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Bulletin of the Innovative University of Eurasia

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External factors affecting the mental development of teenagers of deviant behavior
Annotation: This article is devoted to the problem of deviant behavior of teenagers; it reveals the influence of external factors on the development of deviations of teenagers and offers to conduct the preventive work in a complex in early stages of development of deviant behavior. The factors and circumstances specifying the demonstration of deviation have revealed. The development of school policy aimed at the organizing the social and pedagogical conditions neutralizing and correcting negative impact of the social crisis has been suggested.
Year of release: 2016
Number of the journal: 1(61)

Socio-cultural adaptation of students to study abroad
Annotation: This article describes the general issues and the relevance of socio-cultural and linguistic adaptation of Kazakh students traveling to study abroad, as well as certain aspects of the adaptation of students to a foreign culture. The process of learning is seen not only as a procedure of the acquisition of educational knowledge, but also as receiving concomitant life values and skills.
Year of release: 2016
Number of the journal: 1(61)

New approaches in the educational achievements of the monitoring system
Annotation: New approaches in the system of monitoring of educational achievement standardized assessment results are needed. To organise educational process effectively, to plan work of ensuring high quality educational services and inform public about the state of educational system. The article books into the system of assessment at the modern stage of higher education, new approaches in the system of monitoring of educational achievements, peculiarities of test technologies. The article also compares the current system of assessment and the assessment system within renovation in educational system, pays attention to the monitoring system of students’ achievement.
Year of release: 2016
Number of the journal: 1(61)

Model of formation of future teachers’ patriotic culture
Annotation: In this article essential pedagogical conditions for formation of patriotic culture of future teachers are considered. The regularities and principles of the model are revealed. Designed model allows representing the process of formation PCFT as a dynamic system with reasonable and open internal structure which reflects the unity of its components.
Year of release: 2016
Number of the journal: 1(61)

Interpersonal relationships of college students as a condition of the formation of personality
Annotation: In the article the author is dealt with, how the interpersonal relationships influence to the formation of personality. It is described what kind of relationships are dominated to others. It is shown that students of the college tend to cooperate, able to compromise in solving problems, enterprising, they want to be in the centre of attention, sociable, able to show compassion, but this can only be an external “mask”.
Year of release: 2016
Number of the journal: 1(61)

Creative component in activity of teacher-musician
Annotation: In this article "creativity" is considered as a necessary component of model of readiness of the teacher-musician for future professional activity.As indicators of readiness of the teacher for pedagogical creativity readiness creatively to direct pedagogical process, expressed in ability creatively to interact with pupils in pedagogical process acts; ability on the basis of the analysis and generalization of theoretical knowledge and experience independently to select the content of activity; ability to transfer the gained knowledge to various pedagogical situations.
Year of release: 2016
Number of the journal: 1(61)

Development and research of the control of knowledge of mathematics model by computer-based testing
Annotation: In this article the study of knowledge control patterns in math class with the help of computer-based testing. Displaying several models of construction of test tasks . Highlight the advantages of computer-based testing. The theoretical foundations of mathematical modeling.
Author: А.А. Kamalova
Year of release: 2016
Number of the journal: 1(61)

Particularly effective support pregnant women in the prenatal period
Annotation: The experience of psychological changes during the pregnancy period, which is manifested in the "syndrome of pregnancy " is described and analyzed carefully on the practical matter in this article. In the context of pregnancy, syndrome is a new psychogenic condition, limited to a certain period of time, beginning with the recognition of the woman of her new position and ending at the time of pygmalionism of the child, but birth.
Year of release: 2016
Number of the journal: 1(61)

The ways of forming of value orientations of students in higher education institution
Annotation: In this article, the author considers the formation of value orientations of students in higher education institution. According to the author, the values of students are formed under the influence of the social environment. Identifying the relationship between value orientations of students, their individual psychological characteristics, individual creativity, and active engagement in the surrounding world is shown through experimentation. In fact, in the article based on methods M. Rokich "Value orientation", S.S. Bubnov "Diagnostics of real structure of value orientations" and R. Cattell "16 factors, exploring personality characteristics of the" analyzing the content of the process of professional adaptation of students identified significant value orientations.The article presents there sultsof research.
Year of release: 2016
Number of the journal: 1(61)

Psychological and pedagogical prerequisites fos teacher professional development on the stage of education system modernization
Annotation: The present article presents motivation, success, and self-esteem as foundation and prerequisites for teacher professional development on various professional activity stages in the framework of resources available as well as individual personal traits providing teacher professional activity.Thearticle points out various approaches to stages of teacher professional development on the stage of education system modernization.
Year of release: 2016
Number of the journal: 1(61)