuzzy logic
Annotation: The article is devoted to the task of automating the assessment of the electrical safety level of electrical installations based on the determination of the electrical resistivity of soil layers ρ in specific climatic conditions. The soil ρ value depends on many factors, which can vary significantly during the year. Therefore, the decision was made using modeling based on one of the areas of artificial intelligence: fuzzy logic.
Author: N.M. Zaytseva
Year of release: 2019
Number of the journal: 3(75)